I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2345: Wannian Lingquan

The three people in the mansion were so difficult to kill.

Three heads are for nothing.

It is a pity that the two killed by Jiang Siming did not trigger the hunter instinct.

The probability of 20% seems to be quite difficult.

It took 30 seconds for Jiang Siming to search the mansion quickly, and then he got on the golden sports car.

Although there are motorcycles on the side of the road, Jiang Siming does not intend to drive.

Isn't a golden sports car fragrant? When you drive this car, others will know that you came out of a mansion. In terms of momentum, you will win first.

The most important thing is that in reality, he has one in his house. It is not gold-plated, but it is made of pure gold.

It's not that Jiang Siming can't drive, but the golden sports car is too bulky, and the whole car has been awkward to drive after several meals.

This car can only be used for cups, usually as a decoration, garage decoration.

The golden sports car in the game does not have these shortcomings, so Jiang Siming is also willing to open it.

When Jiang Siming drove out of the mansion, it was very early, two minutes before the first wave of drug circles refreshed.

He has a lot of time to find someone at this time.

At this time, the first safe area of ​​the map was announced, and it was swiped to the northeast with a large cut angle.

Based on the route just now, Jiang Siming immediately concluded that many people would detour into the safe area in the direction of the mine.

And the earlier it is, the more people there are.

Like these professional players, they are completely different from passerby players when they play games. Even if they don't find anything useful, they will immediately move to a favorable position.

Terrain is more important to them than equipment.

Besides, as long as you grab some good spots in advance, it is not too late for you to search and replenish yourself.

So like this kind of big cut angle, professional players tend to move faster and sooner.

Jiang Siming understands the play style and psychology of professional players too well, and he often drives to find people in the Duanyou Jedi.

I have already learned a lot about finding someone.

Jiang Siming drove the car straight into the mine, and there seemed to be no movement in the mine.

However, Jiang Siming was not in a hurry and did not stop, so he continued to drive along the mine's highway.

as predicted.

A jeep drove quickly in his direction.

When he saw Jiang Siming's golden sports car, the man turned the front of the car immediately, trying to avoid the car, changing direction and making a circle.

However, how could Jiang Siming easily let go of the heads he saw, stepped on the accelerator to the end, and the speed of the car suddenly increased, leading to a burst of wild sand flying behind the car.

No matter how fast the Jeep is, it cannot be as fast as a sports car. Jiang Siming quickly moved the two cars closer.

The owner of the Jeep knew that he could not run, and sooner or later he would be driven by Jiang Siming if the speed was not enough.

He slammed the brakes to death, hitting the steering wheel to death, the body of the body turned smoothly, and stopped in place.

The jeep owner was sitting in the main driver, raising his rifle and shooting frantically at the sticky spirit on the sports car.


The gunfire of M416 resounded throughout the mine.

The bullet hit Jiang Siming's body, making a tinkling sound, and the car's blood volume also dropped visible to the naked eye.

Jiang Siming was not in a hurry, but lowered his head, trying to avoid being hit in the helmet.

While throwing out the prepared flash bomb.

When Jiang Siming's car passed by the jeep, the flashbulb also fell.


There was only a hum, followed by a tinnitus, and the player's eyes were blank.

Hit the flash bomb effect and lose sight and hearing.

But this person did not panic either, but quickly got back into the car and wanted to drive blindly.

But he didn't expect that after Jiang Siming's sports car drove over, it stopped immediately.

When he got in the car, Jiang Siming sat directly in the main driver, picked up the only sniper rifle he picked up from the mansion, or even sniped the SKS, pointed it at the rear window of the Jeep, and fired three shots!

Blood bar disappearance technique!

The Jeep player's helmet disappeared instantly, three blood flowers splashed out of the car, and the person rolled down from the car, becoming a freshly baked box.

At the same time as the box was born, a new fragment flew out of it and flew towards the ‘murderer’.

"Pick up [Wannian Lingquan x1 Pot] Orange Fragment*1 (1/8). The number of fragments is not full, so it is temporarily unavailable."

[Wannian Lingquan]: It can greatly improve the cultivation base. It can be consumed only by the monks in the out-of-aperture realm. It can only be used for 100,000 years in the god-transformation realm.

Before Jiang Siming had time to take a good look at this fragment, the danger perception in his mind lit up!

Someone is playing sneak attack behind!

Jiang Siming got out of the car without saying a word.

The other party was not in a hurry to shoot. He seemed to be waiting for the most suitable time. He was waiting for Jiang Siming to lick the bag or fight medicine.

It's a pity that he thinks too much, Jiang Siming hasn't lost blood at all, so why does he need to fight medicine.

As for licking the bag, he didn't even plan to do so.

However, after knowing that a person was hidden in the mine, Jiang Siming made an exception to lick the bag in order to attract him to shoot.

Jiang Siming is old and bad, knowing that someone is looking behind him, he swaggers and pretends to lick his bag without knowing anything.

But normal people couldn't learn his way of licking the bag. He searched the contents of the box in an instant, and then returned to the car contentedly, ready to leave.

Seeing Jiang Siming got in the car to leave, the people behind finally couldn't help but take it!


The sound of a shot of M24 rang out from the back of Jiang Siming's head!

However, Jiang Si had expected tomorrow morning, deliberately showing his back to let him hit, and the moment he got into the car, he moved the front of the car by half an inch.

Successfully avoided the bullet, the bullet only hit his arm, but did not hit the head.

Now, Jiang Siming has a reason to deal with him.

Otherwise, Jiang Siming would just rush to kill someone so dry, even if he said he didn't know where his opponent was, no one would believe it.

Got to act.

Acting, Lao Jiang is too proficient, and only half a month ago he used his acting skills to trick a young Japanese lady into his hands.

It is a pity that I have been on the way to visit my natal family for the past half month, and I haven't ‘developed’ and ‘guided’ this newcomer well.

Fortunately, now that the new year is over, Jiang Siming has a lot of time, enough for him to "instruct and guide" Xinheng Yui.

Heh heh, don't get me wrong, it's just to guide her in her practice, don't think about it.

Jiang Siming, who was shot, was still alive and kicking. Instead of driving, he turned around and went back.

Like Olaf driving a big shot, he rushed into the mine area where he had just shot!

I'm sorry if you hit me, this one will kill you!

The player who hid in the room and put a cold gun on his head was cold and sweaty. He already regretted firing the shot. He didn't say it, and he even angered the killing god.

Hearing the sound of a car crashing from outside the room, the player's bowels were blue.

If there is a chance, he will not shoot this shot to death.

But now is not the time to regret, Jiang Siming has gotten out of the car and stepped into his site.


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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