I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2348: Military Factory and Millennium Spirit Spring

Mo Jing had lost his sanity at this time. After all, the duck that got his mouth flew away, causing his mentality to collapse.

He can imagine how audiences around the world would laugh at him.

He must have Jiang Siming die, otherwise he will be treated as a joke for the rest of his life.

Mo Jing was crazy, shooting a target frantically in the smoke, and the bullet passed through the smoke like raindrops.

Looks like a red-eyed gambler in a casino.

However, Jiang Siming had already slowly slipped from the smoke to behind the stone pillars at the foot of the mine house.

Even if he hits 10,000 rounds, it is impossible to hit him at this angle.

Jiang Siming didn't rush to take medicine to fight blood, and he didn't forget to mock: "This man is a real dish, he can't hit him, he still has a career? Why go home and raise pigs."

Fortunately, Mojing couldn't hear it. If he heard it, he had to vomit blood on the spot.

Listening to the denser bullets next to him, instead of panicking, Jiang Siming had time to look at the spoils he had just obtained.

Just after killing the player of the God of War, the opponent gave himself a gray shard, and he hadn't had time to look at it.

"Pick up [100% shares of Moscow A-class military factory] gray fragments*1 (1/8). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

Uncle's, it's useless for this stuff.

Jiang Siming complained and gave him a military factory. Although the Class A is a large military factory, what would he want to do with the stuff?

He is not an arms dealer again, forget it, and when you have time to ask the elders, if he wants it, if he wants it, sell it to him for some money.

A large Russian military factory can always sell for a good price, which is better than some tasteless luxury goods.

There were still seven integrated fragments, and Jiang Siming reluctantly collected it.

Don’t wait to waste other new fragments, which are all fragments of this military factory.

At this time, Jiang Siming had filled up the blood bar, and the other party didn't seem to give up and was still beating him.

And after hitting a shuttle, I changed the bullet and immediately started to blind spot again.

He looked like he would not give up without beating Jiang Siming to death.

"You still have the energy, aren't you?"

Jiang Siming took this opportunity to lean out of the smoke again, and at a glance he saw a figure on the cliff behind the mine, shooting desperately in his direction.

And because of his red eyes, he didn't notice Jiang Siming coming out of the smoke bomb for the first time.

Jiang Siming will not miss such a good opportunity.

Lifting the SKS, the two shots hit the spot, just like the Thai hunk before, centered on the eyebrows.

After firing these two shots, all the gunfire stopped abruptly, and Morking died violently.

Jiang Siming hit him with ease, and one more bullet was a waste.

The Thai macho who just hit the SLR fired three shots. When hitting him, Jiang Siming only fired two shots...

"It's really a rookie, can this kind of person come to play games?"

Jiang Siming still did not forget to ridicule the murder and condemnation, regardless of whether the other party heard it or not.

Fortunately, after Mo Jing died, another fragment was brought to Jiang Siming.

This makes Jiang Siming a lot happy.

"Pick up [Millennium Spirit Spring x10 Pot] Orange Fragment*1 (1/5). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

[Millennium Lingquan]: It can greatly improve cultivation level. Only Yuanying realm monks can drink it, and only the Wannian Lingquan can be used when leaving the Aperture Realm.

It's Lingquan again.

Good things to increase the cultivation base.

Jiang Siming of the Wannian year was going to return to the Xianxia dungeon to drink for himself.

Daoxuan was also out of the Aperture Realm, but he wouldn't drink it to Daoxuan, any joke, he wouldn't drink it to a dog.

Thousand-year Lingquan just gave Shuiyue and the others, a total of ten pots, and his Xianxia copy only found nine ladies, enough to allocate.

"Ding! Hunter's instinct triggered success!"

Jiang Siming didn't expect another surprise to appear.

After killing the seventh person, he finally triggered the [Hunter Instinct] skill.

If you don't trigger Lao Jiang, you will think that he is wrong, and regard the probability of 2% as 20%.

I heard that the emperor can trigger it all the time, he is so euro, why kill so many talents to trigger once, alas, something is wrong.

After the hunter's instinct was triggered, Jiang Siming had no time to complain, and immediately looked around.

Sure enough, a dark shadow appeared not far from the southwest.

Jiang Siming looked at the map and the location of the black shadow, and confirmed that he was in the wreckage of the plane below the mine.

The other party is hiding in a small toilet inside.

Sixth player.

If it weren't for the hunter's instinct, Jiang Siming would not know that this person would hide in it.

If someone passes by this toilet, they will be scared to pee.

No one will wait for you all the time, but the sixth person will.

Now that he knew this person was hiding inside, Jiang Siming didn't rush to find him immediately, but searched the God of War box first.

The SKS was replaced by Mosin Nagan, and AKM was replaced by the macho M762.

After the equipment was updated, Jiang Siming got on the golden sports car again, and after confirming that there was no movement in the mine, he drove down the hill and drove in the direction of the wreckage of the plane.

At this time, Jiang Siming started to show off his acting skills. After all, if he rushed straight to the toilet where the sixth child was hiding, everyone would definitely suspect that he was opening up or something.

In addition, everyone now knows that he is the boss of the Holographic Jedi, if others say that he cheated secretly, he has nowhere to wash.

And if he rushed over to kill someone, it would be too ridiculous and obvious.

Therefore, Lao Jiang has to act.

Jiang Siming deliberately drove the car fast. When passing the wreckage of the plane, Jiang Siming ‘accidentally’ caused the wheel to hit a small rock.

The entire golden sports car came directly to Thomas in a full spin, rolling 720 degrees in the air.

From the **** of the wreckage pit, he rolled all the way down.

Finally, he bumped into the toilet before stopping.

Because he also knocked out a block of blood when hitting the stone, Jiang Siming got off the car ‘naturally’ and went to the toilet to take medicine to replenish blood.

This is reasonable, right?

Even all the audience, including the sixth child in the toilet, did not find any acting skills.

They all think that Jiang Siming accidentally hit and accidentally ran into the wreckage pit.

Jiang Siming hid behind the toilet to take medicine, and then ‘accidentally’, from the small window behind the toilet, he saw the sixth child squatting inside.

Well, this is also reasonable.

Jiang Siming pretended to be frightened, and even performed a wave of'hurrying around', changing his gun and changing medicine.

After a period of crackling, Lao Jiang'come down'.

Then he took out a thunder and threw it into the toilet, killing the man directly...

Then calmly got in the car and drove away again.

During the whole process, no one noticed a little bit tricky.

Acting, Jiang Siming is serious.

Suddenly I found that this skill, "Proficient in Acting Skills", is really practical.

Before Jiang Siming got this skill, he didn't think it was very useful, after all, he didn't plan to be an actor.

Now it seems that cheating a wife and acting in a game are all inseparable from this skill.

This skill is awesome~


Tomorrow, I will return to the city from my hometown to make money. Maybe the update tomorrow will be unstable. Please forgive me~

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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