I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2353: Half angel half devil

It's a pity that the glider was sacrificed, and Jiang Siming hasn't enjoyed it yet.

This kind of feeling of flying a plane to chase people on the ground, let alone really old and energetic.

Next time I met Jiang Siming, he said that he would continue to drive.

Switching to a three-wheeled motorcycle, Jiang Siming began to look for it, relying on the memory of seeing people in this area on the plane just now.

I found three places where there were people before, but no one was seen. This is no longer a safe zone, and the second wave of poison circles also began to refresh.

It looks like everyone has already run away.

Sure enough, no one will wait for you all the time, except the sixth.

Jiang Siming was not discouraged and continued to search.

Unfortunately, none of them were found, and all of them ran away.

Seeing that he was poisoned, Jiang Siming had to give up and drove to a safe area.

The position of the second wave of poisonous circles was further away from Jiang Siming, brushing in the direction of the military base.

Jiang Siming increased the speed, and at the same time always paid attention to the movement in front and on both sides of the road to avoid being overcast.

In the direction of the military base, there is a city C, also called the Broken City, blocking the way.

Jiang Siming had two choices, one was the mountain road to Rao Duancheng, which was safer, and the other was to pass through the city, which was faster, but in the same way it might be a little more dangerous.

Changing other players will definitely take a detour. After all, the probability of Tibetans in the city is too high, and it is easy to be swept away by your car.

Unsurprisingly, the daring Jiang Siming did not choose to take the mountain road, but drove straight into the broken city.

The tricycle is like a ferocious behemoth, fearless of everything.

As soon as he entered the mouth of the broken city, Jiang Siming heard gunshots at the end of the city.

It was the sound of the firefight between M762 and ScarL.

The gunfire lasted less than a second before it stopped.

Even Jiang Siming thought that M762 should have won, after all, when the two shot almost at the same time, it was a close battle in the city.

The power, damage, and rate of fire of the M762, which is known as the macho gun, is not comparable to Scarl.

It stands to reason how the M726 holder wins.

But the kill information that popped out in front of everyone was unexpected.

"The player [Li] used the Scarl automatic rifle to kill the player [Renards]"

Seeing this news represents the victory of Scarl players.

Everyone did not expect this result, including Jiang Siming, who was also a little surprised.

M762 can't beat Scarl in close combat, should I say that M762 players are too good or Scarl players are too strong.

And looking at the ID of this Scarl user, it seems that he is still a Chinese.

Of course, there is no denying that some foreigners like to use Chinese characters to name themselves.

Nowadays, Chinese is becoming more and more popular, and there are many foreigners who tattoo themselves with Chinese characters.

So Jiang Siming doesn't know if he is from Huaxia.

However, many viewers are very familiar with this ID.

from? That seems to be the fifth Chinese female player in the standings!

Known as the holographic Jedi Huaxia District, it can even be said to be the ceiling strength of female players all over the world.

The points are currently ranked fifth in the world.

Jiang Siming didn't know, he only knew that someone was fighting at the end of the city, and someone had a head!

He only hates himself for wasting time. He just found someone for a long time. If he came early, these two people might be his own.

Jiang Siming just thought of this, and the gunshots rang out from the end of the city again!

It was Scarl's voice again, but the other gunshot was replaced by AKM!

It seems that there are still people at the end of the city.

AKM is arguably better than Scarl.

In addition, the person who fought her in the front should also knock out some of her blood.

You should be able to win now, right? Everyone is thinking.

This time the sound of gunshots sounded longer than before, and they fired one after another. It is estimated that the two of them were fighting in a bunker somewhere.

Just when Jiang Siming was about to rush over.

The next second, the kill message that popped up again shocked everyone!

"The player [li] used the Scarl automatic rifle to kill the player [??]"

The ID that this person killed is not Shura, the fourth in the standings!

This player named Li, who is fifth in the standings, actually singled out the fourth place?

No one expected such a thing to happen, and it was not in a full blood state just after he had just played against a player with a French ID.

This way I lost.

It seems that the standings are not everything.

After all, three thousand people are ranked randomly, and some people are lucky, and they encounter the underdogs or get too many heads, so the scores are naturally high.

Some people get a lot of strong people in the back row, or if they encounter fewer people, they naturally get fewer points.

Points do not represent real strength.

This is a good example right now.

The fourth-placed Shura couldn't beat a non-full fifth.

I used AKM to hit Scarl.

Doesn't this explain the problem yet?

Seeing this wonderful performance of Li Li, all the wealthy plutocrats all over the world were tempted, and they decided to wait for the game to finish, and immediately contact her.

No matter what the cost, no matter how much money you spend, you will have to dig her over!

Everyone does not know that the most angry person is Jiang Siming.

Damn it, watching the two heads slip away from his eyes for nothing, Lao Jiang felt aggrieved in his heart.

Come early by yourself, these two men must be their own.

Jiang Siming, who was thin and blue with mushrooms, decided to kill Li this guy to vent his hatred.

Jiang Siming's three rounds stepped on the tail where the gunfire ended and rushed to the scene.

At this moment, Li happened to kill two people. When he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he heard the sound of cars behind him and immediately wanted to hide in the bunker.

She is in very bad condition now, with only half a bar left in her blood bar, and she must take medicine to replenish her blood.

But just when she wanted to move, Jiang Siming's car ran into her unreasonably.

Seeing the vehicle hurriedly away from my eyes, I couldn't retreat for a while, so I could only bite the bullet and raise the gun to shoot.


Before the gun was raised, the tricycle knocked her straight.

"The player [Ming] used a vehicle to kill the player [Li]"

It was so easy and simple to take down the head, Jiang Siming didn't pick it up quickly, and went straight away.

Although this person's ID looks like a Chinese, but in case it isn't, even Jiang Siming can't cheat openly.

He definitely didn't hit someone because he wanted to pick up debris.

However, when Jiang Siming ran into it, he was very close.

Jiang Siming leaned on the gap and saw the face of half an angel and half a devil.

She should have excellent facial features. One half of her face was beautiful, but the other half of her face was pitted, with red scars from large areas of burns, and her skin was squeezed together. It was shocking.

He remembers the game of Holographic Jedi, creating a character without such horrible face makeup, at most he can only give himself a beard or something.

There is no makeup at all.

This shows that this person is likely to be like this in reality, what exactly has this woman experienced.

When he was hit to death, Jiang Siming looked at her eyes, as if he did not panic, but accepted death calmly.

But before she died, she glanced at him with hatred, as if she had a grudge.


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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