I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2357: Honk the horn to provoke God?

Sure enough, because the fifth wave of poisonous nets started to refresh outside, players who were not in the safe zone had to move.

Because of the transfer, there are constant collisions between players, and the flames of war are on the verge of breaking out. If you fight, you must fight.

In Jiang Siming's quasi-mirror, there are already two players fighting each other.

He wanted to wait until they all went to the open place to shoot himself, so that he would kill one and the other would not be able to run away.

But both of them drove into the safety zone, and they both took out guns and shot at another car on the way.

Killing each other, obviously no one accepts anyone.

Seeing that both of them were bleeding, Jiang Siming didn't want another head to run away in front of him, so he pulled the trigger in advance.


Mosin Nagan took the head again.

At the same time, a piece of debris fell out again with good luck.

"Pick up [Bitcoin x 20,000] golden shards (1/4). The number of shards is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

Good guy, it's this thing again, and there are 20,000 more, Jiang Siming doesn't know whether to cry or laugh.

After the game is over, put it together and sell it! unlucky!

After one of them died, another American car owner immediately knew that he had entered the range of Jiang Siming's gun line.

Hastily turned around and drove to the other side.

Jiang Siming knew in advance that this was the result, and Mosinnagan replaced it with a dog spear and swept the opponent's shuttle at the fastest speed.

It's a pity that this man turned around too fast, and it happened to be around the corner, so he disappeared.

Jiang Siming only shot him two shots and lost the target.

The person who had escaped by a fluke just ran away like this, and nothing happened, but he was so cheap that he wanted to sneer at Jiang Siming's horn frantically.

He felt that Jiang Siming couldn't hit him anyway, and with such a good shooting position, it was impossible to meet himself in a short time.

That's why I dare to be so arrogant.

The audience in the U.S. are frightened, and they are all calling you to sound your sister's flute. Isn't the life long enough?

"Hon the horn?"

Hearing the sound of the horn, Jiang Siming decisively jumped from the sentry pavilion, found his tricycle, and rushed out!

Even the best shooting position was given up.

The players on the three slopes next to him almost didn't laugh.

Originally, Jiang Siming was frightened and frightened in the neighborhood, but now it’s alright. Someone takes the initiative to share the pressure for them, good guys~

When the American player heard the sound of cars coming from the base, his face suddenly changed several colors.

In fact, it was the first time he matched Jiang Siming, and also the first time he played against Jiang Siming.

As the saying goes, new born calves are not afraid of tigers, coupled with the personality of Western gamers who always love to die, so that he does not have much fear of Jiang Siming.

"It just happened to see me become famous in the first battle!"

The American player stopped the car, hid behind the car, and waited for Jiang Siming to appear.

The moment he saw Jiang Siming's tricycle, he leaned out from the side of the car, and wanted to shoot at him with the M416 in his hand!

Jiang Siming had also raised his gun in the driver's seat, but it was not a rifle or a sniper rifle, but... an unremarkable revolver.

This is what he just picked up in the sentry booth of the military base.

Controlling the tricycle with one hand and raising the revolver with the other hand, Jiang Siming had taken the lead before the opponent fired.

The key is that he still squatted next to the car and didn't move, which gave Jiang Siming a good chance to take aim.

clatter! clatter!

A small pistol was not weak in front of the rifle, and both shots were accurately locked to his head, stupefied to give this man a second.

After the death of this man, American audiences not only did not feel polite, but felt that they deserved it.

Even the commentary didn't talk about the feelings of the same region at all, and bluntly opened up:

"I told you to pretend? Putting a cup in front of the gods deserves it if you die! It's really irritating. He could go on living and have to die. His brain should be roasted by the roasting machine in the rotisserie. Over!"

This buddy may not know that not only was he dead, but he was scolded by the audience in his own country. Some people even said that he was an actor...

After Jiang Siming killed the chicken, he did not return to the base, but turned around and drove towards the three slopes.

Since he can no longer see people in this direction, he can clean up the people on the slope.

The sound of Jiang Siming's car was heard on the three slopes at the same time.

They were sure that it was Jiang Siming's car, and this guy just drove out in this car.

The three of them were also scolding the pretender in their hearts. They had been good neighbors with Jiang Siming.

If it were not for his provocation, Jiang Siming would not have been murderous towards them.

Damn, I really want to beat him up in reality!

You said you are okay with what cup.

Although I wanted to scold my mother very much, Jiang Siming was about to come, and they could only be forced to fight.

Moreover, the three of them, like the few people Jiang Siming fought before, formed the same front tacitly, and the three of them did not shoot at each other, but kept their guns out.

Solve the strongest first, and then the three of them can continue.

Otherwise, killing each other will only make Jiang Siming cheaper.

The sound of the car gradually progressed, and the people on the front **** had already fired.

This person is very smart. He didn't go to take Jiang Siming in the car, but only swept Jiang Siming's motorcycle tires.

He had a good idea. Before Jiang Siming came, he blasted his car halfway so that Jiang Siming would not be able to get through.

But Jiang Siming's guns were more accurate than him, and when he was about to sweep his tires, he was shot with a revolver on his head.

The person was so frightened that he immediately gave up the idea of ​​abortion and drew back.

With one more shot, he will return to the west, with a slapped tire.

It can only be handed over to the remaining two good brothers.

Jiang Siming was unreasonable, and drove the car straight up the slope. In the pit of the slope, the wheel was crushed by ruthless wheels!

After crushing one to death, Jiang Siming's speed did not decrease, and he rushed out of the **** again, and went to the other side.

But this time the two men besieged, Jiang Siming began to be shot.

Jiang Siming used the last two bullets from the revolver to kill one, then braked, rolled down from the car, and switched to Groza, strafing mode at the same time!

The last man, after hitting Jiang Siming twice, was unsatisfied and wanted to kill Jiang Siming.

It's this greed that made him even have no chance to get involved with Jiang Siming.

Groza is like a poisonous snake, harvest it!

All three of them were killed in an instant.

Although the audience were accustomed to Jiang Siming's violent gameplay, they still watched with enthusiasm.

This is the charm of gunfight games. I have to say that Jiang Siming has brought the essence and artistic sense of gunfight games to the extreme. It is like making a movie.

Watching Jiang Siming playing a gunfight game is like a visual enjoyment, full of violence, blood, and more, Jiang Siming's smooth sense of killing, which can cure all patients with constipation.

After the three fell, Jiang Siming was the happiest.

Because of these three people, two fragments were exploded for him.

"Pick up..."

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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