I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2361: Lose any money, some are money!

BBC has completely become a joke, a big joke for people all over the world to entertain and entertain.

The audience who watch the BBC every day are all the voice of ‘Calabash baby, a vine with seven flowers on a vine...’ accompanied by ‘Grandpa, return my grandpa! ’Very brainwashed lines.

Netizens who watch the BBC news live in ‘pain and happiness’ every day, because these news are so peculiar.

Let your adrenaline soar first, and then after watching the full news, you suddenly languish.

This experience of falling from heaven to **** has tortured netizens from other countries to death.

"Oh meat! My whole family in this news editor, I took off my pants and almost wilted."

"Where did the news media talent come from? This news headline is too special!"

"Last night I saw the BBC news under the quilt. I was so excited. The tissues were ready. I watched it all night if I didn't believe in evil. Especially I watched the nonsense fake news all night!"

"Fakfak! Just opened the BBC News, and my dad hit me just as soon as I saw the headline. He couldn't help but rushed up and beat me up, saying that I was a pervert when I was young, me???"


There are so many foreign netizens like this, and everyone scolds the BBC.

Many people vowed not to watch it again, but when another ‘tempting and suggestive’ news popped up, they couldn’t help but click in.

Then after reading it, he yelled at Faq, and he was fooled again!

For a time, the BBC’s ‘famous name’ was known throughout the world, and the BBC was ridiculed and abused as a spam media everywhere.

Regarding Jiang Siming's method of making the BBC miserable, Y country ZF was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother, but there was nothing to do.

Because all the shares of the BBC have become Jiang Siming's, it has become his exclusive company. They can't control how they want to get their own company.

The senior officials of Country Y had no choice but to send someone to negotiate with Jiang Siming, who could spend money to buy back the equity.

But Jiang Siming didn't let go, even if they offered a higher price, they were indifferent.

In desperation, country Y can only honestly suffer from this dumb loss.

Let Jiang Siming face the huge losses of the BBC every day and make the world's No. 1 media that they worked so hard to build into a smack, restless, and ruined their reputation.

After discussion, it was decided to abandon the BBC and support another media to replace the BBC.

But before another media grows up to replace the BBC, the BBC can still be active all over the world.

As long as Jiang Siming is willing to lose money all the time and post money out of his own pocket, he can always make the BBC the image of country Y.

Until no one wants to watch the BBC anymore.

No one will watch it anytime, and when will Jiang Siming let it declare bankruptcy and dissolution, otherwise it will continue to operate in his own way.

I'm losing some money, that's a trivial matter.

Although he is making money in every industry, Jiang Siming doesn't mind letting the BBC become a golden body that breaks his full profit.

Any loss, the family has money, just a TV station, he, the world's richest man, can't even lose this amount of money, and he's a fart.

How much money can be compensated!

The Chinese people are the most relieved when they know it. After all, the BBC often slanders China. They seem to feel uncomfortable all day long.

But even the senior officials of China have nothing to do about it, because the BBC belongs to country Y, and they can only express complaints and ask them to change it.

But they refused to change, and there was no way.

It's all right now. Jiang Siming directly bought the BBC, and then completely scrapped it. It's so pleasing!

Countless Chinese netizens have praised Jiang Siming's behavior on the Internet, relieved, energetic, and domineering!

I would rather lose so much money every day to ruin you, real man!

Because of this, Jiang Siming also received a large number of iron fans, and he rushed to this behavior. Many people said that he would definitely fan him for a lifetime.

So Lao Jiang has no shortage of fans at all, because he can always accumulate a large number of fans from all quarters.

There will never be only one type of his fan, and it will make you never think of the reason why the next batch of fans will follow him.

Jiang Siming didn't do anything in the past two days, so he stayed at home and controlled the BBC remotely.

When everything is on the ‘right track’, watching the BBC is heading towards the ‘happiness’ trajectory it has arranged for them, there is no way to look back.

Jiang Siming was so relieved that he didn't need to worry about it anymore, and he left it to the embassy staff to take care of him.

The next day Jiang Siming came to the company again, and as soon as she sat in her office, Qiao Na told him that Zou Ziqiu wanted to see him.

"Let her come over." Jiang Siming said.

Not to mention that he almost forgot about it, but he was also very curious as to whether the [Facilitation Pill] given by that fragment was effective.

Not long after Jona went out, a beautiful figure walked into the office.

Just stepping into Jiang Siming's eyes was the thick black hair.

Long hair shawl, scattered randomly, the hair quality is as good as the special effect in the shampoo advertisement, the sun outside the window shines through, and it is shimmering.

No matter that the thick hat is worn on the head, the entire face is completely exposed to the air and Jiang Siming's vision.

The facial features unique to Jiangnan women are exquisite and small, with small oval face, crescent eyebrows, autumn water eyes, and orchid lips.

It's so beautiful that people can't bear to look away.

Even wearing ordinary corporate work clothes can not hide her self-confidence temperament.

If you compare this appearance, I'm afraid that Jonah can have the upper hand in addition to Jiang Siming's daughter-in-law presidents.

However, Jona is a native of the United States, and the two have their own merits.

Then there is Tang Ru's best friend who just joined yesterday, Ning Xiaodang can compete with her.

Is this Zou Ziqiu? Jiang Siming almost thought he had missed it.

He had actually seen the five senses before, but he definitely didn't have the temperament and self-confidence he has now.

It was also because of Zou Ziqiu's previous inferiority complex that her original features of the skillful skill also became less self-confident with her.

Of course, there are also hair factors. It seems that hairstyle really affects a person's overall beauty.

A good-looking hairstyle can add a lot of points to your image. Some people have good hairstyles. Forty-year-olds are like 20-year-olds.

Some people are twenty years old, but their hairstyles look like forty-year-old uncles.

Not to mention baldness, as long as you are bald, you are 18 years old and people will call you uncle...

Now free from the destiny of nuns, Zou Ziqiu exudes a sense of confidence and longing for life.

Zou Ziqiu, who was at the peak of his appearance, has returned.

In fact, Zou Ziqiu's baldness was not so serious, because after making that bet with Jiang Siming, he stayed up all night and thought about invading the Holographic Jedi server.

Staying up late and staying up too hard will make you bald at once, just bald.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming has helped her solve it, otherwise Jiang Siming will have to bear part of the responsibility for the trauma of Zou Ziqiu's heart.

He was the one who bald a young girl in the season.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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