I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2365: It is indeed a product of Heng Ai!

At the scene, by the artificial lake, employees of Hengai Medicine sprinkled medicinal powder into the lake.

The powder was scattered into the lake, as if nothing happened.

Everyone waited quietly, looking at the lake eagerly.

Before long, the lake water began to have ripples, and the number of ripples increased.

From ripples to splashes, one after another black fish jumped out.

Then, the entire surface of the huge lake was full of these black fish jumping figures, densely packed and very infiltrating.

Looking at the number, there are at least tens of thousands!

Everyone can recognize that these black fish are all scavengers.

Everyone was surprised. Unexpectedly, there are so many scavenger fish in this artificial lake.

Some people may say that so many fish is not a good thing.

If it's other fish, it's a good thing, except for scavengers.

Because scavengers do not eat garbage at all, they love to eat other fish eggs, and each scavenger can eat 3000-5000 other fish eggs a day.

And they have almost no natural enemies. No animal likes to eat this kind of fish. Not only are the bones very numerous and hard, but the meat is also full of bacteria.

Even Huaxia Foodie has nothing to do with it.

This has also caused the scavengers to flood in China, and almost any rivers and lakes are full of this kind of fish.

At this time, so many scavengers gathered in this lake, you can imagine how other fish can survive, and they would be eaten and extinct by scavengers.

"I go to so many scavengers! It's scary!"

"No wonder I haven't seen other fish in this lake in the past or two years. They are all occupied by these disgusting fish."

"I heard that if you don't have fish eggs, they will eat all the edible creatures in the water, and if you don't have them, they will kill each other and eat each other."

"It turns out that this scavenger alien species has already invaded so badly."

"It would be nice if it was all crayfish, but it's a pity that the scavenger can't eat it at all."

"I originally thought that Heng Ai Medicine would do nothing more than this drug, but now it seems to have done a beautiful job! Otherwise, in a few years, we will not see other fish in China."


Those who watched saw these scavengers, and they all started talking.

One of the old people shook his head and said with emotion: "It's useless, I'm the fish farmer. I tried it. These scavengers are hard to kill. Their vitality is too tenacious. Unless they are crushed and chopped, they will not die at all. And the ability to reproduce is extremely strong, just like a cockroach."

Cockroaches do not threaten other species at all, but scavengers seriously threaten the safety of other fish in the water and must not stay.

Imagine that after a few years or ten years, there are no other fish in the rivers and lakes of China except for scavengers. What should I do?

In the future, ordinary families want to finish the crucian carp soup as a luxury, and they have to import it from foreign markets.

Fishing enthusiasts don't want to catch other fish in this life, as long as they pull the rod, they must be a scavenger.

The audience next to him curiously asked the old man: "Then how did you solve them?"

"There is only one way to drain the water in the fish pond, find all the scavengers in it, and bury them together, otherwise as long as there is one, there will be countless more in a few months."

From the experience of the elderly, it is obvious that he has no trust in the powder of Heng Ai.

He felt that this kind of fish could be wiped out with a little powder of medicine.

Almost all fish farmers hate this kind of fish.

The most hateful are those unscrupulous aquatic merchants who brought scavengers to China.

They were also renamed as Scavengers. It was advertised that these scavengers were born to eat the papa of other fishes. They can clean up the water environment. It is recommended that you buy them.

As a result, scavengers are available in all parts of the country.

After everyone bought it, they found it was not what the propaganda said, and then everyone hated the fish and released them.

This has led to a flood of scavengers throughout the country.

"It seems to be effective! Look at it, everyone!"

Someone exclaimed, and everyone looked towards the lake.

I saw a lot of scavengers who were just alive and kicking, and they started to float on the water, turning their belly, and lost their breath at all.

Then more and more scavengers died, floating on the lake.

Only ten minutes later, there were no more scavengers jumping on the lake surface, and some were only the bodies of scavengers floating on the surface of the lake!

Everyone looked at it for a while, what kind of medicine is this, it's so leathery.

At this time, the fishing boat that had been prepared was ready to salvage all the dead scavengers on the lake.

Many people are very curious whether this scavenger died, and they all rushed over to look at it. All they saw were dead fish without any living creatures.

Then, Heng Ai Medicine poured the prepared fry of other fish into the lake, and then poured the medicine powder again.

The magical thing is that the powder, which is extremely lethal to the scavenger, has no effect on other fish.

Many people saw that the fish inside were still swimming freely and happily without being affected by the powder.

It seems that this powder is really aimed at scavengers.

It is indeed a medicine produced by Heng Ai, it is indeed a boutique!

"I want to buy! I want to buy this powdered medicine!"

Just now, the elderly who said that Heng Ai could not succeed, rushed towards the staff of Heng Ai.

In addition to him, there are many people who are all eager for this medicine powder.

But in fact, what is needed more is the city halls and fish farmers everywhere. This is a great boon for them.

With this medicine, the trouble of being dominated by a scavenger is easily solved.

"We succeeded again, husband~" Qin Yiyi saw the success of the drug developed and naturally shared with Jiang Siming happily.

Jiang Siming hugged the two beauties, but his mind was not on the scavenger at all.

Because of the crowding, Jiang Siming's body was next to the two women.

Jiang Siming, who has held back his concentration for half a month, can imagine how tempting this is to him, it is simply too difficult.

There are reactions in some places unconsciously.

But because Jiang Siming had always pretended to look at the lake, he didn't know who it was.

Subconsciously thought it was on Yiyi, so Jiang Siming didn't mean to take it back at all, not only continued to lean on, but also moved.

Until Qin Yiyi turned around nonchalantly to share the joy with him, there was nothing in his expression.

Jiang Siming realized that he might be the wrong person...

When he turned his head to look at Wang Xiaoyu, Wang Xiaoyu's head was almost buried in the lake, his face was flushed, and even the snow-white neck became red.

Let me wipe it, this is a big misunderstanding, Wang Xiaoyu wouldn't think he was an idiot...

In order to maintain his image as a gentleman, Jiang Siming hurriedly twisted his waist and forcibly stopped the embarrassing situation.

It also made Wang Xiaoyu resurface like a drowning man, panting heavily, as if he was reborn.

For the past ten minutes, it was really too much torment and shame for her...


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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