I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2391: Dedication? I have it!

Bend over and stretch out your hands.

Thor's hammer was so easily picked up by Jiang Siming!

Jiang Siming held it in his hand and waved it lightly. He smiled and said, "This hammer is very unique, but it's too light and doesn't suit me well. It would be better if it were heavier."

After speaking, Jiang Siming lost interest and handed Thor's Hammer back to Thor.

Thor numbly took the hammer, his originally smug smile faded away, and it wasn't until after a while that he spoke: "How can you...how can you pick up the Thor's hammer??"

"Oh, maybe my heart is pure." Jiang Siming replied without blushing.

"But this is far from enough. You must have dedication?" Saul didn't believe it.

"Oh, I have. I have to dedicate tens of billions of projects every day on average." Jiang Siming said boldly.

Everyone glanced at each other, and a word popped out of their minds: money!

By the way, Jiang Siming is definitely talking about money. He goes to the casino every day to lose money and spends time and wine. He is extremely extravagant. Isn’t he giving money?

I went here too much, it turns out that spending money can be considered dedication!

Everyone seems to have found a shortcut to take Thor's Hammer.

But Tony still feels wrong when he thinks about it. He used to be similar to Jiang Siming, and he used to spend a lot of money every day, but why he couldn't hold the hammer.

Isn't it...does it have to be spent?


Jiang Siming was able to afford this hammer by spending all his money and asking the Ministry of Finance for money every day.

Well, it seems that I have to figure out whether I am going to lay off my wealth...

"I'll try it too."

The US team also wanted to try it and walked over.

Saul put the hammer down without believing in evil, but he didn't believe that there was a third person who could afford the hammer.

The U.S. team bent over and stretched out their hands and tried it. The hammer moved a little bit hardly noticed by the naked eye.

But the US team quickly let go, shook his head and smiled: "I'm sorry, I can't lift it up either."

Jiang Siming curled his lips contemptuously. This guy said he couldn't lift it up, but he had actually practiced all his moves secretly.

After the hammer-lifting challenge was over, everyone returned to the topic of the scepter of the soul.

Tony and Hulk said that the gathering of many top scientists this time will definitely be able to crack the secrets in the scepter of mind.

After hearing this, Jiang Siming began to twitch his eyes, and asked towards Hulk, "Banna, among these scientists, is there anyone who studies nanotechnology?"

Nanotechnology is a new Marvel technology that only appeared in Fulian 3.

Tony used nanotechnology to make a qualitative leap in the Iron Man suit and turned it into a Mark 50-nanometer suit.

Nano armor has crushed the original material in all aspects, and it is also the most advanced suit series of Iron Man suits.

Although the year and the plot have not been matched up yet, Jiang Siming wants to tentatively ask, maybe someone will.

"How do you know about nanotechnology? Among us scientists, there happens to be an expert who is studying nanotechnology. Tony and I didn't know what it was at the beginning." Banner honestly replied immediately.

Jiang Siming's eyes lit up and said, "Can you take me to introduce it?"

"No problem, she's in the laboratory upstairs." Banner generously agreed.

He didn't dislike Jiang Siming. He didn't have the arrogance of Tony and the geniuses.

"Okay, talk slowly, I'll go."

Jiang Siming put down the wine glass, got up and left.

"I'll take a look too." The widow sister became Jiang Siming's follower.

In fact, after returning from Sokovia, after fulfilling his promise and pressing Jiang Siming's brain SPA, the relationship between the two became very delicate.

"I'll take a look too."

"I'm going too."

Everyone got up one after another.

In fact, they are very curious about what makes Jiang Siming so interested.

Seeing that everyone was gone, Tony wouldn't listen to him bragging, so he had to follow them.

When everyone came to the laboratory upstairs, a dozen white-clothed scientists were carrying out various research methods on the psychic scepter and conducting heated discussions.

Some veteran scientists are red-faced in contention, each holding their own opinions.

However, a female scientist stood quietly to the side, listening to their arguing quietly, without the slightest intention to speak.

This female scientist has an Asian face, she is very young, has delicate features, and her skin is better than snow. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a star.

Just like this face and figure, you can enter the entertainment circle completely, but people rely entirely on talent.

Banner walked in and whispered beside her: "Dr. Zhao, do you have time? Someone wants to see you."

The female scientist turned her head, followed Banner and saw Jiang Siming standing on one side at a glance.

"Dr. Banner, you're not saying that Lord Dragon God wants to see me?"


Jiang Siming also said in a friendly way at this time: "Hello, Dr. Zhao, I have been admiring the name for a long time."

After listening, the female doctor was a little flattered, and even more unbelievable.

After all, Jiang Siming's current status and prestige in the United States is as high as the sun, and he is the strongest superhero, and Baigong is the target of flattery.

And she is just an insignificant scientist, and every scientist here is much better than her.

Jiang Siming didn't see anyone else, but asked to see her by name. She naturally couldn't believe it.

The female doctor stretched out her hand and shook Jiang Siming lightly, and smiled bitterly: "Mr. Dragon God praised me too much. I am not a big name, but you are the big name."

Jiang Siming shook his head and said, "It is gold that will shine sooner or later. I heard that you are very researching on nanotechnology. I can be sure that nanotechnology will be the top new technology in the future, so sooner or later you will become the most famous in the world. Of the scientist."

The female doctor didn't expect Jiang Siming to also understand nanotechnology, and she suddenly seemed to have met a friend.

In fact, no one cares about the nanotechnology subject she is currently studying, and no one is optimistic about it.

Everyone says that this technology is useless and can't be realized at all.

But she still insisted, and firmly believed that nanotechnology would be recognized in the future.

But I didn't expect that someone would recognize him now, and this person was the handsome man who was Asian just like her.

"Hello, introduce myself. My name is Zhao Hailun and I am from South Korea. I am honored to meet you, Mr. Jiang."

Zhao Hailun stretched out his hand again, and the tone this time was far more serious than before.

Previously, Zhao Hailun just thought Jiang Siming was a very famous person and the strongest superhero in the reunion, so the honor should be.

But now, Jiang Siming is her first Bole! The attitude is naturally different.

"Hello, Jiang Siming, a Chinese person." Jiang Siming also introduced himself very cooperatively.

After speaking, he asked: "I don't know if Dr. Helen has time, let's go out and talk about nanotechnology?"

"Okay, anyway, I am dispensable here." Zhao Hailun readily agreed.

The two looked at each other, Zhao Hailun felt like he had found a friend, and followed Jiang Siming out of the laboratory.

However, Banner was neglected.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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