I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2393: Brother, this **** charm

"see it?"

"Hmm! I saw it!"


"So big~"

"Do you like it?"

"Well, can I... touch it?"

"Touch it, just touch it."

"It's so big~ I love it~"


In a mountain range, the moonlight shrouds the forest.

A giant mecha of a hundred meters stands on the top of the mountain, and moonlight shines on it, like an ancient giant beast, silently sleeping in the middle of this mountain.

Standing beside a young girl, she looked up at the behemoth-like mecha and sighed with sincere emotion.

Beside her, there was a man standing.

Zhao Hailun, who saw the Vengeance Wanderer mech up close, not only sighed that it was big, but also lamented the magic of this mech.

What technology can make such a behemoth?

If the earth had a hundred such mechas, she felt that they could sweep the entire universe.

Zhao Hailun touched the mecha with her hands, although her height could only touch the soles of its feet.

But the mechanical feel and cold texture passed from above still left her lingering fears.

It feels that there are no weapons on the earth that can shake this mech unless nuclear weapons are used.

"Do you want to go in and sit down?" Jiang Siming said with a smile.

"Go in? Is it really okay?" Zhao Hailun looked forward to it and was a little scared.

Jiang Siming didn't answer, instead he hugged her waist and flew up directly.

Zhao Hailun bowed her head shyly, and involuntarily grasped Jiang Siming's clothes for fear of falling off.

In the center of the mecha's body, a hatch opened automatically.

Jiang Siming walked in with Dr. Beauty.

Inside is the control room of the mecha.

Seeing the scene of a cave in the sky, Zhao Hailun entered the Grand View Garden like Grandma Liu, and couldn't help but look around.

"Can I... drive?" Zhao Hailun asked in a low voice.

It seems that this kind of big toy can't be resisted not only by boys, but also by girls.

"Yes, there is the holographic control room. Put on a driving suit. You can do whatever you need it to do." Jiang Siming replied.

Zhao Hailun put on the driving suit, walked into the cockpit cautiously, put on the helmet, and began to control the mecha slowly.

Just when it started, she was a little flustered, because the start was too big, and she stepped on a small mountain bag, scared her to scream.

"No way, no way, I can't open it, the card machine~"

Zhao Hailun is like a girl who just learns to drive. He has a kind of inexplicable fear of getting on the road. People who are bluffing don't dare to play, just want to.

Jiang Siming smiled helplessly when he saw this, walked behind her and half-wrapped her.

Believe him, it's definitely not to take advantage, but purely to teach her to drive...Bah, that's not right, it's a boot.

"Don't be nervous, I'll guide you, calm down." Jiang Siming grasped Zhao Hailun's arm with both hands, and started teaching slowly and patiently.

Zhao Hailun suddenly seemed to be electrocuted, his body trembled, and he instinctively wanted to struggle, but after hearing Jiang Siming's words, he silently suppressed his instincts.

Then his cheeks blushed quickly, from the face to the neck, turning into a sunset glow.

Zhao Hailun kept reminding herself that she was only purely trying to teach her to use the armor, so don't think about it.

Fortunately, the joy of starting the armor gradually replaced the shyness, and Zhao Hailun, whose attention had been diverted, began to concentrate on listening to Jiang Siming's command to start this cute animal.

Jiang Siming's "personal" guidance is still very effective. Zhao Hailun slowly mastered simple driving skills, driving the mecha to run in the mountains from time to time and soar in the air from time to time.

After learning to turn on the armor, Zhao Hailun was happily like a child, and his cheeks flushed with excitement looked very good-looking.

After having had enough, Zhao Hailun was also satisfied, and walked out of the cab with a sweat.

The two sat on the shoulders of the mecha and parked the mecha on the highest cliff to watch the moon.

The Atlantic sea breeze is blowing, accompanied by the waves, sitting in such a special place with Jiang Siming to enjoy the moon view.

Zhao Hailun feels that this is the most romantic scene she has encountered in her life, and no romantic movie can replicate the ecstasy and joy in her heart.

Especially when he secretly glanced at Jiang Siming, who smoked aside to relieve boredom, Zhao Hailun kept praying in his heart: Time, time, you have to go slower~

"Mr. Jiang..." Zhao Hailun said cautiously, his name has changed from Lord Dragon God to Mr. Jiang.

"Huh?" Jiang Siming turned his head and waited for her to speak.

"That... I just wanted to ask... do you have a... girlfriend?"

After Zhao Hailun's questioning, he felt ashamed.

Oh my god, what is she talking about, she confessed to someone who has only met one day today? ?

But Zhao Hailun, who has always only studied and researched, couldn't get around, she only knows that she likes being with Jiang Siming very much.

The other party is her own Bole again, and she is very sure of her most important research.

Zhao Hailun believes that this is like, like, then it should be confession.

Jiang Siming also didn't expect that this female doctor lady would be unable to hold it so soon, alas, this **** charm of brother.

"Girlfriend? My wife has a lot." Jiang Siming replied honestly.

Sure enough, Zhao Hailun's expression turned pale when he heard the words, and he almost didn't cry.

However, Jiang Siming calmly held her hand, and said affectionately and sincerely: "Be my new wife, my wife is never too much."

Zhao Hailun: "..."

But before she could respond, Jiang Siming had already made a strong move and kissed him.


Zhao Hailun let out a cry, trying to struggle, but with her little strength, how could she break free.

It didn't take long to sink into obediently and enjoy passively.

On the shoulders of the mecha, the two gradually lost themselves.

Fortunately, Zhao Hailun still has a trace of reason, so he wouldn't be in such a place.

Finally, Lao Jiang picked her up and went into the cab, a spring breeze all night...

The next day, when it was dawn, the mountain was full of people standing down the mountain.

The American people found the Shenlong mecha here, and they all ran over to watch.

Before the New York War, the Dragon Mecha only appeared once, and many people wanted to see it again. Naturally, everyone should take this opportunity.

Zhao Hailun, who woke up first, heard the noise outside and couldn't help but look through the holographic projection in the cab and was startled.

Fortunately, no one could see the cab at all, otherwise she would have no face to see people.

Quickly wake up Jiang Siming who is sleeping soundly.

After being awakened, Lao Jiang stretched his waist and said with a look of surprise: "Why these guys ran over all night? Alas, too many fans are also an annoyance. You have to guard against being peeped in a field battle."

When Zhao Hailun heard his face reddening into a monkey's **** again, he blamed Jiang Si and urged Jiang Si to leave here quickly.

The new girlfriend was too shy, and Jiang Siming had to follow her.

After a while, the mecha rose into the sky, disappeared without a trace, went home, and continued to build~


Sake finally found a house. I will sign a contract to move tomorrow, hehe~ no need to sleep on the street.

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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