I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2402: This person has extremely high concentration!

"What kind of **** are you! What did you do to me!"

The Scarlet Witch was anxious, she couldn't sense her superpowers, and she couldn't perceive any chaotic magic.

Jiang Siming couldn't help but proudly said: "Also, mere magic, how can it be my opponent of Huaxia's cultivation spells, this is called...emm...English I don't know how to translate it, in short, it is the ghost tour record. Jing Fu."

But in the ears of the Scarlet Witch, Guiyou recorded the Yunyu Sealing Talisman, she didn't understand at all, she only heard the two words, Guiyou.

"Ghost? You sealed a ghost into my body?" The Scarlet Witch became frightened.

Jiang Siming is speechless, this is not to blame for his translation problem, this is completely the difference between Chinese and Western cultures.

"Yes, you are very smart. There is a ghost and a devil in your body now. As long as I have a thought, it will swallow you directly, turning you into an old man who has a big belly and a greasy face and loves to expose TI. the man."

Jiang Siming simply followed her words.

The Scarlet Witch believed it, after all, she really couldn't perceive the slightest magic power.

Thinking of such a disgusting ghost in her body, she instantly broke down and couldn't calm down anymore. She squatted on the ground and cried loudly.

It was so sad that it was crying, and those who saw it were sad, and those who heard it shed tears.

This time she was really scared, for fear that she would really become an ugly and disgusting old man.

Girls, they all love beauty, which is more sad than killing her.

However, her crying did not make Jiang Siming feel soft.

"Stay here obediently, and I will let you go when your brother completes the task. Three meals a day will be delivered to you. If you dare to run, run once, the punishment will be increased by one point!"

Jiang Siming left this sentence, and the person disappeared.

The Scarlet Witch saw that Jiang Siming hadn't appeared after crying for so long, and felt that he should have really left.

I stopped crying immediately, and went downstairs immediately, trying to escape from the villa.

However, she found that she had just walked out of the villa when she was stopped back by an invisible wall.

Then, Jiang Siming appeared again, staring at her with bad eyes.

"I just said, run away once, and the punishment will be increased by one point. It seems that you really don't believe it."

The Scarlet Witch retreated a few steps, shouting: "You... don't come over!"

However, Jiang Siming made a gentle move, and she flew back automatically.

The Scarlet Witch was shocked in her eyes. Could he also use magic?

"Wait, do you know how to use Chaos Magic? We are fellows~" the Scarlet Witch hurriedly shouted.

Jiang Siming didn't listen at all, put it on his shoulders, and brought him back to the villa again.

Back in the bedroom, Jiang Siming shot her Xiangtun ten in a row, harder than ever.

The crackling sound reverberated in the bedroom, accompanied by the screams and curses of the Scarlet Witch.

"You big silver motorcycle! Stinky mango! You can't die! Uuuuu...it hurts..."

After ten slaps, Jiang Siming threw it back and disappeared again.

The Scarlet Witch cried and scolded in the air for half an hour, and even uneasy, she smashed the things in the room.

At night, the Scarlet Witch wanted to run again, this time she changed direction and walked through the back door.

But still blocked by an invisible wall.

Without magic, she was so angry that she brought a kitchen knife from the kitchen and wanted to smash the barrier.

The barrier didn't move, but he almost didn't get hurt by the chopper.

Before the Scarlet Witch could find another way, Jiang Siming...appeared again!

This time, he not only gave the Scarlet Witch’s Xiangtun twenty slaps, but also took off her jeans, leaving only a pair of ***, and then opened the fan.

After Jiang Siming left, Meitun, the delicate skin and tender flesh of the Scarlet Witch, was slapped 30 times today. It was red and swollen, and it hurt even when touched.

The Scarlet Witch was naturally crying and swearing again. She hated Jiang Siming now.

She has temporarily forgotten Tony's hatred, and now her mind is full of hope that Jiang Siming will die quickly.

The Scarlet Witch kept cursing until she was exhausted, and then she fell into a drowsy sleep.

When the Scarlet Witch walked out of the bedroom the next morning, there was a breakfast on the dining table outside.

There is also a Oriental aunt in a nanny outfit next to her.

"Breakfast is ready, eat it if you are hungry."

The Scarlet Witch saw this aunt, who was an Asian face again.

She suddenly thought this person was Jiang Siming's mother.

She immediately rushed into the kitchen to pick up the knife, put it on the aunt's neck, and shouted into the air: "You will let me go! Otherwise I will kill your mother!!"

But there was no response at all, and Jiang Siming did not appear either.

The Scarlet Witch gritted her teeth and wanted to do it, but looking at this innocent aunt, she couldn't do it.

"You let your son let me go, madam, please, your son is crazy." The Scarlet Witch pleaded to the aunt.

The aunt smiled and said, "My boss is not crazy, and you can't kill me."

The Scarlet Witch was taken aback, and said, "Your boss? Are you a mediocre person?"

"Yes," the aunt replied.

The Scarlet Witch was desperate, so angry that she threw the knife away, and started eating when she walked to the table, turning her grief into appetite.

As soon as she sat down, Pippi felt a heart-wrenching pain, and it was so painful that she could only eat while standing.

I continued to curse Jiang Siming while eating, and finally did not forget to comment on this early, it’s really fragrant~

Although Pippi was beaten and swollen even though he was slapped thirty times yesterday.

But still did not dispel the idea of ​​the Scarlet Witch running away.

In this way, the Scarlet Witch tried a new way to escape for several days.

But every time it ended in failure.

And the price of each failure will surely usher in a new round of punishment by Jiang Siming.

No matter how hard she struggles, it is useless, the punishment will still come, and every time it is more excessive than the last time.

From the time the jeans were gone, to being taken off so that only the inner art was left, and then even being stripped off later, Jiang Siming was overwhelmed with hand addiction.

Xiao Fei, who has lost his innocence, can't wait to frustrate Jiang Siming's bones.

But from this time on, the Scarlet Witch dared not run away.

Because Jiang Siming told her that the next time he escapes, it won't be as simple as having a hand addiction.

She was so scared that she didn't dare to run anymore. She didn't doubt that Jiang Siming would do that.

Because every time she was punished by Jiang Siming, she could hear Jiang Siming's breathing keep getting worse, and his body would react quite intensely.

But every time he held back.

This shows that this person has extremely high concentration!

Now that he has said so, it will be true next time.

The Scarlet Witch was afraid, afraid.

I finally got down to be honest, and didn't dare to run away.

She felt that Jiang Siming must have been hiding somewhere in the villa and had been watching her. As long as she dared to escape, this guy would definitely use this to vent his animal desires.

She said nothing would let Jiang Siming succeed!

The Scarlet Witch also noticed it. As long as she stayed in the villa obediently, Jiang Siming would not punish him.

So the Scarlet Witch resigned and stayed in the villa honestly.

Not to mention, this villa is much more comfortable than the earthen kilns of Sokovia, and there is also a nanny who is proficient in Chinese cuisine.

She already regretted why she had to escape before. Wouldn't it be good to stay here all the time?


[Author's digression]: First more~

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