I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2425: Flying sword? I will!

Dongfang Weixi got the perfect answer and sat back satisfactorily.

Jiang Siming started to click the next one.

But because there are too many people, it's not easy to point people directly.

So Jiang Siming chose to call the seat number.

"Number 155."

The number is reported, it is a quiet girl with glasses.

However, this quiet-looking female student asked a very secondary question.

"Teacher, I would like to ask if you have any other flying methods besides flying in the air? For example, the sword flying described in Xianxia novels."

Everyone can't help laughing, flying with swords? Fortunately, this kid dared to think, that is something that is only in the novel, good or not.

"It seems that you usually like to read Xianxia novels."

Jiang Siming ridiculed a bit, and then said: "It is achievable with the sword of luck, but it is too difficult, and I am not able to succeed every time."

Jiang Siming said this deliberately, but also wanted to be humble and leave everyone with a little suspense.

Unexpectedly, the girl student had already prepared and took out a sword from under the seat.

"Teacher, I brought a sword here today. Can you give it a try? Because I really look forward to the flying sword in the novel. This is my ultimate dream."

Jiang Siming laughed at this and said: "You are really an obsessive fan of Xianxia, ​​then take it, I'll try it."

Now that everyone said so, Jiang Siming had no choice but to satisfy the students' wishes.

Upon seeing this, the female student was overjoyed and immediately sent the sword in her hand.

After Jiang Siming took it, he weighed it up. It was very light. It was the kind of sword used for performances. The sword used by the grandpa and aunt in the park is usually this kind of sword.

Real swords are not allowed to be carried in China, because they belong to controlled knives...

Jiang Siming drew the sword out of its sheath, drew up a sword splendidly, and then threw the sword into the air at will.

The moment the sword went out, Jiang Siming jumped up and stepped several steps in the air, succeeded in catching up with the flying sword, and stepped on it.

At this time something contrary to physics happened, and Newton looked at it and estimated that he would crawl out of the coffin.

After Jiang Siming stepped on the sword, the sword did not fall, but was attracted to the sole of Jiang Siming's shoe like a magnet.

Follow him through the air.

The whole audience exclaimed.

Yujian! This is really a flying sword!

All the Xianxia party who watched the live broadcast were so excited to cry.

It turns out that the scenes in Xianxia novels can also be seen in reality. This is really worthwhile for a lifetime!

All the female audiences, whether they were before the live broadcast or on the scene, showed an idiot-like appearance.

Young Master Pian Pian, Yu Jian is in the air, is there a more handsome picture than this?

As if to see the picture in the Xianxia TV series.

But in the TV series, it was processed with special effects, and the scene was led by the machine like a fool with Wia hanging.

Generally, watching the filming scene of this kind of film and television drama is the most silly, except for the actors, almost all use green cloth as special effects.

Combining various lenses and post-processing to achieve that effect.

But now in this auditorium, there is no Wia, no green cloth.

This is a lively real picture.

Even the boys are so handsome, all of them look up and look intently, more focused than watching Ultraman.

The envy in his eyes was beyond words.

They were all thinking that if they could do this trick, it would be too easy to pick up girls. It is estimated that few girls can handle such a handsome operation.

At the same time, it also aroused everyone's enthusiasm for national martial arts.

They all want to be like Jiang Siming one day, be able to fly over the mountains and lakes with a sword in the sky, and enjoy the rivers and lakes.

Jiang Siming played for a while, then returned to the stage and returned the sword to the female student.

If the female student is a treasure, she will not let go of holding that sword like her boyfriend.

"Well, I'm also lucky. This time I was successful. I didn't expect it. I will call another classmate, number 233."

Jiang Siming continued to report the number to select students.

This time it was a boy, and it seemed to be a boy student who came in badly.

"Teacher Jiang, I think this so-called Chinese martial arts class you promote is meaningless. The so-called congenital skills you performed and the flying swords are all fake, they are magic, but no one has discovered the flaws in your magic for the time being. Where, so you can fool so many people into believing."

When this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

However, the boy was not afraid at all, raised his head proudly and continued to look at Jiang Siming, without any intention of shrinking.

"Moreover, I think the meaning and value of Chinese martial arts is far inferior to English. You promote English reform and make students all over the country despise English. This is a manifestation of excessive conceit. Our country still lags behind other countries in many aspects. It is through learning their technology As well as culture to continuously promote my progress in China, since I want to learn, English is the best channel."

The atmosphere became quieter, and everyone did not expect that this male student was so courageous and dared to directly deny Jiang Siming.

The principal of Peking University immediately became angry and stood up and said to the boy: "Student, sit back for me, don't talk nonsense."

Jiang Siming took the initiative to speak: "The principal doesn't need to call him, let him continue. I would also like to hear the wisdom of the talents of Peking University."

Upon seeing this, the male student became bolder and bluntly said:

"You used to say that English is useless, and it seems to me even more absurd. I think that only by learning English well can you communicate with people in Western countries, and you can know their culture, ideas, and technology. I don’t deny China’s this It has made great progress for decades, but it still lags far behind the Western powers!"

The male student said with a look of yearning in his eyes, and said:

"I have visited the U.S. and the U.K. and spent half a year as an exchange student there. I think that the powerful Western countries have attracted me deeply. The air is sweet. I yearn for them and learn from them. Technology!"

"And do you know how many people like me are looking forward to going to a Western country one day, but you belittle English so much that English becomes a secondary subject and your scores are greatly reduced. You know that you want to give those who work hard to learn English one day? How much harm and shock did the children studying abroad have caused!"

After these words, Jiang Siming was the only one applauding at the scene, and everyone else was silent.

No one spoke, and no one applauded.

Everyone knows that this male student came to tear down the platform on purpose.

Jiang Siming laughed instead of anger, clapping and ‘admiring’:

"Okay, okay, it turns out that this genius from Peking University has such a'high opinion'. Your coveting and praise for Western countries really opened my eyes."

If the previous sentence is normal, then Jiang Siming will fill up the smell of gunpowder directly with the latter sentence.

"Do you know what you look like now? A slave-faced maidservant, forgetting his ancestors, vulgar slave, brazen, and a properly licking foreign dog!!"


Fourth more~

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