I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2429: Xiao Luoyu is half a year old~

When Jiang Siming got off the plane refreshed, he remembered that he had forgotten that the two daughters-in-law, Ice Beauty and Huo Wu, were still in Kyoto...

I went to enjoy the practice without moving, and I forgot about my daughter-in-law.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming is a land god, and he returned to Kyoto in an instant. The two women waited for a long time at the entrance of his teacher's apartment.

Seeing Jiang Siming coming, the two women complained: "Why did you go? Why did you come so long?"

"Oh...cough cough... I just met four students discussing the Chinese martial arts class with me. I have been chatting for a long time. I can't help it. I am a teacher now. If the students are confused, I have to answer."

Jiang Siming responded with a guilty conscience, but fortunately the wife did not doubt it.

"Well, then go home, Sister Li, why didn't you see her." Huo Wu asked while chewing gum, not forgetting to vomit a bubble.

"I told Sister Li to go back first, so we don't need to waste time on the plane, let's go, we just fly back directly."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he pulled the two wives and said that he disappeared quickly. Fortunately, he escaped~

When they got home, the wives couldn't help but squeeze up to send them a kiss.

There is no other reason, of course it was the class Jiang Siming gave in the Peking University Auditorium.

When they watched the live broadcast at home, they were so moved by their husbands that they didn't want it, and the fire of worship was blazing.

"It should be, as a people's teacher, this is my duty." Jiang Siming said modestly while accepting the kiss frankly.

"My husband is awesome, you must be very tired today, let's sit down and give you a massage."

Jiang Siming immediately expressed a very tired look and said: "Really, I am really tired today."

Zhao Xiaoxiao on the side has already seen everything: "Dad, you are a master of cultivation for a day in class, are you embarrassed to say that you are tired?"

Jiang Siming immediately explained: "Isn't the body tired but the heart tired? What do you kid know, go and bring dad a drink."

Zhao Xiaoxiao looked at Jiang Siming suspiciously before going to the kitchen to get a drink.

She always feels that something is wrong with her father. The sixth sense tells her that her father is definitely not tired from class.

Besides, it's four o'clock in the afternoon after class in the morning, why did he go?

It's a pity that Zhao Xiaoxiao couldn't find the evidence, so he could only give up.

As soon as Jiang Siming lay down, Xiao Luoyu ran out of the pile of toys in the living room, took a small milk step, and ran all the way to Jiang Siming.


When Jiang Siming saw his daughter coming, he had no choice but to stop enjoying the massage for the time being. He picked up his daughter, and said one first.

After being kissed by Jiang Siming, the little guy chuckled happily, and proactively pouted and pecked Jiang Siming's mouth.

"Did you miss Dad?"

"Yes~ Wan Wan misses Dad very much~"

"Really good~ Boo~"

The father and daughter were tired of it all at once.

The mothers beside them looked funny and jealous.

This little guy is not so sticky to them.

No matter how moms or sisters treat her well at home, stay with her, but Xiao Luoyu still only loves his father.

Sure enough, the daughter is the lover of the father in the previous life. This is true.

Xiao Luoyu, who is already half a year old, has learned to walk, can speak, and can speak some simple vocabulary.

She even speaks multiple languages. This is because she has many foreign mothers who have learned it in a subtle way.

No one deliberately taught her, she would listen to it a few times, she was very clever.

Moreover, when Xiao Luoyu spoke, she was milky and very cute.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother would make a video call every one or two days to see their granddaughter. Every time they heard Xiao Luoyu calling their grandparents, the two elders had a long time of fun.

Now Xiao Luoyu has completely given up breast milk.

I didn't quit so quickly. As for the reasons for quitting, everyone understands it.

After playing with Xiao Luoyu for a while, it was already five o'clock, and Jiang Siming took the exam and went to cook.

"Husband, there is no chicken at home, so I should buy some." Xin Yi said.

"Oh, it's okay, then I'll go out and come back soon."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he disappeared. The wives thought he had flown to the vegetable market.

But in fact, Jiang Siming left the earth directly and even ran out of the solar system.

He came to his exclusive planet.

This place is now full of vitality and greenery.

Jiang Siming moved both the plant gene bank and animal gene bank here.

Now this planet is full of life.

It's just that most of the plants and animals have just grown up, and it will take a long time to completely become a primitive planet.

In addition to these two gene banks, Jiang Siming also moved the most secret medicine garden of Fu Xi and the grape base built by the spirit stone formation method here.

It also includes the poultry [鵚翕鸡] and [Meiyu] obtained from the orange fragments.

Meiyu is raised in the pond at home, but as they multiply, the pond at home can no longer accommodate, and there is no way to raise too much.

Jiang Siming simply moved them all here.

The robots in the robot factory are looked after all day long, so there is no need to worry about being taken care of by anyone.

【Jiji Chicken】Grows very fast, and like Meiyu, it is very easy to grow.

Jiang Siming hasn't eaten it yet. Today I just heard his wife say that there is no chicken at home.

He wanted to come here and have a look.

The whole body is red, the hair color is bright, and the body is plump, which makes people appetite greatly.

Jiang Siming grabbed more than 20 of the fattest animals, cut their throats and plucked them on the spot, and packed them away after handling them.

There are many people in the family, so naturally bring a bit more.

Jiang Siming ran and threw it to some newly-growing carnivores.

I went to the ocean again and found that there were already a lot of fish inside. The fish's reproduction ability is amazing, which is completely understandable.

I believe that in another six months, this place will fully grow up.

By then the city should be almost built.

If you take your wife and children to travel in the future, you don’t have to just stare at the one-third of the earth, come to this new earth, how to play and how to play, how fragrant it is~

Don't think about it, the family is waiting for dinner.

Jiang Siming reluctantly glanced at his exclusive planet for the last time, then turned his head through the wormhole and returned home.

It didn't take long for a table of delicious food to be settled.

"Um~ it smells so good! It feels like the first time I smell Meiyu soup, I have never smelled it before."

Zhao Xuan kept breathing in her nose, almost thinking that it was from the Yaoji card in her hand.

"Yeah, it seems to be chicken fragrant, but it doesn't seem to be. Oh, it's really fragrant."

Reba was playing a game on the sofa in the living room with her mobile phone, and couldn't even operate it when she smelled the scent.

"Smell my stomach gurgling, no, no, I'm going to eat, Reba, come on, I'm hanging up."

After Lin Yuner threw the phone away, Tang Ru and Song Zhixiao also threw away the phone immediately and ran away.

The five of them were all fighting the King's Glory together, but when they were seduced by the smell of the restaurant, they didn't want to play the game.

Five players on the opposite side: Is the opposite side offline?


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