I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2447: Discrimination

The United States has apologized here, not to mention Rui.

The King of Switzerland is also Nancy's father. After dealing with the absurd company, he not only called on all the clothing companies in Switzerland to buy cotton from the Western Regions, but also criticized the United States.

After all, it was the U.S. that made the ghosts first. If it hadn't been for their instigation, the absurd company would not have the courage to do this kind of thing.

It's too late for the absurd company to apologize, and the Chinese people still don't accept it.

They really lost their wife and broke down, and their blood went to grandma's house.

In addition, Nancy's father even ran to Huaxia and also came to Huaxia Shanghai.

On the one hand, it is to express the position of Ruiguo, on the other hand, it is also to take a look at my daughter by the way.

There is another aspect, and more importantly, that is to strengthen the relationship between his son-in-law and his son-in-law.

President Deng knew Jiang Siming's ability, and the king, who was the lord of the Swiss kingdom, naturally also knew some inside information.

He wasn't stupid, he immediately understood how much value Jiang Siming had to win.

Although I don't expect Jiang Siming to do things for Switzerland, I can build a very good relationship with Jiang Siming by relying on the relationship between his son-in-law.

This is something that any other foreign high-level executives can't do, and President Deng can't do it.

But he can rely on his daughter's relationship to approach the water tower!

This is a unique condition, and he is the only person in the world who can enjoy this treatment for the time being.


Just thinking about it, Nancy's father couldn't help laughing.

Therefore, taking advantage of the cotton incident, she pushed off a lot of schedules for meeting high-level officials in other countries, and took her wife to the China Magic City.

Nancy's parents came to China, and Mr. Deng came to China, and the treatment received by Jiang Siming was completely different. It could even be said to be a world of difference.

Not only did Jiang Siming not let Nancy's parents wait, he even rushed to the airport to pick them up, took him all the way to the company, and then took him to his home as a guest.

When he heard the news, President Deng smashed the table with anger.

This is too much! Why treat it so differently!

If it hadn't already been back to the United States, President Deng had to hold Jiang Siming by the collar and question him.

Is it possible that the King of Switzerland is better than him, the boss of the United States. You are so good to the King of Switzerland, but you are so bad to him, what do you mean! Isn't this just showing his face?

President Deng had already made up for Jiang Siming's **** scolding and beat him into dementia in his mind, and let out a bad breath.

On the other side of China, Jiang Siming was still alive and kicking, and brought Nancy's parents back home.

Nancy's parents didn't expect Jiang Siming to attach such importance to them. While moved, they boasted that their daughter didn't choose the wrong person.

Especially Nancy's mother, thinking of the scene that prevented Nancy and Jiang Siming from being together, couldn't help but want to slap herself.

If you really broke up these young couples, wouldn't it be equivalent to completely offending Jiang Siming.

And if Nancy didn't talk to Jiang Siming, it would definitely be the NT son of Mr. Te. Thinking that Mr. Teh had already stepped down and went to the tea house, his daughter could only suffer grievances and blank eyes when he followed him.

Thinking about Nancy's mother, she was lucky, but fortunately, she didn't do this bad thing about beating a mandarin duck.

Seeing how happy my daughter is now, she is getting more and more beautiful, and there are so many sisters beside her.

I can be sure that my daughter has a very happy life and is not alone at all.

"Hello." Nancy's parents greeted the family friendly.

Good guy, I feel that Jiang Siming's family has more people than their entire royal family...

When Jiang Siming got married before, they didn't remember that much.

How long has it been, and there have been so many more members, dear, is this three thousand beauties of the ancient Chinese emperor coming out?

And one is more beautiful than the other, and each has its own merits, not worse than Nancy at all.

The two sighed in their hearts, how these girls have such good family genes, and they can give birth to such excellent and beautiful daughters.

Especially Nancy's father, the envy of being a man.

He felt that he was a king who had lived as a dog. Look at his son-in-law, then look at himself, alas, the gap is so big.

"Hello, uncles and aunts~" The sisters also greeted the two elders in unison politely.

The two elders nodded repeatedly, and Nancy's mother also brought a lot of gifts and distributed them to them.

And the gifts are very expensive, Zhao Xuan and the others gladly accepted them, and both expressed their gratitude happily.

"Father and Queen~"

When Nancy saw her parents, the family cried with joy after a long absence.

"Mom and dad, you didn't come at the right time." Nancy wiped her tears and said jokingly.

"what happened?"

Nancy's parents were taken aback, what is the time? I thought my daughter would not welcome them.

Sure enough, the female college won't stay here~ I forgot their biological parents so soon, oooooo.

Jiang Siming explained with a smile on the side: "Don't get me wrong, it's because tomorrow is Ching Ming Festival in China, and Nancy is preparing to go back to my hometown with me."

"What is the Ching Ming Festival? Shouldn't the festival be more happy? Happy Ching Ming Festival!" Nancy's father asked suspiciously.

Jiang Siming covered his face and said dumbfounded: "Ching Ming Festival is a solemn festival for sweeping tombs and offering sacrifices to ancestors. It cannot be said to be a happy Ching Ming Festival. It is unlucky."

"Oh oh... I made a mistake." Nancy's father scratched his head awkwardly, and said, "It seems that we are not here at the right time."

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "It's okay. It's better to meet by chance. When you can come, we will be very happy, so let's go back to the hometown with us if the two elders are okay tomorrow?"

"Okay! I also want to see other cities in China. I always go shopping in Kyoto and Modu. I can't see the true face of China. It's not surprising that this kind of metropolis is available in any country." Nancy's father flew. Promise it down.

"Okay, then it's settled. If you set off tomorrow, the second elder will sit first and be at your own home. If you have any instructions, call Nancy or anyone in the family. It’s all a family member. I’ll cook for a while. have dinner."

"How can you let a man cook? That's how you take care of your husband, Nancy? It's your job." Nancy's mother told her daughter dissatisfied.

Nancy looked wronged, but fortunately Jiang Siming helped her explain, otherwise it is estimated that it will take a good time.

The remaining Nancy parents, led by their daughter and a bunch of goddaughters, visited the manor of Jiang Siming's family.

Looking at this huge manor, especially after seeing Xiangxiang, the two elders couldn't walk.

I'm not going to get close to Xiangxiang.

For them, they have only seen pandas in the zoo in China.

They don't have this rare cute pet in Sweden! You have to take this opportunity to take a good shot!

Xiangxiang: Forced to open daily!


First more~

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