I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2468: Love Dan

"Pick up [Love Pill x1] Blue Fragment*1 (1/15). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

【Love Pill】: It is also called Sansheng Sanshi Qingyuan Pill, which is a sacred love pill. The user will have a red line of affection with the pill holder for eternal life and eternal life.

Pill-holders can never attack pill-holders, and they are not affected by gender, and can be applied to both men and women.


Seeing this medicine pill, a string of question marks floated in Jiang Siming's head.

This pill is too weird.

Which bizarre alchemist made it, he must be an old bachelor who has been single for ten thousand years.

How much do you want to find a girlfriend to make such a pill?

Don't explode the formula, it's too stingy.


Jiang Siming is purely curious, just curious.

But this medicine Jiang Siming feels useless.

With this condition, he still needs a pill for picking up girls?

The alchemist who made this pill must be short, poor, rich and handsome like him, and it would be an insult to himself if he relied on the pill to pick up girls.

And this pill requires a full 15 integrated fragments, shit, it's a waste of fragments.

Jiang Siming turned around and wanted to throw it into the shard furnace, but after thinking about it, he reluctantly spent two omnipotent shards to collect it and put it away.

Don't be afraid of 10,000, but just in case, in case it's useful.

Just as Jiang Siming put away the fragments, the gunshots suddenly sounded, disrupting his thoughts.

Quickly took the three-level suit, then took the MK14, Jiang Siming got in the car and left.

He couldn't bear to change the big sniper. He threw the M762 and used the MK14 as a rifle.

Don't say, this gun, as long as you can hold down its recoil and move it fully automatically, no gun is its opponent.

SLR damage, AKM's rate of fire, just ask who can withstand it?

Of course Jiang Siming didn't drive away, but drove violently in the direction where he shot.

I would be embarrassed if I dared to shoot at him. Zheng Chou couldn't find anyone. It's impossible for the head to be sent to the door.

Frieza, the second-highest player in the standings who was shooting and playing on the hill next door, couldn't believe that Jiang Siming rushed towards him like this?

"Insane, right? I just fired two shots casually, and this person wants to come over and kill me?"

Frieza sneered, he was also in a bad mood.

Because his good brother and teammate just died at the hands of Jiang Siming.

That person was his friend of Frieza's games for many years, and after Frieza became famous, he was attracted by the team formed by the Toyo Mitsubishi Consortium and became the captain of the Mitsubishi team.

And the Dongying player Jiang Siming killed at the T-junction just now was also a member of Team Mitsubishi and a teammate of Frieza.

The team was friendly and it was not easy to match him to the same room, so he was killed by Jiang Siming.

Frieza was very angry and wanted to avenge his brother.

But Jiang Siming could not be found, so he could only give up.

Unexpectedly, when he met a stunned boy, Frieza decided to vent his anger with him, and by the way, he also accumulates more points for himself.

Frieza raised the M24 and sneered at Jiang Siming who was coming towards him.


One shot, missed.

It's okay, one more shot!


Missed again!

boom! boom! boom...

Frieza fired seven shots in a row, emptying an expanded magazine, but missed the opponent with one shot.

Frieza's old face was embarrassed for a while, and at the same time he couldn't believe it, he was the famous gun **** of Dongying!

Even if he moves the target, he won't be a problem, how can he shoot it empty?

Just in Frieza's heart with surprise.

Jiang Siming drove extremely fast, and in an instant he was almost at the foot of the mountain where Frieza was.

But before he could drive up, another car came at the foot of the mountain.

Frieza and Jiang Siming raised their guns almost at the same time, trying to take the head off.

Jiang Siming's sniper also happened to be M24, and the two shot at almost the same time.

Frieza is very confident. Jiang Siming's position is very poor, the shooting angle is also poor, and he fired while the car was moving.

He occupies a high point, and his vision and position are excellent.

He concluded that he could **** this head.



Both shot at the same time.

After Frieza shot, he saw the player in the car roll down and turned into a box.

He smiled triumphantly, and sure enough, he took the head off.

But... Frieza found out why he didn't have a kill prompt, and the number of kills has not changed at all.

Looking at the kill reminder again, he was stunned.

"The player [Ming] used the M24 sniper rifle to kill the player [Faker]"

This man was not killed by him...but by the man at the foot of the mountain.

And this person is... Jiang Siming!

The expression on Frieza's face changed a lot, and his heart was very angry.

Even if you kill your own brother, you still have a murderous intent on him. The most important thing is to grab the head of others!

Frieza made up his mind to use Jiang Siming's life to calm his anger.

After Jiang Siming killed one person casually, he continued to drive the car up the hill.

He didn't even know that this man on the mountain was the second Frieza in the ‘famous’ standings.

As soon as the car drove up, a fierce fire came from the top of the mountain!

The front of Jiang Siming's car was suddenly clinked.

And the bullet didn't seem to stop at all, as if it were endless.

Everyone saw that Frieza's sub-gun was actually an M249 machine gun.

There are too few players still playing Big Pineapple these days.

Although he was holding a machine gun, Frieza's marksmanship was extremely accurate, and the bullets were fired at the front of Jiang Siming's car.

Let Jiang Siming only temporarily avoid the sharp edge, lower his body to avoid the bullet from falling into his helmet.

But under the nearly crazy bullet, the car's blood volume quickly bottomed out.

The car burst into flames and was about to explode.

Jiang Siming could only reluctantly give up his new car and jumped out of it.

Frieza didn't seem to want to fight Jiang Siming at all. After breaking the car, he quickly retreated, ran into the house and disappeared.

It also made the bullet shot by Jiang Siming after jumping off the car hit the air.

Jiang Siming was a bit contemptuous. This man swept a large shuttle with a machine gun and slipped?

Can you play a little bit more?

Jiang Siming did not take it lightly and chose to follow into the long house on the mountain.

After entering the first floor, Jiang Siming walked to the second floor without seeing anyone.

But before going up the stairs, machine guns sounded on the second floor.

The bullet hit the stairs like raindrops, and shot Jiang Siming back.

And the bullets of the big pineapple seemed endless, Jiang Siming waited for a few seconds, still shooting upstairs.

Jiang Siming tried to throw a thunder, but the other party didn't know where it was stuck. The grenade seemed to have no effect, and the gunfire did not stop.

Jiang Siming couldn't go up because he had to get bullets as soon as he went up.

The opponent didn't play any marksmanship and shooting speed with him, so he froze with him with 150 shots in advance.

One person was stunned by the firepower of a regiment.

Makes Jiang Siming quite speechless, is there still such a game?

The nearby players shuddered in fear when they heard the gunshot.

Hello, is the game customer service? I want to ask, is Syria over there?


Second more~

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