I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2480: Misunderstanding? Not exactly!

"You wake up, come, put on this dress, I think your figure is similar to mine, so I found me for you."

"Don't be afraid, we are not bad guys, I heard that you saved our company employees, thank you so much~"

"Yes, if it weren't for your rescue, Manager Liu's life would have been ruined."

"Although you live here, as long as you want to live, treat this as your own home."

"Our husband is fine, and he is handsome, you can consider it if you are single."

"and also..."


The girls talked and talked a lot to Li, and the room suddenly became lively like a vegetable market.

Li Ze looked at them with a blank face, kid, she had a lot of question marks.

Each of these women in front of her was very cordial and friendly, all sorts of humorous and inquisitive, and Zhili didn't know how to open her mouth at all.

However, the environment in which she had lived since she was a child made it impossible for her to trust anyone easily.

But she could feel that these women did not have the slightest malice towards her.

She didn't know how to communicate, so she had no choice but to remain silent.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming shouted for dinner downstairs, and the women temporarily gave up their plans to get close to being close.

But Li couldn't escape their enthusiasm, and was urged by them to get dressed and helped him downstairs step by step.

"Sisters~ I heard you say that a new sister has arrived at home today? Where is it?"

Huo Wu, who had just returned from get off work, rushed in with a grin, and was about to see her new sister.

Followed by Bing Meiren and Li Shengxue who got off work together.

They are currently working in the police department temporarily, and they don't want to stay at home all the time.

The third daughter had long heard that a new sister, a pity, had arrived at home, brought back by her husband.

She looks good, but it's a pity that she's disfigured.

In Wechat, I have been in that Amway, how good-looking is this young lady and her body.

This doesn't mean that they will go straight to the new sister as soon as they get home.

After the three of them entered the house, they happened to collide with Li who was going downstairs.

When they saw Li, Bing Meiren and Huo Wu were obviously taken aback at first, then their expressions changed suddenly, changing from happy to alert and hostile.

"Reba, Yoona, let go of her and stay away from her." Bingmei urged Reba and Yoona who helped them away.

Reba and Yoona froze for a moment, completely unaware of what happened.

But of course they trusted their sisters, so they immediately opened their hands and withdrew vigilantly.

Huo Wu had already rushed forward, and was about to subdue away with a palm.

Li's eyes flashed with panic and astonishment, she didn't even know what happened.

But when the danger came, she also hurriedly wanted to avoid under the reflex.

What she didn't expect was that her speed was not the opponent's opponent at all.

After a face-to-face, Huo Wu easily blocked her back, and patted her with a palm!

At this moment, Jiang Siming's voice came from the direction of the kitchen.

"What are you doing, don't fight, after a while her wound broke open again, you have to ask me to deal with it."

As soon as the voice fell, Huo Wu slapped a warm chest with his palm. Although the intensity was great, the other party seemed to have no response at all.

Just calmly hugged her in his arms.

Huo Wu looked up and realized that Jiang Siming had blocked the palm. He suddenly became confused, and hurriedly checked, "husband, are you okay?"

Jiang Siming said with a smile: "Your little slap massages me too weakly, how could I have anything to do."

Huo Wu breathed a sigh of relief, her beautiful eyes blanked him strangely, and said, "Bad guy, don't make trouble, I want to deal with business."

"What business?" Jiang Siming said.

Huo Wu pointed to Li, who was protected by Jiang Siming, and said: "She is not an ordinary person, she is a wanted by China, a traitor!"

The whole family was shocked and looked towards Li.

Bing Meiren also stood up and said: "Huo Wu is right. She is a traitor to the Sky Team. The Sky Team Tie Li, she will kill if you see her!"


This is a lot of trouble.

The women surrounded Li one after another.

Even Jiang Siming didn't expect it at all, but he wouldn't doubt his wife's words.

She said it was a traitor, then it must be a traitor.

"I saved a traitor from feelings? Damn, I will come personally!"

Jiang Siming turned his head to look at Li, reading his mind, but he didn't find any information about Li being a traitor. What's going on?

At this time, Li, who was surrounded by the middle, didn't even know that she was already surrounded by more than 30 cultivators...

She was also confused, and kept shaking her head, denying: "What are you talking about? I'm not a traitor, I don't know anything, what is the sky group?"

"Still pretending, don't you know what you did 23 years ago? Still dare to pretend!" Huo Wu sneered.

"You don't wrong me, I'm only 22 years old." Li felt that Huo Wu was lying to herself.

"And, I don't believe it." Huo Wu didn't believe it at all.

But Jiang Siming said, "It's true that she is 22 years old."

"Huh?" Huo Wu was dumbfounded.

Bing Mei thought of a possibility and asked aloud: "What's your name?"


"real name."

"I don't have a real name. I gave me this name when my parents gave birth." Li replied.

Bingmei's eyes jumped, and immediately asked: "Then what's your mother's name?"

"I don't know, but my father always calls my mother'Silver Flower'." Although Li didn't know what happened, he still answered.

Bing Meiren and Huo Wu were shocked at the same time, and the two asked in unison: "Is your father called Tie Shu?"

"How do you know?" Li surprised.

"Really..." The Bing Beauty and Huo Wu glanced at each other, seemingly incredible.

"What the **** is going on?" The other sisters were at a loss all the way, and didn't know what happened, including Jiang Siming.

But Bing Meiren and Huo Wu didn't have time to explain, they immediately asked Li: "Where are your parents now?"

"They died three years ago." Li replied somewhat disappointed.

"Is this...dead?" Bingmei really didn't expect this to be the result.

Li also guessed that this matter must be related to her parents, and asked, "My parents...are they really traitors?"

Bing Meiren looked at her, and she was silent for a few seconds before she said: "Yes, they are the biggest traitors of the Tian Group."

Li's face turned pale, and said in a tone: "Can you tell me what they did?"

"Your parents didn't tell you?" Huo Wu asked suspiciously.

Li shook his head, bit his whitish lips, and said, "My parents never tell me about their stay in China, but I often hear them from their private chats and regret doing that. Regret to leave China."

Bing Meiren sighed and said: "Your parents' affairs are very complicated, but it has nothing to do with you. We also misunderstood when you looked like your mother."

Everyone was relieved, it turned out to be a misunderstanding.

Although it is a misunderstanding, it is not completely okay.

Under the narration of the ice beauty, everyone knew what was going on.


Second more~

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