I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2514: Big boy who loves to laugh

No matter how ordinary moves, when placed in the hands of the strong, they are all big kills.

Not to mention that this divine sword Yu Lei Zhen tactic was originally handed down by Patriarch Aoba.

No one has been able to exert its true power.

Now, Jiang Siming uses the power of transforming the gods to urge this sword art.

The entire sky was completely covered by black clouds, and countless electric lights quickly gathered in the clouds. After a while, a terrifying thunder light fell from the sky and landed on the green bamboo bee cloud sword.

However, this seems to have not stopped!

Jiang Siming once again squeezed the sword tactics, held the hilt in his hand, and swung out a shocking sword shadow!

"The wind will stop!"

Two completely different sword moves merge into one at this moment.

Jiang Siming borrowed the power of giants, and twenty times the spiritual power was enough to support the combination of these two sword moves, and coupled with the ultimate understanding of these two sword moves, the impossible became possible.

Even the green bamboo bee cloud sword uttered extremely excited sword sounds.

Few swords can have such a master and wield such amazing sword moves.

Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen tactics to cooperate with the violent wind to cut!

God, that has changed!

Two horrible sword auras of different colors merge into one body in the entanglement and slash together on this thousand-year-old zombie king!

Damn it!

Thousand-year corpse king suffered this sword move, from head to toe, the body was divided into two parts.

There was still a large amount of sword energy left, flying towards the Yuancha Holy Ancestor.

Yuancha Saint Ancestor didn't expect this to happen at all, and only reacted when the sword qi reached his face.

But there is no way to hide, and he has endured this sword spirit firmly.


Although the star giant was not divided into two like the corpse king, but the whole body was trembling violently.

The body of thunder that had worked so hard before finally collapsed completely!

The power of thunder was completely vanished.

Seeing that the Millennium Zombie King, which he spent a hundred years of painstaking refining, was cut in half, the heart of Yuansha Saint Ancestor was bleeding.

The corpse king was divided into two, but it was originally a corpse, but it was still able to act.

But at this time, after learning about Jiang Siming's power, the corpse king, who was originally afraid of nothing, began to be afraid.

Even the two corpses got up, trying to escape.

This man is terrifying!

Zombies are scared when they see it.

Jiang Siming smiled coldly, did not give him a chance to escape at all, and chased him in one step.

Before doing it, I didn't forget to ridicule: "Azi who has a corpse must have a corpse, don't always cause trouble to the living."

"Since you can't catch your eyes, then I'll give you a ride."

Speaking of, Jiang Siming threw the two halves of the Thousand-Year Corpse King into the sky, and then slammed two fists.

Beat it into dust and completely dissipate in the sky.

"Do not!"

Yuancha Saint Ancestor shouted to keep him, but it was of no avail.

After solving this corpse king, Jiang Siming's next goal is him.

Seeing Jiang Siming approaching him, Yuancha Saint Ancestor's expression changed, and he finally realized that this ‘ant’ in the Transcendent Realm was not an ordinary Transcendent Realm monk.

Far stronger than he imagined.

"Good boy, you do have the ability to compete with the old, but if people of our state want to fight for life and death, there is no need for you to say, it is better to turn the fighting into a jade and settle it."

Yuancha Saint Ancestor began to ask for peace, he really didn't know how many hole cards Jiang Siming had.

I'm afraid I'm afraid.

Can't afford to provoke or hide.

He believed that he was a monk in the dignified and fit state, and the other party would never really dare to work hard.

But he seemed to be wrong.

Jiang Siming walked towards him step by step, without any intention to stop.

"Don't you like to laugh, why don't you laugh now?"

Yuancha Saint Ancestor's face turned blue, gritted his teeth and said: "You are less proud, I just don't want to fight a jade and burn it. If you want to kill me, you have to pay a high price, why bother, besides, it is this ghost king who wants to attack you Qingyun Gate , Can't you just find him?"

The ghost king at this time has been beaten to the ground by Shuiyue, and has no ability to move.

Hearing this, his last hope was gone.

"Sacred Ancestor of Yuancha, I am your fairy board!" The ghost king yelled.

The ancestor of Yuancha didn't care, the dead and poor daoist did not die, as long as he could run, he didn't care who was in the wrong.

Jiang Siming didn't hear him. He just smiled and said: "He and I will deal with it, don't worry, deal with you now."

After speaking, Jiang Siming's body held up his head, his palms were bright and golden!

King Kong Tu Floating Hand!

The Vajra Floating Hand, with a cultivation base of twenty times, had already stepped into the God Transformation Realm and displayed it.

The power is so terrible that the Yuancha Saint Ancestor feels desperate!

It's another hole card!

This kid still has something to do.

The ancestor Yuancha couldn't stand up no matter how hard he was, and took the lead and ran away, without the appearance and demeanor of the master just now.

But how can this King Kong Slaughter Floating Hand be dodged by him?

Before he could run away, a golden palm print hit his back firmly!


This time, the star giant shattered!

An old man planted from the sky and knocked out a big pit.

It was the Yuancha Holy Ancestor who was beaten back to his original form.

The saint ancestor at this time, lying in the pit, dying in ragged clothes, his eyes full of despair and fear.

"Senior, I don't know Taishan. Please ask senior to treat me as a fart and let me go."

The ancestor Yuancha coughed up blood as he spoke, the blood gushing out from his mouth, looking very miserable.

At this time, it was time for the giant's potion, Jiang Siming returned to its original appearance, twisted it out of the pit like a chicken, and threw it on the ground.

"Didn't you like to laugh before? I heard that boys who love to laugh are not too bad luck. You might as well laugh, maybe I can let you go."

Jiang Siming smiled ‘friendly’ towards him.

Daoxuan and the others couldn't help laughing.

A boy who loves to laugh...A **** boy, a thousand-year-old boy?

Yuancha Shengzu was furious in his heart, but his face was full of horror. "Senior laughed..."

"Who told you to laugh, I want you to laugh now!" Jiang Siming's eyes were cold, his murderous aura was full.

The ancestor of Yuancha shivered and pulled out a smile that was uglier than crying: "Hey..."

"Laughing so ugly, I don't want to see you smile, now I just want to see you cry and cry for me."

Yuancha Holy Ancestor: "..."

"Skills can be killed but not insulted! Kill me if you have a seed! But you'd better remember that I am a monk of the Integral Realm, and I know many friends of the same level, and there are even..."


Before the Yuancha Holy Ancestor's voice was heard, he was completely wiped out by Jiang Siming!

"Let you cry without crying, a lot of nonsense, I wanted to let you go, I'm sorry now."

Jiang Siming shook his hand casually and retracted the sword.

The war finally ended.

Everyone began to prepare to clean the battlefield.

Dao Xuan thought he could pick up treasures. After all, the ghost king brought so many high-level cultivation bases, and their storage bags were all treasures.

But before they could get it, they were all gone.

Then Jiang Siming had dozens of more storage bags in his hand, one of which was the storage bag of the Yuancha Holy Ancestor's Combined Realm.

"Oh, so many bags, we are rich, ladies, let's go back and divide them slowly."

Daoxuan: "Am I... a worker?"


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