I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2524: Familiar rope

"Since I'm fine, you can go."

Yunmeng backhanded Jiang Siming's order to chase off his guests.

"You woman, you really have no conscience. I saved your life so that you don't get into the demon. You didn't have to thank you, so you want to drive me away?" Jiang Siming said silently.

I wouldn't push her awake if I knew it, and let her fend for herself.

Yun Meng has reason and evidence: "The last time I concealed what Yuezong did to me, I haven't settled the account with you yet, this time it is even tied."

Jiang Siming's face turned black and said, "I'm pooh! What you think is pretty beautiful, do you think Lao Tzu is here for nothing? Your sister promised me two things, so I was willing to come. I really think what you are. Fairy in the sky, I will save you for nothing if I am stupid, March 8!"

After speaking, Jiang Siming turned his head and left.

When he walked out of the cave, Jiang Siming was still cursing bad luck. When he came out, he saw Yun Luo brushing his teeth...

Hearing the footsteps, Yun Luo turned her head subconsciously, still holding a toothbrush in her hand, her mouth full of bubbles.

There are also items similar to toothpaste in Xianxia World, which will have bubbles when brushed.

It's just that this kind of action fell on Yun Luo, who looked very cute.

The two looked at each other like this, and the air seemed to freeze.

After a while, Yunluo flushed and hurriedly rinsed her mouth and wiped her mouth, and hid the toothbrush back.

When Jiang Siming saw Yun Luo look like this, he burst into laughter, and the anger caused by Yun Meng just now disappeared.

It’s better to be a sister, unlike this 38-year-old sister, who is inhuman.

"How is my sister?" Yun Luo blushed and tried to change the subject.

"She? It's okay, she's okay now."


"Why lie to you."

"Thank you, thank you for saving my sister." Yun Luo was overjoyed.

Jiang Siming waved his hand casually and said, "I saved her because of the two things you promised me. Since you are so cooperative and brushing your teeth, can you achieve the first thing you just did?"

"No, no, I brushed my teeth because of this..." Yun Luo waved her hand quickly to deny, but her eyes betrayed her.

"Then what are you doing brushing your teeth?"


Yun Luo was speechless, just when she was trying to find a reason to answer Jiang Siming, Jiang Siming rushed over and hugged him.

Then he lifted her pretty face and kissed her.


Yunluo's eyes suddenly became bigger than bull's eyes, and she faced Jiang Siming's sneak attack incredibly.

After recovering, Yun Luo hurriedly struggled.

But helplessly it wasn't Jiang Siming's opponent at all. He was so hugged that he had no power to resist, and he couldn't even breathe.

"This is what you promised me. I don't want to go back. I have brushed my teeth. How can I not kiss me if I am so cooperative."

Jiang Siming took the time to say this, and then continued to kiss.

Yunluo wanted to cry, so she only kissed once. This guy has kissed twice, why doesn't she stop, oooooo, big liar~

From the beginning, Jiang Siming was rude and rude, and gradually became patient and gentle, and began to slowly guide Yunluo to enjoy the real kiss.

Yun Luo felt that her mouth was chewed by a dog at first.

But slowly, slowly, she became a little addicted to this feeling.

Just when the two kissed.

Yunmeng, who chased it out, walked out of the cave and saw this scene at a glance.

"Jiang Siming! I'm going to kill you!"

Yunmeng thought that Jiang Siming used her elder sister strongly, so she would do it at him.

Jiang Si had a hunch tomorrow morning and easily hid in Yunluo in his arms.

But the good deeds of the two were completely disturbed by Yun Meng.

Yun Luo broke away from Jiang Siming's embrace and immediately said to Yunmeng: "Sister, are you all right?"

"Sister, don't worry, I will take revenge for you by smashing the corpse of this thief!"

Yun Meng gritted her silver teeth and glared at Jiang Siming.

Yun Luo knew that Yun Meng had misunderstood, and was afraid that the two would fight.

Of course Yun Luo knew Jiang Siming's strength, and could single-kill the existence of Yuancha Holy Ancestor, and she could defeat her sister when she left the Aperture Realm.

What's more, now that he has entered the realm of transforming gods, if his sister fights with him, she will definitely not be an opponent.

Yun Luo had no choice but to explain: "Sister, you have misunderstood, this is...I ask him to act..."

"What?" Yun Meng was stunned.

Then he furiously said: "Sister, how can you agree to this condition of this harlot!"

Yunluo blushed, and said, "We are the ones who practice the path of forgetfulness anyway. There will be no mortal feelings. Your situation is so crisis. I have to agree. It's okay. Now that I have completed the conditions, I will not follow He has something to do with it."

Yunmeng hadn't spoken yet, but Jiang Siming smiled and said to her: "What is done? This is only a condition. I have to go to your sect's treasure house to pick a treasure as a return."

"Don't think about it!" Yun Meng said, his eyes almost swallowing Jiang Siming alive.

Jiang Siming turned his head and said to her: "Did I talk to you? You're just here whispering, nothing is wrong with you? It's a deadly death to save you a dog who doesn't know how to be grateful!"

Yunmeng was furious and was about to fight Jiang Siming desperately.

Jiang Siming didn't bother to fight her, and with a wave of his hand, a long, dirty rope flew towards Yunmeng.

Seeing the rope, Yun Meng's expression changed drastically, and immediately wanted to hide.

But he still couldn't escape Jiang Siming's claws, and he was instantly **** by Lingsuo.

Familiar rope, familiar tying method, familiar tortoiseshell style.

Hmm~ The needle does not poke.

"You let me go! Bastard!" Yun Meng was ashamed and angry, so angry he wanted to vomit blood.

However, no matter how she struggled, she couldn't escape the control of Lingsuo.

She remembered that she could still fight Jiang Siming back and forth, but now, she couldn't dodge a single move.

Yunmeng's divine consciousness swept towards Jiang Siming, and was surprised to find that Jiang Siming was already the same as she was a cultivator of the God Realm.

"Leave you? Let you go, will you continue to make trouble? You want to be beautiful!" Jiang Siming finished speaking and threw it back to the cave.

"Introspection and introspection in it, Sanba!" Jiang Siming scolded Yunmeng, but smiled politely at Yunluo.

"Let's go, Miss Yunluo, we should fulfill the second promise. Of course, if you feel that the first promise is not fulfilled enough, we can continue."

Yunluo's pretty face flushed, she shook her head quickly, and said, "No, I'll take you to the Zongmen Treasure House, but my sister..."

"Don't worry, I will come back and untie her after I get the baby." Jiang Siming promised.

Yun Luo had no choice but to temporarily leave Yunmeng and take Jiang Siming to the Zongmen Treasury.

There are seals and enchantments in this cave, so there is no need to worry about what happened to Yunmeng.

Besides, Jiang Siming would release the treasure when he got it.

Yun Luo has nothing to worry about either.

Just thinking of the scene where the two kissed just now, her face was so hot.

Jiang Siming followed Yunluo to the treasure house of the Moon Sect.

Not to mention, there are so many treasures, more abundant than the treasure house of any sect he has been to.

Got rich~


Third more~

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