I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2539: Wonderful home~

Jiang Shiming felt more reasonable the more he thought about it.

This time actually made Jiang Siming happier.

That said, if you can continue to stay in the upper realm and continue to improve your cultivation level, you can break through to the Tribulation Realm without any pressure or hindrance.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming couldn't help but applaud, wonderful!

This is really wonderful frog seeds eating wonderful crispy corners into Mickey wonderful house, wonderful home~

In this case, Jiang Siming would not have to worry that his breakthrough would usher in the catastrophe and be used by Fairy Ice Soul.

I don't have to hold back hard, I want to make a breakthrough.

Anyway, the sky thunder in the lower realm can't control him in the upper realm.

Jiang Siming stepped into the combined realm, his cultivation strength skyrocketed, and he was now able to borrow the power of the stars.

Jiang Siming tried to see if he could escape this shrine now.

But after trying it, he slapped the shrine with ten success strength.

The shrine remained untouched, his hand almost broke, and the pain made him grin.

For Te Niang, the gap is still too big.

It seems that it is impossible to escape this shrine in a short time, unless the teleportation charm is used.

Thinking about it, Jiang Siming was relieved a lot, and completely gave up the idea of ​​breaking away from the shrine.

Now that his life safety is stable, Jiang Siming is worried about Yunluo's state. Don't do anything stupid about this girl.

In Yunluo's bedroom.

Fairy Bing Soul checked Yun Luo's memory with divine thoughts, only to find that Jiang Siming hadn't run at all, but had been hiding in his own cave.

When Fairy Ice Soul asked Yun Luo to kill Jiang Siming, she also lied to herself.

More than that, the two have done that kind of thing in their beloved bath!

Although the water in this pond is Tianchi Xuanshui, it will never pollute and leave dirt.

But for Fairy Bingpo, who has a cleanliness disorder, she has completely given up on this bathing pool.

The more I think about it, the more angry.

But looking at Yunluo's desolate eyes and purplish red eyes, and the blood on her forehead, Fairy Bingpo felt softened again.

After all, this is her lover. Although she has done something wrong, she is also confused by the despicable person like Jiang Siming, so she will do such a stupid thing.

The most difficult thing about forgetfulness is love, and the most sad thing is love.

Although Fairy Bing Po has never felt what love is, she also knows that once it gets involved, it is difficult to cure it.

Simply, she looked at Yun Luo's memory and knew that the two had not been together for a long time.

Yun Luo's feelings for Jiang Siming should not be so deep.

As long as she guides and admonishes well, and after a long time, she will naturally forget this man.

"Master, how is he? I beg you to tell me." Yun Luo asked poorly towards Fairy Bing Po.

Fairy Bing Po simply deceived: "Do you think he fell in my hands, what will happen to him?"

Yun Luo's eyes suddenly lost all their luster, and she was about to break herself by lifting her palm.

The fairy Bingpo hurriedly stopped.

"What are you going to do! Stupid disciple!" Fairy Bing Po was almost crying. What kind of disciple is this, who is about to commit suicide in the presence of his master.

Yun Luo smiled sadly, and said: "The disciple knew that he was rebellious and did something wrong. My husband also angered Master, and the sin was unforgivable. The disciple could not avenge her husband. There was only one death, let me go with my husband. The two make a pair of yellow spring mandarin ducks, and the master is asked to fulfill it."

Fairy Bingpo was taken aback for a moment, shocked in his heart.

I couldn't believe that I, a timid and well-behaved disciple, would say such things and would have such thoughts of going to death.

What's the reason? Is it really because of this illusory love?

But they have only been together for a few days?

Does this make Yun Luo look for life and death for the dog thief Jiang Siming?

This was really beyond her expectation.

"You have to abandon yourself just for this stinky man? Betrayed as a teacher?" Fairy Bing Po even had a little grievance in his words.

She worked hard to cultivate and cared for the little padded jacket, but she didn't expect it to be a wedding dress for others.

Yun Luo was sluggish, and said lightly: "Although I have not been with my husband for a long time, I have a sincere heart for him."

"Now that my husband is dead, Yunluo can't really focus on cultivation, and she doesn't want to become an immortal. If the person she loves is gone, what's the point even if she lives forever."

"It's just that Yun Luo doesn't want to live a life of loneliness and companionship with Xinghe like the master did."

After hearing these words, Fairy Bingpo was speechless for a while. Why did she feel that these words were so ironic?

But looking at Yun Luo's appearance, she knew it was not, it was the words from the bottom of the heart of this stupid apprentice.

She was moved by the truth.

Seeing Yunluo getting more and more depressed, Fairy Bing Soul could only sigh even though he was unwilling.

"Get up, you don't have to hunt for death, he is not dead yet."

"Really...really? Master, you are not deliberately comforting me, are you."

Yun Luo raised her head, still a little disbelief.

Fairy Bingpo rolled her eyes, and she believed what she said, but to be honest, she didn't believe it.

I'm really bad for eight lifetimes.

"I didn't lie to you as a teacher. He really didn't die. He was just imprisoned as a teacher."

"Great! My husband is not dead! He is not dead! Uuuuu..."

Yun Luo was moved and cried instantly, and at the same time begged Fairy Bingpo to let Jiang Siming go.

Fairy Bing Po's face was pale, and said: "Yun Luo, you don't want to be an inch. I didn't kill him because it was for your sake. You want me to let him go? Don't you think you are trying to become a teacher!"

Yun Luo's body trembled and said: "The disciple dare not, as long as the master let my husband go, the disciple is willing to be a cow and a horse to repay Master."

"You, you... I..." Fairy Ice Soul was so angry that he couldn't speak well.

What can she say when encountering this kind of apprentice?

But Yun Luo didn't care, she just kept begging, and kept kowtow, only begging Fairy Bing Po to let her lover go.

Fairy Bing Po was silent for a long time, and said: "I can let him go, but I have one condition."

Yun Luo was overjoyed and hurriedly asked, "Master, please tell me."

"If you want me to let him go, you have to practice the Emotional Dao to the eighth level. If you can do it, I will release him immediately."

After listening to Yunluo, she was startled, and the eighth level of Wang Qingdao...how could this be possible.

There are nine layers of Wang Qing Dao.

Apart from the master, her sister is the most gifted, and she has reached the sixth level.

But he only reached the fifth level.

The more you go up, the harder it is to practice. Not only does it require talent, but it also needs to cut off all distractions and emotions.

Even if she does practice, it means that she has forgotten Jiang Siming.

Master's condition is to make her forget Jiang Siming and give up love.

Yun Luo wanted to refuse, but looking at Fairy Bingpo's expression, she knew that this was already for Fairy Bingpo's sake, and she was very kind.


Yun Luo agreed.

Fairy Bing Po finally showed a little smile, and it seemed that his apprentice could still be saved.

correct! bad! Almost forgot, Jiang Siming was still in the furnace.

Fairy Bingpo's expression changed, and he quickly turned and ran to the alchemy room.

If Yun Luo knew that Jiang Siming had been practiced to death by her, it would be over.


Third more~

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