I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2542: Bye bye you!

On the other hand, Yunluo's mood was completely different from that of Fairy Bingpo.

She rushed into the small world where the ice soul fairy imprisoned Jiang Siming.

As soon as she entered, the sunlight was projected into the small world, and her aura was restored as before.

Yun Luo saw at a glance that Jiang Siming in the shrine was lying in it, screaming asleep, and she was holding a clean woman exactly like the master in her arms.

Jiang Siming, who felt the change in the small world, thought it was the Bingpo Fairy who was here, and he didn't even bother to open his eyes.

"Old monster, I have to say, your body is still great. I haven't played enough for the three years I have enjoyed, playing with my legs, playing with my chest, tusk, I don't lose anyway."

Yun Luo couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this. If Master heard this, she would definitely not let him go.


Yun Luo gave a soft cry.

Jiang Siming opened his eyes immediately, got up and looked around, and he was overjoyed when he saw Yun Luo Qiaosheng standing in front of him.

"Silly Nizi, are you okay? That old monster didn't bully you in three years, right?"

Yun Luo was even touched when she heard Jiang Siming was still worrying about herself. The three years of worry and worry were finally relieved.

Yun Luo cried.

She wanted to go back to find the master to lift the seal of the shrine, but found that the shrine broke away automatically.

It seems that Master has removed the seal of the shrine.

Without the blockade of the shrine, Jiang Siming finally saw the sky again and came out of this bird spot.

The two immediately hugged each other.

"Husband... In the past three years, I have suffered you, and I blame Yunluo for being bad, oooo..."

Jiang Siming was also quite moved, and he put his arms around Yun Luo's delicate body and helped her to wipe away the tears.

"Silly girl, it's obviously my own problem. What does it have to do with you? By the way, you haven't told me how you got in. How could that old monster be willing to let you out?"

Yun Luo was about to speak, but she felt that someone was coming in from the small world. She hurriedly urged: "Husband, quickly call back the spirit, my master is coming, let her see it, she will definitely change her decision with anger."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Siming also knew that he could not really provoke the old monster to get angry, and quickly called Bingbing back.

As soon as the Qi Ling was recalled, Fairy Ice Soul arrived on the back foot.

"Yun Luo, the teacher has done what you asked for, and the teacher has promised you to let him go and let him go for himself. If you have anything to say, hurry up and finish now. Anyway, you two probably won't meet again in this life."

"Why, Master?" Yun Luo paled and asked hurriedly.

Fairy Bing Po sneered: "Do you think there is a way for him to leave here and go to other parts of the upper realm? It is easy for any fairy here to kill him."

Yun Luo's face turned pale suddenly, she forgot about it, even if Jiang Siming could run out of here, leave the shrine.

Where can he go? Nowhere in the upper realm is his current strength to be able to stay.

In this way, she wanted to save Jiang Siming all intent on saving him, but instead pushed her beloved into another fire pit.

The more she thought about it, the more flustered Yun Luo became.

"Master, can you let my husband stay here?"

"Hmph, don't challenge the patience of being a teacher, give you a stick of incense time to speak, after finishing speaking, he will immediately get out of me, you continue to stay and practice the ninth step of the Tao of Forgetfulness."

After speaking, the ice soul fairy left.

Yunluo's eyes were desperate and miserable.

When it's over, the husband is going to be killed by himself.

I had known that she would not practice Wangqingdao so quickly.

In this way, although the husband still has to be locked up, at least there is no worry about his life.

"Husband, it's all my fault, it's me who hurt you..." Yun Luo burst into tears and cried.

Jiang Siming smiled very happily. He put Yunluo in his arms, patted her on the back, and said, "Silly girl, you too underestimate your husband."

Yun Luo thought that Jiang Siming was just comforting herself and cried more fiercely.

When Jiang Siming saw this, he knew that it was useless to say anything, so he might as well act.

So Jiang Siming left a note that he had prepared long ago, threw it on the ground, and then took out the [Dongzhou Transmission Talisman].

Finally I can leave. After three years in this place where the birds do not shit, I can finally leave this time.

Had it not been for the debris and Yunluo, Jiang Si would have left tomorrow morning.

Now Yunluo is here too. This may be the only chance he can get in touch with Yunluo. If you don't leave at this time, there will be no chance to get close to Yunluo.

That old monster would definitely not let him see Yun Luo goodbye, and would drive him out.

So this task should be over.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming shredded the teleportation charm without any nostalgia.

Before leaving, I still didn't forget to shout to the outside of the small world: "Old monster, goodbye you! You can stay here to take care of yourself! No one is with you, you are lonely! Hahaha..."

The Fairy Ice Soul who was still waiting outside heard these words, a little surprised, and immediately rushed back to the small world.

But found that in the small world, there are no human figures.

Not only was Jiang Siming missing, even Yunluo was missing.

There is only a note on the ground.

Fairy Bingpo picked it up and saw that it was Jiang Siming's words that disgusted her. Anyway, he took Yunluo back to the lower realm and let her stay in this dog place slowly.


Fairy Bingpo shredded the paper, the person disappeared instantly, and ran to find Jiang Siming.

Because she didn't believe that Jiang Siming could go back to the Lower Realm at all, and there were spatial rules, let alone Jiang Siming, she was helpless as such a real fairy.

Not only true immortals, no matter how strong immortals are, they can't do it.

So she was sure that Jiang Siming had deliberately deceived herself, and in fact she must have brought Yunluo to the upper bounds.

"Damn villain! Benxian let him go, he is still not satisfied, and wants to leave with Benxian's disciples, isn't this making Yunluo jump into the fire pit too!"

Fairy Bingpo went out anxiously, looking for the two of them.

She didn't care if Jiang Siming left here, but Yun Luo would be broken if she left.

Yunluo's cultivation base was able to transform into a **** realm, and it was hard to escape death when other monks from the upper realm saw it.

This is where the ice soul fairy is most anxious.

But there is one thing that Fairy Ice Soul may not have noticed by herself, that is, she didn't hate Jiang Siming like before because she ran away.

The purpose of her coming out to find someone is not to find Jiang Siming to settle accounts.

She just wanted to bring Yun Luo back, fearing that she would be in danger elsewhere in the upper realm.

Her hatred for Jiang Siming... seems to have disappeared invisibly.

Maybe Jiang Siming didn't know it himself, he was running very handsome, and it was triggered invisibly.

Dongzhou, Xiaozhufeng.

The originally quiet backyard was disturbed by a burst of crying.

A large group of masters rushed out of the backyard to check the situation.

When they saw the figures in the courtyard, they all cried with joy.

"Husband, you are finally back!"

"Hey, why did you bring a sister back? Why is this sister crying?"

"Isn't the husband who forcibly abducted it back?"

"I'll go, how come this sister looks exactly like Yunmeng!"


Yun Luo, who was still sobbing, heard the babbling sounds around her, and raised her head suspiciously. She was stunned...

Third more~

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