I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2545: What is the real function of the love pill?

Yun Luo returned to Xiaozhufeng and told Jiang Siming that her sister had already gone back and would not cause trouble to Qingyunmen any more.

Jiang Siming was only satisfied now, and he didn't care about that death.

"Master, try Thor's new tail meat~" Thor brought a plate with her fresh tail meat on it.

Jiang Siming's expression froze, and he couldn't bear to see Thor's expectant expression.

"Husband, try it, Thor's tail meat is delicious now~" Baguio recommended.

"Yes, yes, but it's delicious, Thor's cooking is getting better and better now." Solanum also agreed.

"That's right, we've all eaten it, it's really delicious." You Qingyan smirked.

Jiang Siming believed it was true, took a piece of it, tasted it, and vomited it as soon as he ate it.

"You dare to be your husbands! See if I catch your **** or not open your ass!"

Jiang Siming was annoyed to arrest people, and Baguio and the others hurried away.

On the moon-watching platform, there was laughter and joy.

Yun Luo looked at this scene, her eyes were full of happy little stars, is she happy in the life of the fairy? Obviously not!

At night, Jiang Siming did not hesitate, and as expected, he cleaned them up fiercely. The eleven little ladies were all exhausted and shouted countless times for mercy before they were let go.

Jiang Siming looked at the scene of sleepy dreams in the bedroom, with high morale and quite proud.

Sample, dare to be a husband? It's really not a long memory if I don't give you a good lesson.

After three years of absence, Jiang Siming felt that he must reorganize his husband.

Unfortunately, there is no one to fight with him anymore.

Jiang Siming had no choice but to give up, leaving the bedroom temporarily, and after a hurried shower, he planned to go back to sleep with the beautiful ladies in his arms.

But after taking a shower, Jiang Siming found that the red line on his arm had condensed into a solid line.

Jiang Siming looked at his arm in surprise. He still doesn't understand what the red thread is for.

So curious, he fiddled with his finger.

The red line was really flicked by him.

"Who! Who is it!" A cold voice sounded.

Jiang Siming was so frightened by the sound that he heard it clearly, it was the voice of the old monster in the upper realm!

How could this old monster run down, it's over, something serious happened.

Jiang Siming broke out in a cold sweat, thinking that Fairy Bing Po was chased down.

But after waiting for a while, there was no trace of the old monster, and there was no one else.

Everything around is normal and quiet.

Jiang Siming then set his eyes on the red line on his arm again. Could it be this red line?

Jiang Siming, who didn't believe in evil, moved it cautiously again.

"Hmm~ Who the **** is it! Come out for this fairy!"

Damn it!

Jiang Siming was shocked.

He found that his own red line seemed to be connected to the Ice Soul Fairy in the upper realm, and he could sense that she was talking, and even her mood.

This is not the true effect of the love pill, right?

I drop the tortoise.

In the upper realm, the Fairy Ice Soul, who was cultivating in his own cave, let out a soft cry, and his body suddenly became a little strange, as if he was suddenly touched by someone.

She hurriedly expanded her consciousness to the extreme, trying to find the culprit, but found that there was no one.

Just when she was stunned, she also found the red line on her arm, which condensed into a solid line.

Fairy Bingpo also gently raised her hand and pressed it, and then she felt her body numb, as if she had been electrocuted.

"Damn, don't touch me!"

In her mind, she heard a very annoying voice, which she remembered as a ghost.

"Little thief! Where did you take Yunluo! Die for me!"

"That's my wife, I can go wherever I like to take her." Jiang Siming replied.

Fairy Bingpo touched the red line again, and both of them let out a muffled grunt.

"I'm going, are you addicted? Don't touch it, don't you know!" Jiang Siming vomited.

Fairy Ice Soul was extremely embarrassed, and said coldly: "What the **** did you do to me!"

Jiang Siming wanted to tell the truth, but when the woman yelled at him, he simply continued to edit.

"I said, I gave you a slave pill, and you are slowly becoming my slave!"


Fairy Bingpo was in a hurry and wanted to break the red line on his arm directly.

But as soon as she pulled her hand, her body trembled uncontrollably, and her whole body was fucked, an unprecedented feeling appeared in her body.

On Jiang Siming's side, it was not easy. The fire that had fallen after practicing with the ladies rose again and returned to a reinforced state.

"I'm going, what do you want to do, you a few thousand-year-old old woman, don't move this red line too much, okay? You don't want to be dissatisfied and want to find me to relieve the fire?" Jiang Siming said sarcastically.

Fairy Bingpo was so embarrassed that she wanted to slap Jiang Siming's dog's head to pieces.

But she also understood that the red line seemed to be pulled continuously, and it would react with Jiang Siming's body whenever she touched her body.

The degree of reaction will be proportional to the intensity of the red line.

"If you have the ability, tell me where you are, and see if I don't chop you into meat sauce!" Bing Po said, biting her silver teeth.

Jiang Siming disdainfully said: "Cut, I've already said, I'm back to the lower realm, if you have the ability, you will run down from the last session to settle the account. I'm waiting for you."

"Do you think I will believe this kind of nonsense?" Fairy Bing Po sneered, not at all.

"You believe it or not."

"Where is Yunluo?"

"Of course she is at my house."

"Let her come to see me!" The Ice Soul Fairy ordered.

"Do you have a brain problem or eat shit? Why should I listen to you." Jiang Siming sneered.

"You!" Fairy Bing Po was angry. After calming down, she had to lower her anger a little and said, "I want to see Yun Luo."

"She is too tired to fall asleep and has no time to see you."

"Tired? Did you encounter other celestial beings attacked?" The Bing Soul Fairy subconsciously thought that the two of them were chased by other celestial beings in the upper realm.

"I said long ago, everywhere in the upper realm is full of dangers. Even if you die alone, you still have to pull Yunluo. Now tell me where you are. I will rush to save you. I swear that I will not find you. Trouble, as long as you let me take Yunluo away."

Fairy Bingpo's words are already softening, she may not even dare to believe it, she would say not to trouble Jiang Siming.

But for some reason, her previous hatred and hatred for Jiang Siming seemed to disappear somehow.

Of course, she naturally couldn't have any good feelings for him, she was just more worried about the safety of her lover Yunluo than she hated Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming buttoned his nose and said helplessly: "I told you that we are no longer in the upper bound, why don't you believe it."

"Impossible, then why do you say she is too tired?"

"Nonsense, we made the baby all night, can she not be tired!" Jiang Siming blurted out.

Fairy Ice Soul: "..."


Second more~

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