I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2557: First-hand scheming against the Tes car!

Facing Chen Guo's questioning, Daphne asked tentatively:

"Then... next Saturday... OK?"

"Of course! Where can I eat it?" Chen Guo asked thoroughly.

Daphne smiled bitterly, and said casually: "Why... in my house?"

"Ok! Our family arrived on time!"

After Chen Guo finished speaking, he immediately went back to the house with a grin.

Daphne was left melancholy.

Next week, she will really invite Jiang Siming's family to dinner.

In fact, of course there is no problem with a dinner party.

But the problem is, she wants to invite Jiang Siming's family, but she is close to the forty.

Where can she hold so much?

If it's her real home, it's not a problem at all, but her family is in Germany, so you can't invite others to eat in Germany.

Not to mention whether they are willing or not, my dad must be the first one to be unwilling.

So it can only be where she lives now.

But the place where she and Su Ji live is nothing more than a residential area. The decoration of the room is luxurious, yes, and the core space is not large.

After all, she and Su Ji and the housekeeper were only three people, so there was no need to live in too big a room.

Where can I hold so many people?

Daphne thought about changing her mouth and changing the location to a certain hotel.

But everyone invited her to eat at home, so she should be invited to eat at her own house.

Huaxia has a etiquette called Lishang Exchanges.

Daphne still knows this.

So when I changed my mouth, I could only swallow it back.

Forget it, go home and think about how to arrange it.

Fortunately, my father bought all the community, all of them belonged to her, so I can remodel it any way I want, so I will think about it with Su Ji when I go back.

After figuring this out, Daphne was relieved of pressure.

Turned his head and got in the car, he glanced at Jiang Siming reluctantly, and waved goodbye.

On the way home, Daphne was stunned, looking at the roadside scenery in a daze and giggling.

When she got home, she found that Su Ji was sitting on the sofa watching TV with a depressed look, holding a box of biscuits in her arms and biting lonely.

One bite after another, it seems that the cookies are used as a tool to vent their anger.

Seeing Daphne came back, she threw the cookie and threw it on the sofa.

"Daphne, you silly fellow, you said you would take me to eat seafood, how about you?"

"Ahem... Um... I talked to the chairman for too long, and he invited me to dinner, so I came back late." Daphne replied with dodgy eyes.

"Is it just for dinner? Didn't you do anything else? I have to check it out."

After Su Ji finished speaking, she reached into Daphne's skirt.

Daphne was so ashamed that she hurriedly clutched her clothes and rebelled: "What do you want? I am eating at someone's house and what I can do. The ladies are all there!"


Su Ji casually said a Chinese mantra.

This was learned in less than a few days in China.

Because when she first came to China, she found that almost everyone in China would say this.

And this mantra was too magical, and it took her into the ditch at once.

This is much more smooth than what Shetfaq said.

"Have you eaten at someone's house? Are you so courageous? Do you want to challenge all their wives with your own strength? Bull!"

Daphne took a sip and said: "What do you think, I just went to eat, by the way, next week, I will invite them to eat here."

"Huh? Then I'll go?" Su Ji exclaimed.

"Stop making trouble with my dear sister, and quickly think of a way to help me come up with ideas~"

Daphne pulled Su Kyi, and began to wonder how to arrange this special dinner next week...


The next day, several cases about Tes’s brake failure accident were fired on the Internet.

The owner of the Tesi car parked in the underground parking lot of his community. The brake failed and hit the wall. The car owner demanded compensation.

The staff of Tesi also tested it personally, and the result was really unstoppable. They just said that it was a quality problem of individual vehicles and never admitted that this is a common phenomenon.

Another piece of news was that a Tesi car owner stepped on the brakes N times on a high speed without responding and was unable to slow down, causing a major traffic accident.

Tess Public Relations argued that it was the car owner who stepped on the accelerator by mistake that caused the traffic accident.

There was also a spontaneous combustion accident when the Mole4 of the Hainantes car owner was charging in the parking lot.

Tes Public Relations directly dumped the pot to the State Grid, saying it was an electricity problem.

Unexpectedly, they kicked the iron plate this time, and China Power Grid responded quickly, saying that it was simply a quality problem of the Tes car and had nothing to do with electricity.

This time, Tes was severely beaten in the face.

News after news.

It's all about the Tes accident.

Uploaded from Gulu Weibo, and then reprinted and exposed on major short videos and other websites.

This exposure immediately brought the Tes car to the forefront.

During this period of time, when there was no big news on the Internet, netizens who had been eager to eat melon for a long time suddenly found this melon, and naturally they all stared at it.

Tesi is the darling of China now, so something like this happened?

Before Tes covered it with strong public relations, and no one dared to oppose them, it has been smooth.

And now, the accident that was suddenly exposed has become the fuse of the war.

Originally, the quality of Tes cars and the attitude of car companies have always caused many Chinese car people to have deep grievances. The exposure of Gulu Weibo has become the last straw to crush the camel.

Many owners of Tesi who have had similar incidents began to stand up and speak up.

The fuse quickly triggered a series of chain reactions, and there was no need to bring the rhythm on Guru Weibo, and the rhythm would fly by itself.

The funniest thing is Tesi, which is not taken seriously at all.

Regarding the news on the Internet, they directly deny it and slander others maliciously.

As for compensation, it is nonsense and nonsense. It also warns the car owners who are suing to be careful of their lawyer's letter.

The arrogant attitude of Tesi Company completely angered the Chinese people.

Coincidentally, a traffic police in a certain urban area in Nanchang, Jiangxi was on the roadside where they were conducting live-drunk inspections.

A Tesi car, when the traffic police repeatedly raised his hand to signal it to stop.

I ignored the warning and knocked down three traffic policemen.

Two traffic policemen were seriously injured and one was slightly injured.

When the traffic police dragged the owner of Tesi from the car, the owner looked innocent and shouted wronged.

The traffic police confirmed that it was not the problem of the car owner, but the problem of the car.

This time, the live broadcast is on fire!

The Tes car has completely become the focus of public opinion.

There are also more and more stalks about Tes cars on the Internet.

What’s wrong, ‘I’m not entering the house three times, just because I can’t stop. ’, what’ the start is all dependent on the waves, the stopping is all dependent on the collision. ’.

Many other car owners put slogans on the back of their cars:

[In order to prevent a rear-end collision caused by brake failure, please the distinguished leek (Tess) owner to overtake first. 】

For a while, I started playing with Tes car stalks everywhere.

There are also Tesi owners who put a sticker on the back of the car in order to conceal themselves:

[Brake does not work, keep your distance].

and many more.


First more~

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