I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2561: When will the feast appear?

The old man was fine, everyone turned sorrow into joy, and everyone in the hospital cheered.

Although I don't know what happened, as long as the elderly are still alive, it is great news for everyone.

In a private room.

Only Jiang Siming, the elder and the old man of the Tian Group were inside.

Still immersed in joy outside.

The old man of Tianzu laughed and said, "I said this kid has a way, it's not wrong at all."

The elder also laughed and said, "This time, Xiao Jiang, you have done us a great favor."

Jiang Siming shook his head hurriedly and said, "This is not to help you, but what I should do. You are welcome."

"Yeah, good, enlightened." The elder smiled with satisfaction and then asked Jiang Siming: "I think that the red fruit you gave the teacher, it seems to have been eaten for me before?"

"I've eaten it too." The old man Tianzuo said.

Seeing that he couldn't hide it anymore, Jiang Siming no longer concealed it, and frankly said: "That fruit is called Shengyuanguo. Eating one can prolong your life span by a hundred years."


There were two gasps in the room.

The two old men looked at each other, and they both saw each other's shock.

"Is this true?"

Jiang Siming nodded and said, "Yes, but this thing grows too harshly, it's hard to find."

He doesn't say that, for fear that they think they have a lot.

In fact, there are really not a few left on him, and he can only wait two more years for the sacred fruit tree in his family to bear fruit.

Besides this kind of thing, not to mention the preciousness, everyone thought it was all over the street.

Sure enough, after hearing Jiang Siming's words, the two elders immediately believed.

The elder was touched and ashamed and said: "I am not sick or painful. You shouldn't give it to me. Keep this thing and eat it for someone like the teacher."

The old man Tianzu nodded his head in agreement and said, "Yes, boy Jiang, although the old man has inherited a great favor from you, it is really a waste of things for us."

Jiang Siming smiled at the two of them, and said openly: "You too underestimate yourself. The two elders are also indispensable people in China. I am just in case. Besides, the longer you live, the longer you can be. Only by covering me all the time can I have such a chic and happy life."


The two were happy, and laughed and scolded Jiang Siming, this stinky boy, a thief.

Jiang Siming smiled and did not deny it.

"Well, if there is nothing wrong, I will go back to sleep, bye."

Jiang Siming waved his hand at the two elders, and then disappeared in front of them.

It was the first time that the two elders saw Jiang Siming's ability with his own eyes, and couldn't help but sigh, the magic of this world, he didn't expect that there would really be a novel-like ability in front of him.

"This kid, I won't be surprised to have any abilities in the future." The old man was surprised.

"I actually look forward to what he once told me to control space resources. If we really have this ability, I think we, China, can definitely fly into the sky."

As the elder said, he was full of expectations for the future of China.

He wanted to see how much change Jiang Siming would bring to China and the world.

Right now, cancer-clearing pills, holographic energy, etc., seem to be just appetizers.

When will the real feast appear?

The elders said that this is very hopeful.


When the teacher regained his health, the rest of the matter would naturally disappear.

If Jiang Siming did not make a move, the news will be a voice of mourning for a long time to come.

But now the teacher is still alive, and the news naturally contains other content.

Jiang Siming only knows now that he is the happiest when it turns out that the hot news is full of entertainment lace.

Because it means peace, prosperity and stability.

Once the news is full of disasters and bad news, it is the most heartacheful time.

Seeing that the news has returned to calm recently.

Mr. Wang Feng, a well-known singer in the entertainment industry, is preparing to release a new song, grab headlines and smash his popularity.

Unexpectedly, the news about the Tes car will make a comeback again!

China Quality Supervision Bureau will live broadcast the whole process to test the quality of Tesi vehicles.

It is also to give the best response to all those who question the Tes car.

In this live broadcast, apart from Yang Ma's follow-up filming throughout the whole process, it was also broadcast by China's major live broadcast platforms.

Even Twitch and Jiang Siming's personal Twitter have also opened a simultaneous live broadcast.

After knowing this news, Musco, who was far away in the United States, went crazy.

He vaguely realized that someone was deliberately targeting his company, and it was not the kind of petty jokes.

But... the kind that wants to push his car company into the abyss and can't turn over.

Knowing this news, he rushed to China by plane overnight from the United States, and did not sleep all night, and came to China, where the live broadcast has already begun.

People from the Quality Supervision Bureau have also come to his car factory.

"You can't do this, you don't have this right! This is the privacy and confidentiality of our Tes car, and it is illegal for you to do so!"

With two panda eyes, Masco shouted and protested loudly, standing at the gate of the factory, saying that they would not be allowed in.

People from the Quality Supervision Bureau calmly showed him a piece of paper, and said: "Mr. Ma has misunderstood. We are not trying to detect secrets, but randomly check whether your products are qualified. We are absolutely qualified for this. ."

Masco knew that he couldn't stop it, and if he stopped it, other people would even think he had a ghost in his heart.

"It's okay to check, but the live broadcast is off!"

"Sorry, we can't satisfy you at this point. Don't worry, we will only broadcast the content of the quality inspection, and will not film the secrets of your factory."

"I..." Masco's **** got stuck in his throat, and in the end he could only put them in with a black face, just like constipation.

"We will randomly select twenty Tex cars of different models for testing, and ask Mr. Ma to prepare a test site for us. If the quality of your cars is really no problem, in fact, this is nothing for you. Good thing," the person from the Quality Supervision Bureau said.

Masco felt so.

As long as there is no problem with the detection, the previous rumors are self-defeating, and he can still rely on this live broadcast to advertise his car fiercely.

Thinking of this, Masco immediately signaled the person in charge to take them to select the cars, and his eyes hinted that the other party must choose the best quality cars for them to check.

The person in charge understands that he will do so immediately.

Twenty Tex vehicles were quickly selected and drove to the test site.

In the eyes of many people around the world, quality inspection has officially begun.

The quality inspector got on the first Tes car and started driving normally on the field.

What made people shocking was that after a short while, the quality inspector shouted: "Why can't this speed drop down? It's still accelerating!"


The crowd was in an uproar.

Because the live footage in the car really proved this point.

The quality inspector didn't step on the accelerator, and the speed of the car was going up by itself.

And even if you step on the brakes and want to slow down, it doesn't have any effect.


Third more~

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