I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2571: The psionic battery comes out!

Those reporters can't deny it, after all, they were also one of the testers just now.

They experienced firsthand how amazing the Falcon is.

Just when everyone could only choose to approve the Falcon this car, an exclamation came.

"Wait! Look at the battery level, is there something wrong with it?"

A sharp-eyed reporter seemed to have discovered the New World.

Everyone hurried over to watch.

The reporter said: "We drove for two or three hours, not to mention tens of kilometers. The battery of this car has always been 100%. It's a bug!"

"Yes, yes, there must be a bug. This battery level seems to be inferior to the Tesi car."

"I looked at other cars and they were all full grids, not a single grid."

"How can it be possible that the battery is still full after running for tens of kilometers? It is easy to mislead the driver. If the battery runs out at high speed, wouldn't it be too dangerous?"

"I didn't expect this car to be so rigorous, even this kind of small problem would be committed.

"Report it! It must be reported!"


The first reporter's words ignited the long-repressed emotions of other reporters and media. Now that I have finally caught an opportunity, why not try to expand it?

Even the perfect driving experience before was automatically ignored by them. As long as your car has a little problem, then your car is a problem car no matter how good it is!

Su Ji smiled, and all the employees of Jiang's car company also smiled.

The reporters are at a loss, what are they laughing at?

"Who told you that our battery shows a bug?" Su Ji said.

"Isn't it? After driving for tens of kilometers, a grid of electricity did not drop. What is this not a BUG?" a blond female reporter asked confidently.

Although this female reporter is slightly charming, in front of Su Ji, she is like a jackdaw than a phoenix.

Su Ji's eyes explained what amorous feelings are.

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce to you. In addition to the cross-epoch driverless technology, this Falcon car is also equipped with a'psionic battery'." Su Ji talked freely.

Psionic battery?

Everyone has never heard the term, what is called a psionic battery?

In fact, this name was taken by Jiang Siming, his battery can't be called robot battery directly.

So he changed his name to Psionic.

"The psychic battery is the latest new type of energy battery developed by the Jiangshi Group's scientific research department. It surpasses the lithium battery and the sodium ion battery. The battery's power supply stability and energy conversion rate are the best in the world."

"To explain in the simplest terms, one grid of electricity is consumed for one hundred kilometers."

"Moreover, the charging time is at least ten times faster than that of a normal electric car, but it consumes only one-tenth of them."


The audience was in an uproar.

how can that be!

One grid per 100 kilometers? Doesn’t that mean that the Hayabusa can run 10,000 kilometers on a single charge? ? ?

Many car owners have not driven a car for a year or even a few years without driving over 10,000 kilometers.

Su Ji also said that the charging time of this car is ten times faster than that of a normal electric car, and it takes at least three or four hours to charge a normal car.

Doesn’t it take less than half an hour to charge once? The power consumption is only one-tenth of the other party's?


The Arabian Nights!

Everyone expressed disbelief, even many Chinese viewers who watched the live broadcast also expressed doubts.

This is understandable, after all, this is a bit too outrageous, it's completely like a boast, and it's normal if everyone doesn't believe it.

Su Ji seemed to have expected everyone's reaction, she didn't say a word, smiled and took out a stack of files from the file bag she carried, and put them in front of everyone.

"This is a patent application for psychic battery, which has been certified by the state. You can read its related introduction."

After hearing the words, everyone hurriedly gathered around to watch, and the cameras aimed at these patent certificates one after another.

The above clearly introduces the functions and characteristics of the psychic battery, as well as tens of thousands of experimental reports.

These are exactly the same as what Su Ji said, without any exaggeration.

Everyone was shocked at this time. No one doubted the authenticity of the patent certificate. This is a live broadcast all over the world. Su Ji's daring to fake it is tantamount to digging her own grave.

Besides, the patent qualification certificate is not only circulated in one country, once it is certified, all countries in the world will verify it.

Make sure you are the owner of this product, and then you will be recognized as the owner of this technology.

Only in this way can your patents begin to be profitable globally.

Anyone else who uses your patent has to give money, otherwise it is theft.

Patented technology is so arrogant.

Why is Microsoft so good? Isn't it the wealth brought by patents?

Everyone who uses the genuine system has to give him money.

And now the psychic battery is a unique patented product of Jiang's Group.

And unlike other patented products, other products can easily be imitated and pirated.

But Jiang Siming can pat his chest and say that even if scientists around the world gather to develop this battery technology, they will not be pirated for 20 years!

The baby produced by shards is by no means an empty name.

Falcon looks like the unmanned technology is the main dish, but in fact, the psionic battery is the real ‘big guy’.

It's like when President Ma came up with a ZFB for TB, which seems to be just a payment software.

But ZFB later brought him benefits, leaving dozens of TB roads away.

This is indeed the case.

Don't think that the psionic battery is just an energy component of the car, but when the psychic battery begins to spread in various industries around the world, it will be the time when it really shines.

Imagine that the psionic battery has such a high endurance and stability, other lithium batteries, sodium ion batteries, etc., will they all be eliminated?

At that time, any industry that needs batteries will probably be inseparable from psychic batteries.

Digital, aerospace, electronics, light industry, heavy industry, etc.

In this era, which industry does not need electricity?

As long as you need a psionic battery, you have to give Jiang Siming money.

Even if Jiang Siming is a pauper with nothing, he is bankrupt.

Within a few years, he can completely reclaim the world's richest man by relying on the psychic battery project.

It's so arrogant and unreasonable.

Otherwise, why would Daphne urge Jiang Siming to apply for a patent?

As a wealthy daughter, he knows how to maximize profits. If Jiang Siming's technology is stolen, it will be an unprecedented huge loss.

And she had to be tight-lipped, she didn't dare to tell her father at all.

Because she knew that as long as the family knew about this technology, people like her parents would definitely fight for it at all costs.

In the face of real interests, the greed that broke out by the rich is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

If Daphne really liked Jiang Siming, she would definitely be fascinated by this technology and tried her best to dig it out.

This is the instinct of a wealthy person, and no profitable industry can be missed. To them, a miss is a loss.


First more~

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