I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2582: Jiang Siming, he is really not photogenic!

Jonah took the two big brothers to see Jiang Siming.

Along the way, Brother Yi was kind to Jonah and praised again and again.

Not only praised Jonah for being the personal assistant of the world's richest man, smart and capable, but also commended Jonah’s sister Anne Hathaway.

Said that the other party was an actor and entertainer she admired very much, and also said that Anne had anything to help in the future, even if she spoke to him, it was absolutely unambiguous to give the other party the green light.

Obviously, Brother Yi has done a fairly detailed investigation.

Knowing that Jonah is from the U.S. and her sister is Anne Hathaway.

So he can't miss the opportunity to build relationships.

It's just that Jona is a little dizzy to hear these words.

Her sister is just a celebrity, but suddenly she receives such high attention from a brother in the United States, and she actively asks for help.

Jonna is not stupid, knowing that her brother is not interested in their sisters, and it is even more unlikely that her sister will sell favors because her sister is a star.

There are so many American Hollywood superstars, but no one has ever received this treatment.

One brother is not after their looks, but because of her identity as a personal assistant.

But she still couldn't believe that she was just an assistant, but she could be treated and valued this way.

It's like an ordinary Chinese citizen who is suddenly admired and promised by the elders. Are you ignorant?

In short, along the way, the first brother and Jonah had a very friendly chat.

Although the first brother was talking about it, Jonah just simply responded, but it was enough to make the Xiong brother on the side feel very upset.

This old man is really not a thing. Knowing that Jonna is from the United States and Jiang Siming's personal assistant, she shamelessly surrendered to talk with others.

nausea! despise! Disdain!

Brother Xiong was full of contempt for Brother Yi in his heart, of course, he also had a trace of regret in his heart.

Why is Jiang Siming’s personal assistant not a Xiong Guomei? If he is, he can also have a good chat with each other...

On the other hand, the brother who has a good relationship with Jonah has a face like a spring breeze, and his face is chic and proud, especially when he looks at Brother Xiong, full of ostentation.

Brother Xiong was so angry that he secretly said to the men behind him: "Go back and find more high-quality Xiong Country girls. They must be highly educated and capable. I recommend them to interview with Jiang's Group!"

Brother Xiong couldn't bear this anger. He believed that Jona could be Jiang Siming's personal assistant, which shows that Jiang Siming is not an xenophobic person.

As long as he meets Jiang Siming's recruitment standards, he will certainly have the opportunity to become his assistant.

That matter is simple.

If you recommend more girls with outstanding abilities to interview with Jiang's Group, won't the chances be greatly increased.

It would be better to squeeze this Jonah down, then he would be exasperated.

Of course, in addition to his outstanding ability, Brother Xiong specifically ordered him to focus on choosing good-looking ones.

Under the leadership of Jona, the two pedestrians walked into Jiang Siming's office at the same time.

The two big men thought that Jiang Siming, the richest man in the world, would definitely be busy with the company if he didn't go out to meet them.

After all, they all know that Jiang Siming has just established an automobile company, and the new company has just started, so this time must be particularly busy.

Unexpectedly, they came in and found that Jiang Siming was playing an XBOX game, a big prostitute in the wilderness.

His stand-alone 3A masterpiece produced by R Star Company.

Seeing Jiang Siming immersed in the game world holding the gamepad, in the game, he directly robbed the other **** the horse and acted as a flower picker.

There are also a variety of food, fruits, and snacks next to the game console.

Behind him, there are two beautiful female employees of the company squeezing Jiang Siming's shoulders and legs.

The two big brothers have a black line.

Is this...is this the daily work of the world's richest man?

How do you look like the old landlord's old wealth?

"Chairman, everyone is here." Jonah reminded when no one next to Jiang Siming was playing games.

Jiang Siming just ‘reacted’, put down the gamepad, smiled and said to the two female employees behind him:

"Xiao Li, Xiao Mei, you don't need to press it anymore. It's hard work. Go back to work. Your salary will double this month."

"Thank you, Chairman~"

"Long live the chairman~"

The two front desk ladies excitedly thanked them.

One month’s salary was earned for a month. This is a good thing, and I can’t wait to come once a day.

When the two female employees left, Jiang Siming walked towards the two big men.

Brother Xiong took the initiative, and immediately walked towards Jiang Siming with his arms wide open, hugged Jiang Siming, and laughed:

"My brother Jiang! Long time no see! Remember your brother Xiong?"

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "How can I forget, Brother Xiong and I have a good drink, and call me brothers and sisters. If you don't come again, I will go to Xiong Country to play with you in some time!"

"Haha, then you must go, and I promise to receive you all the time when that happens." Brother Xiong patted his chest and promised.

It can be seen that the attitude of Brother Xiong this time is more enthusiastic than the last time.

Jiang Siming agreed, and chatted with Brother Xiong again.

Seeing the ‘kind’ appearances of the two, the brother behind gritted his teeth and became jealous.

In my heart, Brother Xiong slandered him just now, and basically scolded the other party again.

But he was helpless. Brother Xiong came to Jiang Siming last time. He fully knew, and he also knew that Brother Xiong took the initiative to befriend Jiang Siming, which laid a good foundation for the relationship.

He is different. He has just squeezed from the top position of the Chief Executive, and has never seen Jiang Siming before.

It is even more impossible to use the relationship between the former brother and Jiang Siming.

Because Mr. Te has already offended Jiang Siming many times, whether it's him or his idiot daughter.

Leave a messy stall for him to clean up.

"Guys who succeeded less than failed, are really wasting the opportunity to let others get ahead. When you go back, you have to get people to pick up your black material and put it on the whole Internet.

One brother scolded the enemy **** in his heart, and blamed all the anger on him this time.

But it was indeed because of the special boss that made the relationship between Mi Fang and Jiang Siming so stiff.

Now it is one step behind, step by step.

If today’s business is not negotiated, Brother Yi promises to go back and smash the ‘rice bowl’ that the boss now relies on, and let him live on relief.

"Lucy, you have to give full play to your advantages and let Jiang Siming remember you. We must restore the disadvantages."

One brother secretly whispered to the granddaughter next to him.

Lucy's eyes had long been unwilling to move away from Jiang Siming as soon as she came in. She swears that she has seen countless young talents.

But after meeting Jiang Siming, she suddenly felt that those talents who had thought good before were so ridiculous and weak.

Although she had seen Jiang Siming on TV and the Internet, she had to tell the truth.

Jiang Siming is really not photogenic!


Fortunately fortunately, the results came out in the hospital today. The problem is not big. I finally let go of the sake. Thank you for your blessings and understanding. I will accompany my dad for another day today, and I will send him back tomorrow to resume updating

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