I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2589: But I am a girl

After sending off these two uninvited guests, Jiang Siming returned to the company.

The wives ran to his office and curiously asked Brother Xiong and Brother Yi what they were doing.

Jiang Siming told them all about their purpose and what happened just now, without missing a word.

After listening to the girls, Jiang Siming thought that the focus they care about must be the cooperation of psychic batteries or the business of Jiang's car company.

But I didn't expect...All their attention was on Dany.

"My husband did a great job! You have this kind of consciousness, so we don't have to worry so much."

"Yeah, listening to what you said, Dany is really a very good new sister."

"The eyes are like a torch, and Xiang Gong's eyes are good. At a glance, you know that Lucy is not a good woman."

"Come on, go to the base early and take home! We don't have a bear country sister yet. With Dani, there will be a tour guide in case of a trip to the bear country in the future."

"Make Daphne and Su Kyi get it done soon, so that both the German sisters and the English sisters will be available."

"You still have to cheer, don't be too proud, it's better to have sisters from all countries in our family, and directly the entire United Nations!"


Listening to their babbled discussions, Jiang Siming could only laugh or cry, to gather wives from all the countries of the earth? Can you summon a dragon or what?

You should be collecting dragon balls!

But Zhao Xuan and the others don't care what Jiang Siming thinks, they discuss them, as for Jiang Siming? Tool people!

I also think that Jiang Siming's routine of teasing Dani just now is too superficial, if they just pointed around, they have better ideas.

In their words, they have nothing to do with the skills and experience of picking up girls. They are much better than Jiang Siming, but... they are girls themselves. ┓(?′-`?)┏

Talking about it, I started to discuss the tricks of making a girl.

Seeing them talking on paper one by one, they talked happily.

Seeing that he couldn't intervene, Jiang Siming had to continue playing his XBOX.

He just can't understand it anyway. This group of girls are discussing how to pick up other girls. Does it make sense? It seems as if you can really discuss what the results are.

On the other side, Brother Xiong, who left the Jiangshi Group Building, sat in the car with a relaxed expression and a good mood.

But the niece sitting next to him was lying on the car window, depressed and confused.

Upon seeing this, Brother Xiong asked without a smile: "Dani, what's the matter with you?"

"I'm fine, uncle." Dany replied with a guilty conscience.

Brother Xiong continued to ask: "Uncle asks you something."

"Just talk about it, uncle."

"What do you think of Jiang Siming?" Brother Xiong asked.

The stunned face on the mildly paralyzed face made him squeeze out a smile that he thought was more amiable.

Dani trembled when she was asked this question by Brother Xiong, and quickly pretended not to understand.

"Dani didn't understand what the uncle was asking."

Brother Xiong laughed and said, "What else can I ask? I just want to know if Danny likes Jiang Siming."


Danni was taken aback, shook her head hurriedly, and said, "No, no, uncle, are you kidding Dani?"

"Uncle didn't joking with you, didn't you just be brave." Brother Xiong teased.

Dany was even more embarrassed, not knowing what to say.

Brother Xiong also knew that his niece was thin-skinned, and did not intend to continue teasing her, but just accept it as soon as he sees it, and said:

"Dani, if you like him, go after him boldly. Don't be intimidated. We bear country girls, we are brave to pursue love."

Danny smiled bitterly in her heart, thinking that the other girls just pursue ordinary men, but she likes such an unattainable man.

Can it be the same?

If she likes an ordinary man, she must be braver than anyone else.

But the problem is that the man's halo is too dazzling, and everyone around him is much more beautiful than her.

It's strange that she can have courage.

Seeing that Dani hadn't spoken, Brother Xiong also guessed her thoughts, and encouraged: "Love is not about the officialdom. It's not about the officialdom. As long as you like him and he likes you, that's enough."

"Furthermore, you are not an ordinary girl, you are my niece, and your dad is General Xiong. Compared with the status of any of his wives, this status is only higher than that of any of his wives."

Brother Xiong's words made Danni a little moved, but after thinking about it for a while, she still shook her head frantically and said, "I don't think Mr. Jiang likes me."

"how could be?"

Dany replied unconfidently: "For those words, he might just be joking with me."

Dani regretted now, why did she get into the cart after saying that sentence, and ran away without waiting for Jiang Siming's response.

So now she doesn't know what Jiang Siming's attitude is...

It's entirely up to her to guess, but how can she guess Jiang Siming's thoughts.

Dany leaned on the car seat with a messy head, like a discouraged ball.

Brother Xiong didn't force her, but changed the subject and said, "Did your dad say before that he asked you to come to China for a visit to China and go back immediately, and let you come to China for the start of the game."

"Yeah." Dany nodded.

Brother Xiong smiled and said, "Let's do it, I allow you to stay in Huaxia until the holographic game is over, and you will come back again."

"Really?" Danni said in surprise. She originally wanted to stay in China, waiting for the game to come, while playing in China.

But her father didn't allow it, and it was stipulated that she should go back first and wait for the game to start before going to China.

Brother Xiong confirmed: "Really, I will let the embassy arrange a place for you to live, and then arrange a few female guards for you, and treat it as your uncle giving you a vacation. You will have a good time in China for a few days. Put all your heart and soul into the game."

"Yeah! Uncle, I know!" Dany nodded her head like a peck of rice, her mood suddenly brightened.

When she thought that she could stay in Huaxia, Dani felt a little excitement. She could travel in Huaxia, eat world-famous delicacies, and see exotic scenery.

Maybe...I can see Jiang Siming again...

Thinking of this, Dany wished to get out of the car now, for fear of her uncle's repentance.

"Uncle, what should I do with my father? He doesn't seem to allow me to stay in China."

Brother Xiong said happily: "His order is more important than mine? I am in charge, don't worry, he has to agree if he doesn't agree. On family affairs, I am his brother, on state affairs, and I am his chief. No matter which way it is convenient, he has to listen. mine."

After Dani heard this, she burst into laughter, completely relieved, and was already looking forward to her life in China.

Hope...I can meet him again...


Jiang Siming, who was playing a game, sneezed inexplicably.

"It seems that a girl is thinking about me?" Jiang Siming muttered, looking at the time, it was almost time to get off work.

Turning to see, good guys, the wives are still talking about picking up girls...


The first one~Sake wishes everyone a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

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