I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2595: Went for an infusion today

After the Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat Race, Jiang Siming's family flew ashore again while talking and laughing.

I got in my luxury car and disappeared.

A lot of people who wanted to sign, didn't respond at all, and disappeared.

But then, the enthusiasm of the entire network was snatched away by Jiang Siming's family.

@The richest family in the world participates in the dragon boat race! #

@Jingtian broke the news, Jiang Siming's family will fly! #

@Marry Jiang Siming can learn the peerless light work! #

@Group to join Jiang Siming's harem! #

@ On how harmonious the atmosphere of Jiang Siming's house is! #


In addition to the hot discussion that Jiang Siming’s wives have peerless light work, everyone also envied the atmosphere of Jiang Siming’s home.

Through the live broadcast, you can see how sweet Jiang Siming's family gets along.

All wives are happy from the bottom of their hearts, laughing with each other, the happiness and sweetness in their eyes cannot be faked.

And just by adjusting them quickly and paddling tacitly, you can know that they must know each other very well in order to achieve such a realm of tacit understanding.

This really makes all the men in the world yelling with envy.

The backyard of the ancient emperor could not have such an atmosphere, all kinds of palace fights, scheming, conspiracy, etc., each other would like to kill each other, so as to take the place and take the upper hand.

Even if the officials in ancient times had only three wives and four concubines, the same was true. The wives didn't like concubines, and the concubines didn't like the general house girl.

Anyway, in homes with a lot of wives, there are basically restless struggles.

But in Jiang Siming's family, there is no intention of intrigue at all. It is possible to achieve such a tacit understanding of paddling, even if it is a twin in a mother's womb.

If you don't really like to accommodate each other, how can you achieve this level.

Marry so many wives, the family is still so harmonious and happy.

Can other men not be envious.

Men in the past worshipped the ancient emperor because of the three thousand beauties in the San Gong and Six Courtyards.

But later everyone discovered that the emperor was short-lived and had to work hard to govern the country. Once he slackened, he might be destroyed.

Moreover, the emperor's backyard was a battlefield without gunpowder smoke. Anyone who had watched the palace battles knew how vicious the women in it were.

Later men began to worship a love saint like Edison Chen, because he was merciful everywhere, peach blossoms, and he was not responsible.

Everyone thinks it's better to be the Sea King, and you can play everywhere without being responsible.

But after the photo door was exposed, Brother Guan went from a love sage to a rat crossing the street, and even a lot of wealthy businessmen wanted to spend his life.

Brother Guan's original starry path, which had an infinite future, died suddenly, and all his hard work was ruined.

Everyone discovered that Sea King and Love Sage weren’t so good, and they might have died when the car overturned.

Now, all men, the new target of worship, have become Jiang Siming.

The consistency and breadth of this goal has even reached the point of unprecedented.

As for the reasons, there are too many.

Just say that this ‘balance technique’ allows women in the backyard to get along so harmoniously, enough for all men in the world to learn.

Even if the emperor is here, I have to call my brother, teach me~

"Tell me the celebrity you most admire and admire."

As long as there is this question, then almost all men will answer in unison: "That's more to say, it must be Jiang Siming!"

There are even many sea kings who want to imitate Jiang Siming and let the "fishes" raised in their fish ponds live in harmony and be a servant.

But this kind of sea king often turns out to be very miserable, and even some of the sea king’s angry "fish" girlfriends clicked with scissors (?Д?)...

And the women are more envious of Jiang Siming's ladies.

Well, now a man's dream is to become Jiang Siming, and a woman's dream is to become Jiang Siming's wife.

Jiang Siming didn't expect that, just taking his wives out on a boat, it became the inspirational dream and goal of countless people...

And ** is not just the dream of ordinary men and women, even the children of countless rich families take Jiang Siming as an example.

For example, at this time, chasing a girl for a long time to no avail, my old friend, Wang Dashao.

At this time, Wang Dashao was at the airport, sitting in the VIP lounge with a mobile phone in his hand, watching the live broadcast of the Jiang Siming family’s dragon boat cruise on the indoor TV.

His eyes were full of envy.

"Hey, why is it so easy for Jiang Siming to pick up girls? The quality of the girls is still high, not only as beautiful as an immortal, but also able to help Jiang Siming manage the company, with outstanding ability."

"Think of me dignified, chasing a small internet celebrity, but struggling, this woman refused me again and again."

"Me, what's the difference?"

Wang Shao sighed depressed, the phone in his hand was still on, and it was the chat history between WeChat and someone.

[Bao, I went for an infusion today, what kind of infusion, I miss your night (T▽T)]

[Hahahaha. 】

[I send you a message, but you don’t reply. 】

[Today's Dragon Boat Festival, shall I come to you? Bao~】


Above, it was Miss Wang alone who was sending messages, and the other party did not reply to a single message.

Seeing that the other party hadn't replied yet, Wang Shao became even more depressed.

"President, it's time to check the tickets, we should go." The secretary next to him reminded.

Shao Wang said, stood up unhappy, ready to board the plane, and flew to the other party's city in person, but he didn't believe she couldn't get her!

But when Shao Wang was about to get on the plane, he suddenly stopped and changed his mind.

"Don't leave now! I'm going to find this guy, and learn from it! Study!"

After Wang Shao finished speaking, he tore the ticket, turned his head and left.

After taking part in the dragon boat race, Jiang Siming's family ran to their own mall for some shopping.

Played until the evening before returning home.

Jiang Siming was trying to make the suggestion of ‘team fitness’, but the phone rang.

Jiang Siming looked at the caller ID on the phone, and was a little puzzled to connect.

"Why, I'm busy, I'm not free to ask me for a drink." Jiang Siming refused the caller as soon as he answered the phone.

"**, I may be leaving. Come out and see me for the last time. The address is the First Hospital of the Devil City. I will wait for you at the door."

As soon as the other party finished speaking, he hung up.

Jiang Siming was taken aback, fucking, this guy won't have an accident, right?

Could it be that you are too wild and sick?

Really maybe.

There was an accident with a friend, Jiang Siming said that he couldn't help him. After speaking to his wives, he turned the front of the car and drove to the hospital.

This guy said that he had seen him for the last time, indicating that he would definitely not burp immediately, so he should use teleport less for fear of scaring people.

Jiang Siming drove the car all the way to the entrance of the hospital. A luxury car was parked there. Jiang Siming knew well. This was the car of the rich and young.

The other party also recognized his own car, and the window was rolled down, and it was Young Master Wang's face with a smirk.

Jiang Siming scolded: "Geneva! What are you playing with me?"


Picking up my wife, I may have to work out today (smirk), maybe not even more, cough cough, please be considerate~

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