I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2599: I'm sorry I got hung up!

The secretary was really right, when Jiang Siming and Wang Dashao turned on their mobile phones and took a look at the Internet.

On the Internet, the chat records of Wang Dashao's courtship Internet celebrities have been circulated everywhere.

In just a few tens of minutes, it rushed to the rankings of major entertainment news.

All of a sudden, Wang Dashao really became the object of netizens joking.

"Hahahaha, I laughed at me at night, is Young Master Wang chasing girls so humble?"

"Even Young Master Wang has to be a dog, and Wu Fan's message has to be returned in seconds. What kind of creature are they chasing?"

"Xun Pain, the night I miss you, hahaha, I feel dizzy~"

"What's wrong with men nowadays, have they all started to lick dogs? Even Wang Dashao is a dog lick, alas~"

"Dad, I am ashamed today, who am I missing, sweetheart..."


Seeing the heat spread on the Internet, Wang Dashao's face turned red to purple in just a few seconds.

"I rely on me! I'm going to her M! These three or eight have exposed me!"

Wang Dashao scolded in angrily.

Jiang Siming smiled and comforted a group of friends politely, saying: "Just expose it. It's not ashamed to chase girls."

Wang Dashao gave Jiang Siming an angry look, and said, "You can talk coldly! Do you chase women in this tone?"

"That must be impossible." Jiang Siming replied immediately and added: "You are now a dog licking. I doubt that in the future, men and women may be more passive in the market of love between men and women. It depends on you. It's a good start."

Young Master Wang wanted to cry without tears, and said, "I don't want to!"

This is when the secretary reappeared and said: "President, she also broadcasted a live broadcast. Because of your popularity, she received tens of millions of gifts in half an hour."

Wang Dashao became numb, and then he realized that he was completely used by others.

At first, the other party talked and laughed with him, just to arouse his interest, and then pretended to be very cold, completely arousing the desire to conquer the rich young master like Wang Dashao.

Finally, let's make a turn for the cloud and cover the hand for the rain, using Wang Dashao's popularity to start making money.

Not to mention too much, just rushing to this wave of enthusiasm, this woman can change from an anonymous little internet celebrity to a top-ranking internet celebrity overnight.

Collecting tens of millions of gifts in half an hour tells everything.

This woman is obviously very clear, and falling in love with Wang Dashao, although she can also gain fame and fortune.

But Wang Dashao has so many previous online celebrity girlfriends, and they are finally divided, which shows that she knows that Wang Dashao just wants to have fun.

Wanting to marry a rich family is simply dreaming.

That being the case, she was unwilling to do so.

Fall in love with Wang Dashao, although the other party will spend money for her and give her a lot of gifts.

But those are all short-lived. Becoming a top-rated internet celebrity, and making money if you want to make money is the most correct approach.

Otherwise, she won't start the live broadcast immediately.

"Awesome." Jiang Siming had to praise the woman's business acumen. In this emotional chase, Wang Dashao became a tool man.

Not only did he give true feelings without return, but the other party took advantage of his popularity.

And this kind of popularity, and this kind of chat history, is the first of its kind.

The image that everyone thinks of Wang Dashao must be very domineering, and it must be the same for women.

But these chat records completely broke everyone's three views.

Therefore, the enthusiasm and effect caused is definitely the highest, higher than the enthusiasm of all of Wang Dashao's previous girlfriends combined.


Even Jiang Siming's daughter-in-laws also sighed that the other party had slipped away, and guessed that the other party should have a professional team behind.

Either it is the kind of female lover who specializes in fishing for triumphs, similar to the celebrity company that chased Jiang Siming.

If it were them, it would be reasonable for Wang Dashao to lose.

Because the other party is directed at you and understands all your habits and personalities, it's strange that you don't get caught.

Chi Zheng also launched Gulu's Weibo and found the woman's criminal history, such as riding a few boats, cheating money, frying CP, being a pig killer and so on.

These evidences can almost prove everything, and Wang Dashao has been overcast.

Wang Dashao also woke up, and immediately turned into a canyon telegrapher, and began to greet the woman with a beep.

After finally waiting for him to scold him enough, Jiang Siming patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "Do you want my wives to give you an idea to chase her?"

Wang Dashao said with a dark face: "Fuck you! Damn, I remembered this time, I have eaten a bite and grow a wiser. From now on, there will be no more "love" in my dictionary. !"

Jiang Siming thought he was just talking, but from his eyes, he vaguely felt that Young Master Wang was here for real.

Legend has it that the former Wang Dashao was actually very innocent, a little white who longed for love.

It's just that after a few feelings, he began to change.

It now appears that the rumors are really right.

Of course, Jiang Siming didn't think there was anything wrong with Wang Dashao's change. On the contrary, it was suitable for him.

Because of his status, it is harder to play true love than to find a needle in a haystack.

Of the 10,000 women who want to fall in love with him, there are definitely 9,999 of them in his name and money.

Rather than being used by others, it's better to make him a complete playboy, dude brother.

Forget true love, whoever takes it seriously loses.

In this regard, the tender model harvester Xiao Lizi understands this principle. He knows which tender models are wrapped around him, and he wants to use his fame to promote their status and worth in the modeling circle.

Just like, the two tender models have similar body shapes and conditions, but one of them, Zeng Jin, is Xiao Lizi's girlfriend.

Just this predecessor status is enough to make this tender model eat and drink in the circle.

Even many tall, rich and handsome will come after her admiringly, that is, celebrity effect.

Xiao Lizi naturally knows the purpose of these models, but he doesn't care. What he likes is the body and young face of the other party.

Taking each other's needs is like a deal, so each of his young model girlfriends spends a short time with him.

Every time after breaking up with a tender model, Xiaoli can seamlessly connect and immediately start a new relationship with another one.

They had a great time playing.

Unlike Wang Dashao, who is still longing for love, this is not a joke, whoever loses if he doesn't lose.

"Okay, I am very pleased that you can have this kind of consciousness."

Jiang Siming smiled and appreciated.

The current social atmosphere is like this. The rich want to play with women. That's too simple.

But if the rich want to play true love, it's too difficult.

It stands to reason that Jiang Siming, the world's richest man, should be the same. He is the target of all celebrities.

It's a pity that Jiang Siming told them very sorry:

"Excuse me, I did hang up!"


First more~

The cold is over, update and recover, cough...

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