I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 656: The Qiu Family

Because the shelf life of watermelon is too short to store for a long time, it is difficult to transport it abroad.

In addition, the Chinese people love to eat watermelons, so they can eat as many as they grow.

But other countries are different. Because of climate and geography, many countries cannot grow watermelons. Even if they can be grown, they are generally not tasty and not sweet.

Therefore, watermelon has become a rare commodity in other countries, a noble fruit that is several times more expensive than durian.

In Japan and Korea, if you give a watermelon as a gift, it is a great gift.

They eat watermelon as ‘caviar’, and they only dare to eat it in small bites.

It’s like the people of Huaxia, a watermelon is cut in half, you half and I half, eat with a spoon, eat with the face, peeled and so on.

No wonder Hashimoto Kanna has this expression.

Seeing her eating the watermelon in small bites, she exclaimed that it was too sweet, sweeter than all the watermelons she had eaten in Japan.

Halfway through the meal, Hashimoto Kanna even asked Jiang Siming: "Can I pack a little watermelon and go home after eating?"

Jiang Siming has the urge to cover his face and want to laugh. Alas, these foreigners have never seen the world.

Also, this short guy eats so much, why doesn't he grow up and gain weight?

Where did all the nutrients she ate?

"By the way, Mr. Jiang, how is Rimei doing well recently? I haven't seen her for a long time, and she didn't come to see me when I came to China..."

Kannah Hashimoto couldn't stop eating watermelon.

Jiang Siming said: "She is fine, because Sheshan is not safe, I did not let her out, I don't want her to be in danger like you."

When Hashimoto Kanna heard this, a look of envy appeared on his face. Ishihara found true love, but where is her true love...

"I really want to see Satomi..." Hashimoto Kanna said.

"Then you can go to downtown Shanghai tomorrow, don't you happen to not be filming tomorrow, go to Shanghai downtown to play with her." Jiang Siming said.

"Really? Can you promise me to meet Rimi alone to play?" Hashimoto Kanna was surprised.

The men in their country are very machismo, and rarely let their wives go out to meet friends alone.

After they are married, they have to have endless housework, endless children and endless cooking.

This is also why the famous Japanese table tennis player Ai Fukuhara became the envy of Japanese women after marrying a Chinese man.

Because in the daily life photos taken by Ai Fukuhara, many of the time her husband is helping her with housework and cooking her delicious Chinese dishes. He is considerate and meticulous.

Don't talk about it in Japan, I have never heard of it.

Japanese men have more stinky problems than Russian men.

This is why, among the men that women all over the world want to marry most, Chinese men are ranked first, and French men have to stand aside.

Emm... Jiang Siming suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to do housework or cook at home.

But this was because he wanted to be a wife and wouldn't let him do it, and it wasn't that he really didn't want to be and just wanted to be an uncle.

If this is the case, it is estimated that Jiang's father and Jiang's mother can't spare him.

Jiang Siming calculated the time, thinking of it as if it would be Qixi Festival after these two days.

It just so happens that I have cooking skills, so let's secretly cook a meal at home when that time comes, hehe, this can be there.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming showed a smirk, and then gave them a surprise.

After dinner, Jiang Siming didn't do anything outrageous with Hashimoto Kanna. He was romantic, not a human Teddy.

After sending Hashimoto Kanna back to the hotel, Jiang Siming flew his sword back to the Moon Lake Forest and stopped at the place where Hashimoto Kanna was rescued.

The two corpses that existed on the ground are still there, Jiang Siming does not need to report, he has the right to deal with them.

This is the right given to him by the old man in Tianzu, and the small Ben Jiang Siming brought him here today.

Just as Jiang Siming was about to leave, there was movement in the forest, and he temporarily hid.

Soon, several figures appeared in the forest, wearing clothes similar to those of the two skinny men.

"According to the smell, it should be here."

"Found it! Master, Qiu Chi and Qiu Tu are all dead!"

"Asshole! Who did it!"

Several people gathered in front of the two corpses, and an old man with protruding jaws and skinny wood stood in the middle, angrily.

"I don't know, Master, they seem to have been killed by a single move, and there are no injuries on their bodies. It should be that their internal organs were shattered by internal energy."

"Damn, Qiu Xiao is dead, Qiu Chi and Qiu Tu are also dead, our Qiu clan has never suffered such a loss, check! You must check! Chou Men, haven't you been investigating today? What has been investigated? Have you come!"

"To tell Master, there was a group of Japanese film crews here during the day, but they left in a hurry, as if there was something urgent."

"It must have something to do with them. I found out where they were and killed me after asking about the situation." The old man gritted his teeth.

"Master, will this..."

"No! This is an exchange meeting, no one will care about it. Besides, you guys are doing it a little bit more secretly. After you kill them, take their bodies into the car and cause a car accident. If you burn the car, the corpses will be destroyed. "" The skinny old man was horribly cruel.

"It's Master, let's do it now."

A few disciples had to want to leave to do their work.

Just turned around and didn't take two steps, they all fell to the ground, no more vitality.

"What's going on!" The old man noticed something was wrong, and immediately went over to check the situation of several disciples, and his eyes were horrified.

Even he didn't know how his disciple died.

The thin old man swallowed his saliva and shouted to the surroundings: "Which senior senior made a move, can you show up? I am the sixth generation of the Chou family's hermit Patriarch Qiu Song. If my disciple offends the senior, I will never Don't care about it anymore."

As soon as he finished speaking, two more disciples fell to the ground beside him.

At this time, people were panicked, and the enemy disciples were panicked.

The old man shouted angrily again: "Senior dare to only be a tortoise with his head down! Don't pretend to be a ghost anymore, my Chou family is not a soft persimmon!"

After speaking, two more disciples fell beside the old man.

The remaining disciples hurriedly shouted to the old man: "Master, please stop talking. You are better than Cao Cao."

The skinny old man slapped angrily and wanted to slap it, but before he could take a shot, the disciple slammed his head and fell down again. He wanted to hit someone but he waved the air...

Just when the skinny old man and his disciple were about to collapse, Jiang Siming finally walked out of the shadows and took a walk in the courtyard, peeling and eating an orange in his hand.

The skinny old man hardly believed that he did it, because he looked too young.

It's not enough to be his disciple. In the hermit family, he can only be an introductory disciple at this age, and he is still studying hard, and he can't get out of the school.

But everything that happened before him had to convince him that this man was indeed weird!


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