I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 805: Can you earn some more

Jia Lingjiao, who plays the third year of high school, stood on the stage drippingly, and combed her hair pretendingly.

The other people in the audience were amused at once. Jia Ling is a comedian himself, with a smile all over his body.

It is indeed wise enough for the program team to invite her, and it is estimated that there will be a lot of laughter in this program.

Wang Xun also carried a sign with the word "Social Youth" written on it. In line with Wang Xun's mature appearance, it was indeed social.

"Lingling, you have finished the college entrance examination, let's be together!" Wang Xun confessed when he came up.

Jia Ling replied shyly: "But I still have to go to university, and do you take out the gift money? My mother said, marrying me will cost 200,000 gift money."

"Puff... so many? Auntie did this. She also has a son. What if her son gets married and asks her for 200,000 gift money when he gets married?" Wang Xun looked sincere.

Who knows that Jia Ling felt reasonable when he heard that, pretending to call his mother, and said to Wang Xun afterwards.

"My mother said, you are too right."

Wang Xun was overjoyed, thinking that he had successfully persuaded his mother-in-law.

Who ever thought that Jia Ling had another sentence.

"So my mother said, the bride price rose to 400,000, so as to prevent my brother from marrying a daughter-in-law and no money for the bride price."


Everyone laughed, this mother-in-law was really accurate.

The director smiled and said to the two of them: "You are just 18, talking about the improper gift, you are off the topic, what I want is the confession of first love."

After speaking, they threw them off the stage.

It was the second group's turn. The second group was Jiang Siming and Reba, and they stood on stage without stage fright.

Reba and Jiang Siming were still discussing the topic before they took the stage, because the plot they arranged was also off topic.

With Wang Xun’s lessons learned, of course the two did not want to follow the same old path as them.

But after discussing it for a while, there was no plot at all.

"In this way, you can be the hostess normally, I'll take care of it." Jiang Siming said, and Reba nodded and gave it to her husband. I don't know how her husband will confess herself, so I look forward to it~

After Jiang Siming took the stage, he took altar flowers from the steps as props and made a knock on the door.

Huang Lei's eyes brightened. For them who learn to perform, Jiang Siming's talent that can temporarily add drama out of thin air is rare in the acting department.

Does Jiang Siming also act?

They didn't know that Jiang Siming had finished filming a TV series in Korea.

Boom boom boom, after knocking on the door, Reba pretended to come over and open the door.

"Who is it?"

"Open the door and deliver the express."

Puff... Everyone is a little dumbfounded, isn't it a confession, why did you deliver the express?

"This is a flower from your boyfriend, sign for it."

"Hey, I don't have a boyfriend yet." Reba replied.

"Then I want to be your boyfriend, this is my flower." Jiang Siming smiled brightly.

Reba was picked up immediately and accepted happily.

Everyone thinks that there is something very interesting. This slap-up technique is broad and broad, and broad as a reference.

The director is also very satisfied.

"Everyone takes this trick to pick up girls. It can be used by both men and women. I won't thank you for taking it away." Jiang Siming raised the flower pot in his hand.

But Jia Ling was not convinced, and stepped onto the stage and said: "His method is a good collusion, I will change to Reba first, and I will play against you."

Jiang Siming didn't refuse when he heard the words, nodded and said, "Okay."

The two started immediately.

"Open the door and deliver the express."

Jia Ling opened the door like Reba.

"This is a flower from your boyfriend. Please sign for it."

"I have a boyfriend, hehe, thank you for your flowers, I signed for it." Jia Ling took the flowerpot with a smirk and gave Jiang Siming a completely different answer from Reba.

Everyone is looking forward to what Jiang Siming should do now.

Who knows that Jiang Siming calmly and seamlessly said: "Okay, cash on delivery, a total of 260."

Jia Ling: "....."


The big guys all laughed and applauded.

Seeing that Jia Ling was speechless, Jiang Siming raised his eyebrows and smiled and said to everyone: "This way we can still earn some, right?"

(A lot of friends who want to confess can also use this trick, hehe.)

After Jiang Siming and Reba stepped down, it was their turn to be the most anticipated pair, Xiaozhu and Sun Meili.

Little Pig has automatically switched to Zhu Bishi, walking around with his waist twisted, holding orchid fingers charmingly, with very spicy eyes.

Encountered with Sun Meili as the station. The piggy even asked for a kiss like Sun Meili for the effect of the show. The picture process of the two is funny and high-powered.

After the pair of partners came to the stage to perform, the exhibition match finally ended.

The director scored everyone, and the first place was Jiang Siming and Reba.

The two not only have program effects, but are also very innovative, with a clear theme, which is in line with the first love complex.

However, they also have to add 5 years to each, which means they jump to 23 years old.

Others added more ages, the highest being Jia Ling and Wang Xun. The two who digressed each added 10, and they became 28.

"Well, you are all over 23 years old below. When you graduate and work, you may have to face the situation of separation in different places. How many couples can resist other temptations in a long-distance relationship and stick to it is up to you. "

The director then pointed to the six cars in the parking garage at the back and said: "Each couple below will lead a car to the Leifeng Tower in West Lake."

After hearing this, everyone started to get the car.

Jiang Siming got into a car and started the car skillfully. Reba came over and opened the co-pilot's door and sat in, preparing to leave.

But when the two passed by Wang Xun Jia Ling's side.

A very strange thing happened, Jia Ling's door could not be closed.

Because there is the kind of restriction bar that can be seen everywhere in the parking lot, the door of the co-pilot is stuck on the restriction bar, so it cannot be closed.

"How could this be? How could it be like this? It's alright after opening it?" Jia Ling looked confused and puzzled.

Wang Xun also wondered, this door can be opened, why is it stuck when it is closed?

At this time, Jiang Siming drove over and said to Jia Ling through the window: "Jia Ling, you will know if you get out of the car."

"Should I get off? Oh oh." Jia Ling did as he said, and got out of the car.

Then Jia Ling closed the door of the co-pilot again, and amazingly, the door was really closed! This time I was not the owner of the card.

"You know the reason now? Dumb, these two people." Jiang Siming finished jokingly, and Reba leaned forward and backward with a smile.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

Wang Xun and Jia Ling understood at a glance, and Wang Xun also laughed, only Jia Lingqi was not good, embarrassed and angry.

It turned out that she was too fat. After getting in the car, the base of the car was lowered, which caused the co-pilot to get stuck on the limit bar.

"How could this happen, I obviously lost weight."

Jia Ling looked aggrieved, but Jiang Siming and Reba could not see them. They had already left while laughing...


[Author's digression]: Today I sent my mother back to my hometown to rest. Dear friends, there may be fewer updates today. I will write more when I come back tonight. I hope to forgive me.

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