I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 808: Beauty temptation

"Mr. Jiang, your method is really good, haha, drill the loopholes in the rules." Huang Bo did not forget to thank Jiang Siming while eating delicious food.

It wasn't that Jiang Siming thought of this method, they might still be envious of Sun Meili who can eat and drink wantonly on the second floor.

It's fine now, don't need to envy you, you can still eat, and by the way, you can pass the task, kill three birds with one stone.

"Hey, I just don't know what's going on with them. I think my Jia Ling can't escape the food link." Wang Xun estimated.

He was really accurate. On the second floor, the girls team left another one, and that was Jia Ling.

How could Jia Ling's tonnage be able to withstand the temptation of this kind of food, betraying every minute, faster than Sun Meili.

It's just that Wang Xun still doesn't know anything, and he is still struggling for the highest building.

Wang Xun was just a guess. He was lucky enough to think, if Jia Ling really passed.

At present, there are only four people left on the man's side, and the four climbed to the third floor.

Go upstairs.

Several men said they couldn't walk.

Gosh! Full of bikini girls!

The waves were rough and everyone came to the world of watching football.

Even the professional photographers couldn't help taking a sneak peek.

The task of the second layer is also very simple: walk a hundred steps inside, wear special sunglasses, and pass through the beauties with no expression and without squinting.

Anyone who has squinted eyes, or has any expression or language, is considered a loss.

You can't close your eyes in the process, you can only open your eyes.

"Oh, let me go! Who can stand this?" Huang Bo said jokingly.

Not to mention, the bikini beauties inside are all pretty, although they are not comparable to Reba Zhiling's level.

But at least they are at the level of flight attendants, and they are all exposed.

The key is that the number is still large, which is really squandering.

May I ask any man who is reluctant to look at him.

"It's okay. I think I will wear sunglasses anyway. You peeked at who found it." Huang Bo started to encourage others with a bad idea.

Don't say this, it's really tiring for everyone.

Yes, anyway, wearing sunglasses, who can see that his eyes are not stealing?

"I'll come first!" Wang Xun was the first to be the first soldier.

The program team handed Wang Xun a very strange pair of sunglasses. They couldn't tell how strange it was.

After Wang Xun put on his eyes, he stepped into the third layer.

As soon as they entered, Jiang Siming and the others saw an LED screen outside with Wang Xun's sight cast on it.

Okay! Everyone instantly understood that these sunglasses are really weird! It can catch sight!

This kind of flower, what Wang Xun is looking at, can be seen on this screen.

"Hahaha, I feel that Wang Xun is going to be planted, and the show crew is too bad!" Huang Lei said gleefully, and at the same time thanked that he hadn't made it first, otherwise he would have been cold.

Wang Xun's vision was normal at first, but when he passed the bikini beauties inside, his eyes began to drift.

Sure enough, after a while, the sight of a big breasted beauty was projected on the LED screen.

After a while, it changed another one, a woman in a red bikini, and then the women kept changing.

After a hundred steps, the LED screen changed at least twenty women.

Jiang Siming and Huang Bo leaned forward and backward with a smile, fast, fast, your eyes are really good.

But this is also human nature, any man who sees this kind of scene wants to look at it more.

After Wang Xun finished, it was his next turn.

Jiang Siming saw that Huang Lei and Huang Bo didn't want to go first, probably because he was afraid that he hadn't held it and took a peek.

For this reason, Jiang Siming stood up, took over the sunglasses and put on them, and strode inside.

Liang Huang stared at the LED screen immediately, trying to see Jiang Siming embarrassed.

But to their disappointment, Jiang Siming's eyes did not move a step, and they remained in the middle.

They could all hear the women inside, coquettishly shouting good brother after seeing Jiang Siming. Jiang Siming faced more temptations than Wang Xun.

But on the LED display, Jiang Siming's eye projection does not mean moving.

Until the LED display is turned off, it also means that Jiang Siming has ended this temptation trial.

Huang Bo and Huang Lei also learned the same way, resolutely not looking at the woman next to them, and successfully cleared the customs.

"President Jiang is amazing, he seems to be very dedicated." Huang Lei laughed and teased.

Jiang Siming hurriedly raised his hand and said, "Don't don't, don't give me this kind of personality that is dedicated to men, I am not, but the girls in it can't enter the eyes of my law."

Jiang Siming's words are true, and each of these women is comparable to any of his girlfriends.

He might still look twice in the usual way, but now he has a task. He can't let Reba complete the task alone.

Therefore, Jiang Siming completed this level of temptation task without even moving his eyes.

Huang Lei and Huang Bo both smiled clearly. President Jiang deserves to be the chairman of Huayi, and he has a very thorough understanding of this kind of personality.

Now when you are a star, don't get yourself a particularly outstanding personality.

Because once the person is established, you will have to walk around the person in the future, but whenever you pretend, you will always show your feet.

Once it is exposed, your personality will collapse, and your image and credibility will disappear.

In this regard, the former jade girl star Guan Xingxing is a clear example.

Since her debut, she has been named the head of the jade girl with her superb angel face.

After the subsequent golf incident broke out, her entire image was ruined, and she became a chatter for all Chinese netizens after dinner.

There is also the same with the female celebrity surnamed Cai. This is the consequence of the destruction of the set.

(If you don’t know these two events, cough cough, don’t ask, you just don’t know.)

The third level passed, leaving another person, poor Wang Xun.

Then, Jiang Siming and Shuanghuang combined, heading all the way upstairs.

Each layer is a temptation, various, and the more difficult it is to control the higher.

In the end, Huang Lei lost to the sixth floor.

Only Huang Bo and Jiang Siming had a difficult time clearing!

"Daiyou mother, this task is too difficult, it really takes my life." Huang Bo still did not forget to explain the difficulty of this task to the brothers who failed. EQ is really nothing to say.

Jiang Siming followed his words: "In fact, we also tried our luck to clear the customs. They can only say that they are not lucky."

Huang Bo's eyes looked at Jiang Siming unexpectedly and heartily. He didn't expect a big boss like Jiang Siming to care how others feel.

"Thank Mr. Jiang." Huang Bo said something that seemed inexplicable.

Jiang Siming understood very well, and only said what should be, and the two of them did not say anything.

Next, the girl's side was also completed, and footsteps came from the seventh floor of the stairs.

Jiang Siming and Huang Bo quickly looked over.

Huang Bo thought to himself, who has completed the task? Is there his spirit?


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