I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 818: Shopping malls grab gold?

However, Jiang Siming has not been cute, and then returned to his normal voice. After winning two wins with this young lady, Jiang Siming said that he had something to go offline.

He was not in trouble, but wanted to leave. The quality of this young lady was not good, her voice was not very pleasant, and she was a little bit clumsy. He always wanted to fool himself and keep ordering her.

Because she only received one customer, Jiang Siming, she couldn't wait for Jiang Siming to throw all the money on her.

It's this kind of behavior that makes Jiang Siming a little disgusted. This woman's wool is like catching someone and taking him wrong.

Of course, it was someone from his own company, and Jiang Siming would not give her bad reviews.

It's just that Jiang Siming doesn't like this kind of accompany.

But Jiang Siming didn't care, after all, it was impossible for him to satisfy himself every time he met a companion.

Not every girl who accompanies him is Tang Ru and Chi Zheng. Jiang Siming feels very lucky to meet them both.

Just when Jiang Siming wanted to find another young lady to play with, Tang Ru suddenly sent a message to himself.

"Busy people, do you have time to take me with your sister? I'm bored in the company." At the end, a baby pouting and crying emoticon was posted, expressing grievances.

Jiang Siming was happy, but she did not expect that she was watching her live broadcast.

He seemed to remember that he had promised Tang Ru to look for her when he came back from Korea, but Jiang Siming hasn't realized it until now. It is really ashamed to think about it.

So he immediately agreed to her.

Tang Ru, who was in the company's general manager's office, laughed again hahaha when he saw Jiang Siming's reply on his mobile phone.

The laughter reached the office of the deputy manager of Chi Zheng next door. Chi Zheng walked in curiously and asked: "Sister Xiaoru, what happy things have you encountered?"

When Tang Ru saw this, he covered his mouth and apologized: "I'm sorry Xiaozheng, I scared you."

"No, Xiaoru's laughter has a special personality and interesting. You don't need to care what others think, just laugh!" Chi Zheng said.

Tang Ru was very happy when he heard that, and felt that he didn't have a good sister like Chizheng for nothing.

Chi Zheng was arranged by Jiang Siming to come to the company. At first, Chi Zheng just wanted to be an ordinary employee.

However, Tang Ru found out that she was quite capable of working, so she let her be the deputy manager.

After Chi Zheng went out, Tang Ru had already turned on the computer and planned to log in to the game.

However, she found that her PUBG player needed to be updated. She was afraid that Jiang Siming had been waiting for a long time, so she hurriedly sent a message and said that Jiang Siming would either play by herself first and update it.

Jiang Siming directly returned her two words: Waiting for you.

After Tang Ru saw Ma Li's smile again, he almost couldn't find North.

Soon, Tang Ru finished the game update, and Jiang Siming pulled in to form a team.

The two happily lined up for the whole afternoon until the end of the meal, during which Jiang Siming and Tang Ru ridiculed and talked like old friends, making the water friends laugh all the way down.

After the end, Jiang Siming also promised to take her to dinner in the evening to compensate for the small apology for not going to play with her after returning from Korea for so long.

So Tang Ru hurriedly took out his small makeup bag and frantically patched up his makeup as soon as he turned off the computer, for fear that he would be disgusted by Jiang Siming for not looking good.

About an hour later, Jiang Siming's car drove downstairs to LILI Company.

I happened to run into Chi Zheng who was returning to his home from get off work. Chi Zheng leaned against the car window with a smirk and rushed towards Jiang Siming, "I know that Sister Xiao Ru must have been taken by you. Are you planning to'home run' today? ?"

Jiang Siming was drunk when he was seen on the spot by his girlfriend when he was picking up a girl.

"Little Nizi talks nonsense, I'll come down to'clean up' you." Jiang Siming can only forcefully threaten.

"Slightly, I'll go back to my parents' place for dinner~ Tomorrow I will have a holiday and go home to eat delicious food made by Xinyi~ Hehe."

After Chi Zheng finished speaking, he drove in his car and slid away, and Tang Ru also got off soon.

When he came down, Tang Ru was still surreptitiously. This was an expression of guilty conscience for fear of being seen by his brother.

The two still came to the familiar seafood restaurant, the seafood restaurant opened by Ning Xiaodang.

By the way, Jiang Siming hasn't seen this girl who loves COS for a long time, and didn't meet her in the store today.

"The party girl went abroad and went to help her parents' company." Tang Ru didn't know whether she was talking gossip or deliberately telling Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming nodded, but didn't care.

The two ordered something and ate a romantic and sumptuous seafood meal. After the meal, Jiang Siming led Tang Ru to a nearby shopping mall.

"Chairman, the company has been operating very well recently. It has seized 95% of the domestic voice software market. Is it time to start making profits?"

Tang Ru did not forget to talk to Jiang Siming about his work while shopping.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "You don't need to call me the chairman, the two of us haven't been so divided yet."

Tang Ru pursed his lips and said, "Okay, then I'll call you Brother Jiang. If profit is not profitable, do you think about it?"

Jiang Siming replied: "You can start to make money properly, but advertising will only make users hate it. Just get a little membership, and then we will get other binding games."

Tang Ru nodded after listening, expressing understanding.

At this time, the two had reached the door of a shop, which surrounded many people.

Tang Ru glanced curiously, and said to Jiang Siming in surprise: "This shop is engaged in gold hunting activities. There is a big piece of gold in the box, which seems to be worth several million at least."

Jiang Siming also found out, and said, "This gold is very heavy. You can only put one hand in this box, and the gold is a little bigger than the opening of the hole. Even if you grab it, you can't take it out at all. This way."

Tang Ru also knew that it was definitely not that simple, but the host of this event had an expression that was too arrogant and triumphant, and it made people want to beat him up.

"Everyone, as long as you buy a product from my store, you can have a chance to catch gold. This gold is worth more than three million yuan. If you can catch it, you will be rich. If you can't catch it, you can only blame your lack of ability and life. Then just stay there, thank you."

After hearing this, Tang Ru couldn't help but murmured: "Obviously, it is a sales method that I have to say that he is like a scattered wealth boy.

Seeing Tang Ru's little expression, Jiang Siming said to her, "Do you want to try?"

"Okay!" Tang Ru immediately clapped her hands and applauded. Her character has always been straightforward, and she wanted to try it herself.

The two walked into the shop and bought a cheap piece of jewelry. Tang Ru got a chance to grab gold.

It's just that Ren Tangru tried hard to grab the gold in the box, it was useless, how could he not catch it, let alone take it out.

Tang Ru could only give up.

"Haha, this lady, I can't blame you for not being caught, I can only blame you for not having this life, but I think you are very hopeful, you can buy a few more products, there are more opportunities, maybe you can really catch them."

Seeing that Tang Ru was dressed and dressed, the host was definitely a rich man, so he wanted to fool Tang Ru to consume again.

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