I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 820: Emei Mountain has changed!

Jiang Siming, who slept with his arms around and slumped around at night, did not feel sleepy. The two little niezi had been cleaned up like kittens, and they had dreams early.

Recently, my cultivation level is about to break through, and I always feel that I can’t feed myself enough for ‘cultivation’.

I wanted to get up and find other wives to ‘exercise’, but as soon as I looked at the time, it was almost one o’clock in the morning, so I didn’t want to disturb their dreams.

Jiang Siming closed his eyes and entered the world of Yitian.

Anyone who raises a few canaries outside or not, other local tyrants are all urban girls who raise them. He is different. He raises all female heroes, so I'll ask if you have cowhide.

His eyes flashed, Jiang Siming appeared in Yitian World, a bedroom belonging to him in the Emei school.

Just as soon as he entered, Jiang Siming found something wrong.

There was a smell of dust in the room, and the room was covered with dust everywhere, as if it had been abandoned for a long time without cleaning.

Except for the tables and chairs, all the valuable things in the room were gone.

Jiang Siming realized that something must be wrong.

Otherwise, how could his room be cleaned, and Jiang Siming found that Mount Emei was empty!

When I opened the door and went out, the fallen leaves were piled up on the road, and there were even spider webs in some places.

Something must have happened, Jiang Siming frowned, and at the same time blamed himself for coming to the Duplicate World more.

It has been half a month since the last time, and it has been nearly half a year for Yitianzhong.

He originally thought that Zhiruo and Ding Minjun had taken Dahuan Pill and they were stronger than extinction, so there was no need to worry about their safety.

In addition, Yitian's villains were all eliminated by himself, and it stands to reason that he should be very stable next, how could it become like this.

Immediately Jiang Siming had no time to blame himself, and the most urgent thing was to find Zhou Zhiruo and Zhao Min first.

Summoning the startled salamander, Jiang Siming turned into a surprise in Mount Emei, and disappeared in Mount Emei in the blink of an eye. The script of Mount Emei should have a town and a market, but when Jiang Siming passed by, the market was alone with the town. nothing.

There was weird everywhere, Jiang Siming immediately accelerated and flew farther.

Finally, after flying dozens of miles, Jiang Siming saw a living person, a team of businessmen.

Jiang Siming flew off immediately, no longer concealing it.

When this team of businessmen saw Jiang Siming flying down from the sky, coupled with this banished temperament, everyone was shocked, thinking that they had encountered a god, they knelt down and kowtow.

"I ask you, what happened to Emei, fifty miles away? Why is there no one?" Jiang Siming asked.

The leading merchant and trafficker immediately replied: "The immortals don't know. A few months ago, many Japanese pirates came over overseas. They slaughtered and looted the Chinese atomic people, attacked the city, and the court was faint and unable to resist."

"So the six major factions and Mingjiao joined forces to fight against foreign enemies. At present, they should fight against the Japanese pirates in Lin'an. The extermination division Taiyi Bo Yuntian will sell all the valuable things on Mount Emei into soldiers and horses to resist the Japanese pirates. ."

"Then why is the small town at the foot of Mount Emei empty?" Jiang Siming asked.

The vendor explained: "This is because a person who claimed to be the Golden Retriever Lion King in the past two months wanted to avenge his deceased son Zhang Wuji, but he failed to find the Emei school children, so he slayed at the foot of Mount Emei and killed him there. Everyone ran away."

It turned out to be like this. It seems that a lot of things have happened in the past few months when I was away.

"Lin'an? In which direction?" Jiang Siming asked.

The vendor immediately gave instructions to Jiang Siming: "Go to the southeast and keep going straight ahead. It will be near the sea, but it will take half a month for the fastest horse to pass. If the immortal doesn't dislike it, there will be a good horse here, but... ."

Before this person finished speaking, Jiang Siming had already turned into an afterimage and disappeared into the sky.

The Emei school is in Sichuan, Lin'an is on the coast, almost Hangzhou that year, across the entire Huaxia map, almost two thousand kilometers.

However, Jiang Siming has the Iron Man suit, and the speed of this thing is 1000 kilometers per hour + under full flight.

It is very energy-consuming. This state only lasts for an hour and then there is no energy. Jiang Siming replaced it with the startled salamander, but also quickly.

At present, he can fly at a speed of 500 kilometers per hour + in the Golden Core Phase, but I believe that this speed will be more than five times that of Yuan Ying.

After three hours, Jiang Siming flew at full strength and finally reached Lin'an City.

From the sky, Lin'an City is already in ruins, and the city gate is on the verge of collapse.

Inside the city are a large group of people from the rivers and lakes, and outside the city is a large black shadow pressing down. In front of them, there are several heavy artillery.

It was these things that defeated Lin'an City.

It should be a truce between the two armies at this time, and there is no war at the moment.

There are many temporary tents under Lin'an City, and Emei Sect disciples are in one area.

Compared with other chaotic places, the female disciples of Emei faction live in a much cleaner place.

Inside a tent, Zhou Zhiruo was wiping her long sword, preparing for the next battle.

A lot of blood has been stained on her white dress, these are the enemy's.

Next to him, Ding Minjun is counting the number of casualties for his master and put it on the list for future statistics.

Xiao Zhao didn't regret sitting next to him to rest and recuperate his strength, only Zhao Min looked out of the tent with some boredom.

Suddenly came the last sentence: "You said where the master went, will he return to Emei and find us?"

Ding Minjun stopped writing and smiled slightly: "Don't worry, the young master's martial arts is the best in the world. His light power is only seen in the world. Just inquire about where we are and will be able to come over soon."

Zhou Zhiruo smiled and said, "Yes, the son is the most powerful person in the world, and our martial arts are all thanks to him."

Zhao Min thought it was the same, but she looked at Zhou Zhiruo's clothes and then at her own.

As a princess, she of course likes to be clean, but unfortunately there is no free water here to bathe her and change her clothes. She is uncomfortable.

"You said, why the weapons of these Japanese pirates are so powerful? I heard that they are called artillery. If another batch of gunpowder is transferred by them, Lin'an City may be really not protected." Ding Minjun said with some worry.

"In fact, these gunpowder was invented by our Central Plains. It was only secretly learned by this group of treacherous thieves and made into gunpowder. We are blamed on the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty for being stupid and innocent. He died for him." Zhao Min said angrily.

"Hey, we can't control that much anymore. If the city breaks down in Lin'an, we will go to the neighboring city. As long as we hold on until the son comes back, these Japanese pirates will undoubtedly die." Xiao Zhao opened his eyes and said resolutely after adjusting his breath.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a shout to kill outside the tent.

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