I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 823: The stars are over

Jiang Siming took a few women and walked all the way to the city gate. Everyone he saw respectfully saluted Jiang Siming and shouted: Your lord.

Jiang Siming nodded slightly and led a few women out of the city gate.

At this time, the major factions are still working hard to clean the battlefield and clean up the dead bodies.

Only the female disciples of the Emei faction were the most relaxed. They just sat beside them and waited for them to bring the trophies. They just needed to register.

With Jiang Siming's majesty, none of them dared to embezzle the spoils.

One by one honestly took the property and weapons found to the Emei faction for registration.

When Jiang Siming came over, everyone stopped their work and saluted Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming waved his hand at random and said, "How is the cleaning?"

"Qizi Jiang...it's the leader of Jiangmeng." A female disciple of Emei realized that she was called by the wrong name.

The female disciples of the Emei faction are now called Jiang Siming the son, and only the extinction is still called Shaoxia.

Of course, if the extinction is called "Young Master", Jiang Siming might vomit.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "You can just call me the same way, you don't need to be so."

"Yes, Shaoxia Jiang, the count has been basically completed. Three artillery pieces were seized, 32 rounds of artillery shells, 25 muskets, thousands of ammunition, countless grains, and many gold and silver treasures seized by Japanese pirates with a total value of about three hundred silver. Ten thousand two."

Jiang Siming's eyelids twitched, so much money? Hehehe, then don't blame this leader for stealing it.

As for the other factions, you can just take a bit of petty profit to deal with it.

"In addition, there are five Japanese pirate boats still parked on the seashore. Each of these boats is huge and can accommodate thousands of people. They are equipped with six artillery. How should this be handled?"

Jiang Siming thought for a while and said, "Give it to Mingjiao Yang Xiao and let him bring Zhu Yuanzhang to give full play to the power of these ships."

"Yes!" The female disciple immediately agreed.

After the battlefield was cleaned up, Jiang Siming had a grand celebration party.

Moreover, three million taels of silver Jiang Siming also greatly divided out 2 million taels.

He originally wanted to embezzle it, but the disciples of Emei told him that he had paid a relatively painful price for fighting against the Japanese pirates and Mingjiao.

Therefore, Jiang Siming gave most of the money and food to them, and it was considered compensation for them to work together to fight against the Japanese pirates this time.

Jiang Siming wanted to fly to the Japanese pirate’s lair, which was a massacre in Japan thousands of years ago, but he found that he could not fly there.

It's not that the ability is not good, but this is the dungeon world is limited to the world of Yitian, and he can't go abroad if he wants to go abroad.

Therefore, Jiang Siming had to hand these ships to Zhu Yuanzhang to deal with. Maybe after Yitian, Zhu Yuanzhang will be the emperor and will fight against Japanese pirates because of the greatly improved naval strength.

After the war is over, all sects will also go back.

The Emei School is the farthest and the most troublesome, because if you walk back, it will take at least half a month.

Jiang Siming couldn't wait so long. The copy he entered in the early morning could only be obtained after three days in Yitian. It should be bright outside.

Otherwise, the two mischievous personalities of Dazi and Tuantuan would definitely be at fault to him when they wake up.

So Jiang Siming thought for a while, and first requisitioned one of the five Japanese pirate ships. This one could hold two thousand people, enough to carry hundreds of female disciples of the Emei school back home.

Lin'an is close to the Yangtze River, which can carry these ships.

This kind of boat is definitely a big Mac in Yitian, but in Jiang Siming's eyes, his private yacht is about to catch up with its size.

His private yacht is just luxurious, and if all were dismantled and converted into a specially manned one, it can accommodate thousands of people.

The Emei faction got on such a boat, all the way back to Emei Mountain in Sichuan from the Yangtze River valley.

As for who will sail the boat is too easy to solve, Jiang Siming can handle it.

These ships are all seafaring and very fast.

In one day, he drove into the boundary of Sichuan and hurried back to the bottom of Mount Emei soon after landing.

After arriving at Mount Emei, Jiang Siming had to withdraw from the copy, because he had already felt that Liangnizi was awake and was tickling himself.

After giving Xiao Zhao and the others a few explanations, Jiang Siming left the copy.

This time he also brought a firing gun to the Emei faction for self-defense, so there should be no need to worry about safety.

There are still millions of silver, which is enough for Mount Emei to spend.


Going back to reality, Jiang Siming forgot, the copy of Etian World should be finished in October, and then just use the [Copy Archiver] to save it.

In the future, you can go to Yitian whenever you want, and Yitian time will be still.

There is no need to worry about accidents when you are no longer.

It's good for Jiang Siming to think about it now. In the future, he will bring enough in the real world to go to the world of martial arts.

Moreover, there is no industrial pollution in such a world, and the environment is extremely good. It is the best to use it to escape the heat.

When Jiang Siming came out, he brought hundreds of thousands of silver and stuffed them into his treasury, which was beautiful.

I just came back from my treasure house and planned to go to the living room to play FIFA on the TV. The phone in my trouser pocket rang.

I picked it up and found that it was Yin Enhui's phone. As soon as it was connected, Yin Enhui's voice came.

"Boss, the crew is over!"

"Oh, so fast." Jiang Siming was slightly surprised. Is "You From the Star" finished like this?

"Thanks to you, I have improved Ji Hyun's acting skills so much. The filming started very smoothly, two months ahead of my expectations." Yin Enhui said.

"When will this play go live?" Jiang Siming asked curiously.

After all, it is the first step in life TV series starring in myself, so I have to care about it.

"It's fast, because it's shooting and doing post-production, so the speed is very fast. It will be broadcast on Korean TV at the end of next month. If the response is good, other countries' video websites will come over to buy the copyright." Yin Eun-hye Reply.

Jiang Siming nodded: "Then I'll just wait and see, you guys will finish today, have fun, I will pay the money, and I will transfer the money to you later."

"No, I haven't used up the investment you gave me. It's just a meal. How much can be used, rest assured, enough." Yin Enhui said.

"All right." Jiang Siming didn't know what to say when he finished speaking. Yin Enhui on the other end of the phone also fell silent, but he was reluctant to hang up.

In the end, the crew asked her something and she hung up.

Jiang Siming breathed a sigh of relief. He really didn't know what to say. The two seemed to be friends at most.

Jiang Siming shook his head, not thinking about such things, but looking forward to the airing of "My Love from the Star" at the end of October.

Everyone who has watched it knows how popular the show was.


[Author's digression]: These two days are almost the National Day, so the sake business industry is a bit busy, and the book has been written in the later stage, so it is difficult to update it five times a day like it was just written before. Sake try to satisfy everyone Please forgive me for my reading mood in the past few days. I don’t ask for leave for National Day Sake. I will continue to update. I hope you can understand.

When this book is finished, Sake will open a new book! Hehe.

By the way, the group of sake books is: 978484312.

The group of two thousand people is almost full. If you don’t add it, you can add it as soon as possible, otherwise you have to go to the second group if you want to add it in the future (laughs and cry). It is the old group of friends who open the trumpet, so the trumpet application will generally not be approved. Try to use the large number.

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