I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 831: Jiang Siming's stewardess treatment

The girls hurried to the kitchen to wash their hands and pick up the dishes, their movements were quite positive.

It is like a scene of students rushing to the cafeteria after class when they are studying.

Jiang Siming forgot to tell them to save himself a bite. When he came out with the fried fish, there was no more fish soup left.

Even the fish inside is only a table of bones, no fish heads left...

"You eat too clean, too." Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry.

Hey, the pot he made is very heavy, and there are only five women at home at noon today. They five have wiped out this big pot of fish soup in such a short time? what's the situation.

Several women wiped their mouths and glanced at each other, and all smiled embarrassedly.

Jiang Siming brought the plate of fried Meiyu, and the women couldn't help but move their chopsticks.

Although the belly told them that they were full.

But they just can't help but want to eat more, because it's so delicious!

"Senior Brother, I finally know why you are so attached to these fish. It turns out that there are such delicious fish in the world!"

"Yes, yeah, this is much more delicious than the sea fish we fished in Zhoushan, and it is ten times more delicious than the Eastern Star Spot!"

"Hmm~ this braised fish is more delicious! I also put sesame oil, pepper and five spices on it, and stir-fry with onions, absolutely!"

The women did not forget to comment as they ate, and they exclaimed again and again, but the movements in their mouths never stopped.

I was spitting out bones when I spoke.

Jiang Siming couldn't help taking his chopsticks and sitting down to taste his Meiyu meat.

In fact, these two plates of fish have nothing to do with his cooking skills, they are made with very homely methods, but after the entrance, Jiang Siming was really shocked.

This Meiyu is more tender than any fish he has ever eaten. It is fragrant and smooth, with a sweet taste and white meat.

And the key is that there are few fish bones, and a bite is basically all meat. After eating, the body is warm and comfortable.

And he even felt that after a few mouthfuls of fish meat, the movement speed of the true energy in his dantian had increased a bit, although it had only increased a bit, a bit smaller, but it was also strong enough.

He finally believed that eating this fish can really nourish yin and yang, replenish qi, blood and essence, and can play the role of new metabolism in the body and prolong life.

I also understand why this thing appeared in the orange shards.

The six people started to take one bite at the last fish and I took one bite at a time, and it was completely wiped out in a while.

After eating, the five women lay on the sofa with their stomachs, and fell asleep in a short while.

Jiang Siming discovered that the fish meat also promotes sleep. You can see how sound they sleep.

After the other wives came back from get off work, Jiang Siming also caught several fish for them.

The result is the same as before. It’s a clean one when you eat it, and you won’t give A-囡 a chance to lick the plate~

When Meiyu matures, it will reproduce small fish. There are now new Meiyu seeds in the fish pond, so Jiang Siming doesn't have to worry about the hundreds of Meiyu they are gone after eating.

The next day, Jiang Siming woke up early and went to Shanghai Hongqiao Airport.

Last night Jiang Siming told Civil Aviation that he would use a plane today, so civil aviation had already arranged the flight route for Jiang Siming.

Although he flew in Wanwan, the old man of the Tian Group said that China would fly Jiang Siming casually, and Wanwan also belonged to China. Jiang Siming should be able to fly.

After Jiang Siming went out, he summoned the [driving robot], and it was also set to be a female, a female captain who was in her forties.

I also took a very personal name: Li Chunlan

In order to test her abilities, Jiang Siming first asked her to drive. The driving robot was set to be able to drive vehicles, ships, and airplanes.

So of course she was not a problem driving her own luxury car, and she drove very steadily, even responding to urgent problems with ease.

Jiang Siming now sits back and relaxes, leaning in the back seat with confidence and getting a good night's sleep.

In fact, at Hongqiao Airport, Jiang Siming's private jet has caused a great sensation in the airport.

They have never seen a private jet worth seven billion soft sister coins, even the old employees who have worked at the airport for decades.

Because in China, no one really bought this seven-billion-dollar airplane. It's not that they can't afford it, but it is difficult to find channels even if they want to buy it.

This kind of aircraft needs special modification and special processing, and ordinary aircraft factories do not have this technology.

Jiang Siming’s aircraft even have anti-radar detection and anti-missile systems. Do you think those private aircraft manufacturers can have this technology?

The plane arrived at Hongqiao Airport the day before yesterday, and it is a topic that the airport staff talked about today.

Many captains and flight attendants wanted to go up and take a look, but unfortunately, this plane is not a civil aviation plane, not theirs, so they won't give it to me.

But today is the main arrival, many captains are very excited, think Jiang Siming should recruit pilots here.

Flying a private jet for the rich can be thousands of times more comfortable than flying a civil airliner.

First, you only need to serve the rich alone. They can't be on the plane every day. As long as you are applied for, you only need to fly a few times when the rich needs you.

Second, the salary is huge, and the salary is several times or even higher than that of an ordinary captain. This depends on whether the rich are generous.

Thirdly, not every pilot can enjoy the experience of top luxury private jets.

Waiting for all of this is enough to make them rush to the position of Jiang Siming's private jet pilot.

But after making them eager to see through, they got a ‘bad news’. Jiang Siming’s family brought the pilot over.

The pilot had all the legal and qualified certificates, and the Civil Aviation Administration passed the audit smoothly and recognized that the other party could fly.

In this way, in the enviable eyes of a lot of captains, Captain Li Chunlan has boarded this very large private plane and is ready to set sail at any time.

Jiang Siming got on the plane after talking to a group of civil aviation executives for a while.

He discussed with the executives of the Civil Aviation Administration. This time, because of time constraints, there is no time to call a flight attendant. Next time he comes back from Wanwan, he will hire a flight attendant at the airport.

The captain of such a big private jet can't be the only one, the flight attendants also need to drop.

The executives asked Jiang Siming what requirements he had for recruiting a flight attendant. They thought Jiang Siming would say something about a stewardess with rich work experience, prudent, gentle and considerate service.

Who knows that Jiang Siming answered them rather domineeringly: "Just be pretty and have a brain, the more beautiful the better."

These executives were very hard-hearted, but they didn't dare to say anything, so they could only agree with them all. They would screen Jiang Siming the type of flight attendants he needed, and then apply for Jiang Siming.

As for the salary, Jiang Siming is really a man who can afford 7 billion private jets.

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