As soon as he arrived on the floor of his room, Jiang Siming saw a figure wearing a mask and cap sneaking out of a room, bowing his head all the way.

I don’t know what ‘special service’ I thought was a thief or a guest in the room.

Jiang Siming didn't recognize it until he got closer. Isn't this JJ? It's no wonder that he is dressed like this, he must be afraid of being recognized.

JJ obviously did not see Jiang Siming, who used [Zero Presence], and was about to walk by him, still muttering to the agent who followed him: "I'll go play for a while, I haven't had it for several days. Played the game."

Well, this guy rushed to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet...

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry. Sure enough, JJ was a game player who was delayed by his music career.

There are too many people in the entertainment circle who love to play games, and Jay Chou is one of them.

At that time, when I was a good voice instructor, I took the students out to play online games in the middle of the night. Internet addiction was evident.

When the two were about to pass by, Jiang Siming turned off [Zero Presence] and yelled softly behind him: "Your ID card is lost."

"Oh, thank you. I can't go online if I lose my ID card." After JJ finished speaking, he immediately looked down for his ID card.

Jiang Siming laughed out of joy.

JJ knew that he was being'played', and thought it was fans who recognized him and teased him. He smiled and looked up and wanted to say something.

But he didn't expect that the moment he saw Jiang Siming, he was so surprised that two iconic dimples appeared.

"Myojin! It's you!"

JJ was surprised and quickly approached Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming and JJ had an intersection. They played Overwatch together before. Jiang Siming also took JJ from gold to platinum.

The two even sang "Wings" together, and now the most popular version of the song "Wings" is still the one they sang together.

JJ was so convinced by Jiang Siming's game technology that he would often watch Jiang Siming's live broadcast when he was fine.

It’s just that I’ve been busy recently with a new song being selected for the Golden Melody Awards, and there is very little time to watch the live broadcast. Besides, Jiang Siming doesn’t have a fixed time to live broadcast, and the two have never contacted again.

A few days ago, the two of them connected on Weibo again and added Zhou Dong.

JJ has always been looking forward to meeting Jiang Siming at the Golden Melody Awards. I didn't expect to meet Jiang Siming here so soon.

Even JJ was a little excited after seeing Jiang Siming. After all, Jiang Siming was the only person he admired in the game. This person is too good at playing games, he is a god!

When you love something, you find that someone is countless times stronger than you in this respect. No matter what your identity, you will admire him a little bit.

Just like stars also have their own favorite idols, whether it is table tennis, basketball or football, as long as you like something.

When you meet the strongest person in this industry, you will become a little fan.

This is enough to prove JJ's love for games.

"You live on this floor too?" Jiang Siming said.

"Yes, you are in room 32, I am 31, haha, what a coincidence." JJ smiled.

At this time, guests kept walking past, and they looked curiously, as if they were about to recognize them.

In desperation, the two chose to go to Jiang Siming's room to talk first.

This is also why JJ really wants to make friends with Jiang Siming, otherwise, why would he waste time in Internet cafes chatting with Jiang Siming.

The two chatted in the room, chatting about the Golden Melody Awards, music, games and so on.

It's hard to believe that two men will have so many topics together.

JJ's agent is very surprised. JJ doesn't think he is approachable, in fact, he is a bit recognizable and withdrawn in his heart.

It is like a person standing at the top of music, with his own pride and principles.

Especially when talking about music with people, he can definitely dominate, talking about the mountains and talking about his own music insights.

But now, it is Jiang Siming who is saying that he has become an observer and applauded Jiang Siming's music insights.

The agent feels that this person is definitely JJ, I am afraid it is a fake...

They talked from two o'clock in the afternoon until dinner.

Jiang Siming learned only after JJ's suggestion that it is best to bring a female partner to participate in the Golden Melody Awards. He has already arranged a female partner, which is his junior sister Jinsha.

Jiang Siming didn't worry when he learned about it, and directly asked Li Chunlan to go to the airport and fly back to Shanghai to pick up Jiang Lan.

It’s so cool to have your own private jet and fly around the country. It only takes a few hours to go back and forth.

Before Jiang Lan came, Jiang Siming and JJ had dinner in the restaurant, and then the two old men chose the common hobby and went to the Internet cafe...

Internet cafes in Taiwan do not require ID cards, and elementary school students can enter.

Jiang Siming and JJ sat in an area surrounded by a group of elementary school students and drove two cameras.

"Myojin, what are you going to play? Do you want to eat chicken?" JJ looked forward to it. In fact, he wanted to ask Jiang Siming if he would play Watchman, but he was embarrassed to speak.

"No, play Watch, not together?" Jiang Siming knew what he was thinking, and pushed the boat along the way.

In the chattering of so many Wanwan primary school students, Jiang Siming didn't want to play chicken, because he was afraid that his ears would be blown up.

"Okay! Come on!" Of course JJ was willing, and quickly agreed.

Because Jiang Siming had no account number, he could only use his mobile phone to go to the pig live room of a fish platform to find him and ask for a golden account.

Pig still wanted to get on the "car", but Jiang Siming refused. The kid always wanted to hug his thighs and want to be beautiful.

Jiang Siming and JJ started a "sweet" double row.

Lao Jiang hadn't played Overwatch for a long time, and immediately chose Hanzo after entering, and started his career as "Hou Yi shoots the sun".

Before entering the game, Jiang Siming didn't forget to look around, what's the difference between Wanwan Internet Cafe and Mainland Internet Cafe.

To be honest, Wanwan Internet cafes can be regarded as "shabby" compared to domestic Internet cafes.

Not only the camera is very old, don't think about 1080.2080, the best is the 1050.

And the keyboard and mouse are still the kind of film keyboard, this kind of keyboard has been used in domestic Internet cafes ten years ago.

There is not even a gaming chair.

Please, this is Taipei, the most developed city in Bend. The configuration of an Internet cafe makes Jiang Siming very disappointed.

So if you are traveling to Wanwan, it is not recommended to go to Internet cafes, because you will be disappointed.

At present, the domestic Internet cafes are called Internet cafes, clubs, and e-sports halls. Any computer configuration can pull the 800 roads of Internet cafes here.

However, the pupils next to him still had a great time.

"Aze, can your sleeper (Yasuo) magnify (big move)?"

"What if I put it, I am at least 1-4, why do you say me 0-5."

"I said I don't know how to play jungle, I won't play with you tomorrow, I will find Xiao Guang to play! Humph!"

"If you don't play, you won't play, I won't pay you the internet fee today, huh!"

Listening to the quarrel of the pupils next to him, Jiang Siming glanced at JJ and both laughed.


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