I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 838: Wholesale trophies?

Zhou Dong and JJ smiled and said two words to Jiang Siming when they passed by, naturally they were congratulatory words.

Jiang Siming nodded in response and stepped onto the stage.

Received his first music trophy from Janine Chang.

"Jiang Siming, you won the best mandarin male singer in your first debut, how do you feel?" the male host asked.

Jiang Siming took the microphone and replied with a chuckle: "It feels like the guest tonight has Jay Chou and JJ invited for me. I am very happy."

Everyone: "..."

Zhang Junning asked curiously: "Can you tell us why?"

"Because I paid the money for the three of us to go to the Internet cafe this morning. I also invited them to drink two bottles of Coke. They promised me to invite me to dinner tonight. That's it."


Jiang Siming's answer caused everyone to eat, feeling that the three of them went to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet today. They still have the mood to play games on this important music award day?

Sitting in the guest seat, Jay Chou and JJ laughed loudly, not at all unhappy for Jiang Siming to expose their old bottom.

Zhang Junning couldn't help covering her mouth to steal music, and said with a smile: "The second question, how do you evaluate the current Chinese music scene?"

"The atmosphere?" Jiang Siming did not expect to be asked such a tricky question.

But this thing can hardly hold him? Can you stop his mouth?

So Jiang Siming replied very sharply: "If the green and yellow are not picked up, there will be no successors."


Everyone took a breath, Jiang Siming really dared to say anything, this sentence offended all the singers of the new generation.

Does this mean that the current singer can't compare to the previous singer?

Although this is the case, no one dares to say that.

But then think about Jiang Siming directly attacking the organizer and all the small fresh meat traffic stars at the White Flower Award, and they will understand.

Zhang Junning was a little puzzled: "How do you say?"

"What can I say, now there are saliva songs everywhere, selling dog meat with sheep's head, or all kinds of plagiarism, taking foreign songs and adapting them, and filling in lyrics becomes their own. Many of these singers are there. Do you want me to say it?" Jiang Siming asked with a smile.

Zhang Yining and the host immediately agreed, brother, you are great, we know you dare to say anything, but please shut up, they are not so bold~

"Then let's change the topic, Jiang Siming, we all know that you have a lot of fans, and they come from all aspects, such as games, music, variety shows, sports and so on."

"What do you think of the word fan? What kind of fan do you think is your favorite?"

After hearing the question, Jiang Siming thought about it for a while, and finally said lightly: "In fact, many fans are just superficial fans."

Everyone was shocked as soon as the words were spoken.

Is Jiang Siming going to be a fan again after he finished the singer? This is more fierce than the singer's peers.

Fans depend on the survival of celebrities, and the fan economy is their golden rice bowl.

People with more fans can take N times as many ads as people with fewer fans.

Jiang Siming now dares to say that many fans are just superficial fans. This is too bold.

Jiang Siming went on to say: "These superficial fans will praise you and love you when you are brilliant, but once you fall down and the direction of public opinion deviates, they will also deviate from loving you and respecting you. I hate you and hate you."

"Of course, the singer industry may not feel anything unless you do something illegal, such as taking drugs, which cannot be forgiven, but if you are an idol in sports or game competition, once you have no achievements, once you If you fail, those who originally called you fans will turn their heads to mock you and scold you, which is very realistic."

Everyone feels very much about Jiang Siming's remarks and agrees with them.

Yes, in fact, many people who follow stars are purely following the trend. They don't really like a star at all. It's just that if everyone says they like it, they will like it, otherwise they will be out of gregarious.

For example, my brother Leslie Cheung, it is understandable that many generations born in the 70s or 80s like him. After all, my brother is from their time.

But the funny thing is that many people born after 90s and 00s also say that they are big fans of their brothers.

Of course, it is undeniable that there may be young people who are actually going to watch his brother's movies and listen to his brother's songs to understand his brother carefully.

But it cannot be denied that 90% of the people here are following suit. They may have only listened to a few songs by their brother and watched one or two movies.

Then I felt that my brother's deeds were pitiful, so Barabara started to say that he was a fan of his brother.

This kind of fan, he is a superficial fan.

Zhang Junning may have also been touched by Jiang Siming's words, so he made up a question and asked Jiang Siming another question.

"Then can you describe the most precious fan in your heart?"

Jiang Siming was silent again for a while, and looked up at the ceiling as if thinking about answering.

The audience fell silent, looking forward to what kind of answer Jiang Siming would give.

This silence did not last long, so Jiang Siming raised the microphone and answered Zhang Junning's question seriously.

"The peak produces hypocritical maintenance, and dusk witnesses the true apostle."

As soon as this was said, the audience was silent for two seconds, followed by thunderous applause.


As expected of someone who can write the lyrics of "Luzhou Moon", this is simply a hit, reducing thousands of words into one sentence!

Every word bead!

Zhang Yining applauded with everyone, while watching Jiang Siming's eyes were full of appreciation.

At the end of the interview session, Jiang Siming had to stay on stage and sing "Luzhou Moon" before stepping down with the trophy. When the male singer is the King of Singer Award, it is the turn of the female singer, which is the queen song award.

This award was won by Deng Qi, an old acquaintance of Jiang Siming. Deng Qi also added many very nice new songs this year.

Moreover, the "A Bridge of Fate" sung with Jiang Siming even confirmed her singing ability.

Deng Qi sang her own "Devil from Heaven", which was her award-winning song this year.

The awards continued to be awarded, and soon the second award arrived.

"The following is the best album award."

This is also a big prize.

However, Jiang Siming was not shortlisted, because this guy did not release an album at all, and has been releasing singles.

Jiang Siming didn't care, and the album award was won by Jay Chou.

Then came the best composition and the best lyrics, Jiang Siming won both!

No one dares not be convinced.

Because Jiang Siming wrote more than 20 songs this year, from the lyrics to the composition, he is alone, who dares not accept?

The last best newcomer award was also won by Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming went in and out of the awards stage. For the last time on stage, the host laughed and said that Jiang Siming was here to engage in trophy wholesale.

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