I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 864: Irene who doesn't want to grow taller

When Jiang Siming came out after washing, he encountered Zhao Xuan's complaints.

"You made Xiaoxiao angry. Not only did she not be angry with you, she also changed her way to protect you. It seems that your father's position in her heart is more important than me."

Zhao Xuan jealously said that if he is jealous on his daughter, he must eat it on his husband.

After hearing this, Jiang Siming laughed, walked over and pulled her into his arms, smelling the good smell of Zhao Xuan's body, so he could not kiss him.

This kiss and Jiang Siming rubbed his hands twice, Zhao Xuan blushed and panted, pushing away Jiang Siming in shame:

"You bastard, go to bed, you, tonight you have a ‘task’ and a ‘goal’."

Jiang Siming said with a smile: "It's not that there must be only one ‘goal’. I will come to you after I’m done."

Zhao Xuan gave him a charming look and said: "I want to be beautiful, I will lock the door to see how you come."

"By the way, how could you make Xiaoxiao angry? Almost forgot to ask." Zhao Xuan said.

After hearing this, Jiang Siming had to say a few words vaguely, can't say that Xiaoxiao said he wanted breast enhancement pills.

If Zhao Xuan knows, she still can’t go to Zhao Xiaoxiao to settle the account, her daughter must be pampered~

Zhao Xuan also went to bed, and Jiang Siming reinvigorated the "morale", going upstairs to pamper Irene tonight.

When passing by Zhao Xiaoxiao's room, the door happened to be unclosed, Jiang Siming looked inside curiously.

I saw Zhao Xiaoxiao stripping herself naked, standing in front of the mirror in the room, looking down at her chest in despair.

Finally sighed and said: "When will I grow up, and when will I be attracted by my father? It's really troublesome~"

Jiang Siming almost didn't spit old blood when he heard it. How did this girl's brain grow? I'm mad at her father!

However, Jiang Siming realized afterwards that he seemed to have seen Xiaoxiao completely...

Bah, baah, I'm her father, and she's just a kid, what's the matter! It's okay, don't think too much.

Anyone who reads this book gives me a pure mind! (Jiang Siming yells with anger and anger~~)

At night, after a fight, Irene lay exhausted in Jiang Siming's arms, like a golden kitten shrank in Jiang Siming's arms.

Jiang Siming hugged her delicate body and remembered what Zhao Xiaoxiao said to herself in the bathroom.

It seems that I really can't be too selfish. If Irene wants to grow taller, but I don't help her, it seems too dictatorial.

Although I really like Irene's appearance and state, since he is his girlfriend, Jiang Siming can't be a big husband.

Therefore, Jiang Siming thought for a while and decided to speak.


"Hmm~" Irene's only remaining consciousness, this consciousness is about to be filled with exhaustion and satisfaction and fall asleep.

"I ask you, do you want to grow taller?" Jiang Siming asked.

Irene held Jiang Siming's arm and murmured: "I wanted to."

"what about now?"

"Now I don't want to." Irene said.

"Why?" Jiang Siming asked suspiciously.

"Because I think I'm pretty good like this, the point is that I find you like it, then I like myself like this."

Irene continued: "And I checked it on the Internet, and the Internet said that men like me like this, right?"

Jiang Siming was a little embarrassed, he hesitated: "Yes..."

"Then I don't want to be taller, I will do this for the rest of my life." Irene replied affirmatively immediately.

After hearing this, Jiang Siming didn't know what to say, so he could only kiss her on the cheek, and then coax Irene to sleep sweetly...

Wake up the next day, Irene suddenly remembered something and exclaimed.

Jiang Siming opened his eyes and thought what was wrong with her, so he asked quickly: "What's wrong with Irene?"

Irene said with embarrassment: "I forgot that I came with my dad's request this time."

"What? Your father's request?" Jiang Siming said in a stunned voice. He thought that Irene's father wanted him to marry Irene.

Irene explained: "Well, my dad is a senior member of Twitch. The chairman of Twitch knows that my brother knows you, so I want my dad to ask my brother to go to Shanghai to apologize to you instead of Twitch. I hope you can forgive them and recover. Live."

"Then why are you here?" Jiang Siming asked curiously. Knowing that it wasn't what he thought, he was relieved a lot.

"I told my brother, and he was afraid that you and him would be just ordinary friends who would mess things up, so he agreed with me." Irene said.

Jiang Siming understood. He said why Irene suddenly came to China, how could her parents agree to her running so far alone, and that she would let her go only if she had a task.

"It turned out to be this matter, it's okay, I agree, you can rest assured to go back to the business at that time." Jiang Siming solved the matter in one go.

To be honest, if he were replaced by someone else, he would not agree so easily, that is, his girlfriend.

Even for Alow, Jiang Siming would have to refuse.

Although it is his eldest brother-in-law, what is wrong with the eldest brother-in-law, and he is not his wife, so there is still nothing to talk about with Jiang Siming.

But Irene’s words would be easy to talk about. Irene didn't even apologize, so Jiang Siming said it.

Irene was pleasantly surprised: "Really?"

"Of course, why lie to you." Jiang Siming agreed with a smile.

It's not a particularly big deal. Why can't it be a favor that can coax his girlfriend and do his father-in-law a favor, and be a good person.

After hearing this, Irene was very happy and said that she would definitely get the greatest'compensation' for Jiang Siming.

Although one side is her father, Irene must try to help her'husband' in this situation.

As for the daughters, they are all the water thrown out by the married daughters, and the elbows must be dropped.

Irene, in a great mood, didn’t even care about being so tired last night to ‘repay’ Jiang Siming. Early in the morning, she took the initiative to give her arms and took Jiang Siming to the sky.

After the two of them got up, Irene hid outside to make a phone call and reported to her father that Jiang Siming hadn't come back here, and it would take a few days to see him.

In this way, she had to stay in China for a period of time. After hearing this, Irene's father could only agree to it, and told him that Irene must have a good talk with Jiang Siming.

But five days later, he must come back, because Irene has to go back to school.

He can't sacrifice his daughter's studies for his own career. This is also the final bottom line of Elin's father.

In this way, Irene got at least five days off, which made her bounce around with joy.

This is the first time she has gone abroad by herself. When she went to Korea, her brother was in charge of her. Now she is alone, so comfortable~

Jiang Siming has just five days left to play in France. She just can wait for Jiang Siming to go back to the United States when the game, so that there is no delay, hehe!


[Author's digression]: The second update has been passed! Today, I will see the performance of sake. Well, in the past two days, everyone has been wronged. Sake apologizes to you. Today, I will see the sincerity!

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