I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 881: Primary alchemy!

With this new gun, Jiang Siming threw the M700 away. This broken gun is not as good as six times Scarl.

Now with the DBS, Jiang Siming plans to use it as a rifle and Scarl as a sniper.

Seeing that Jiang Siming picked up the airdrop, the three people in the enclosure felt that their faces were dull, and they were picked up by the airdrops in front of audiences from all over the world.

However, even if Jiang Siming picked up the airdrop, he couldn't leave. There was nothing to do but to stick with him behind the airdrop.

The three planned to frame Jiang Siming to death.

I thought that Jiang Siming would not dare to touch the guns of the three people, but he did not expect Jiang Siming to be bold, and a head emerged from the left side of the airdrop box.

Da da da!

After three consecutive shots with a single point, Scarl’s muzzle fired three peanuts. The speed was so fast that a single point was faster than a fully automatic one.

Koy on the far right was unprepared, his brain spattered three red blood flames on the spot, and he was shot dead on the spot before the second-level head had time to hide!

Koy looked at the black and white screen of his computer with a dazed expression, unable to even speak.

He is the first in North America, and he met Jiang Siming, and like Bomin, he died more miserably than other old professional players.

Because they didn't even have any experience in confronting Jiang Siming, it's strange not to die.

The two newly promoted geniuses have been solved so easily. Only one North American Tbii is left shivering in a corner.

As soon as Koy died, both Lion Cub and Shroud had discovered that this man was Jiang Siming, and they had a tacit understanding of the actions of brothers.

That's...getting the gun...counseling.

There is no longer the airdrop just now, I don't want you and don't even think about it.

Now they two probably want to say: Take the airdrop, brother, we don’t want it...

It is a pity that Jiang Siming is a person who never wastes a head, especially in the game, he is afraid that he will miss a good piece by letting him go.

Koy's fragments had floated out of the window, red and shiny.

"Pick up [Gun Mastery] Red Fragment*1 (1/5). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

[Firearms proficiency]: Real-life skills, master all firearms knowledge, combined with [Sharpshooter talent], can become the world's strongest sharpshooter.

Jiang Siming was taken aback by this fragment. He remembered that he had the [Marksman Talent], but it was a green fragment, which he had obtained a long time ago.

Now coupled with gun proficiency, he can indeed fight for hegemony in the world with marksmanship.

It's just that Jiang Siming feels useless, after all, he doesn't like a hot weapon like a gun.

The monks in his current Golden Core stage can only pose a threat to him unless it is a more powerful thermal weapon. Even ordinary TNT bombs can't attack him because he has Wanlong Armor.

This thing is anti-sky thunder, a little TNT bomb can do nothing.

Of course, Jiang Siming was not stupid enough to experiment. Isn't that a foolish bag.

After getting Koy's fragment, Jiang Siming didn't want to let the other two people inside.

It's just that at this time the little lion and Shroud in the house obviously didn't want to entangle Jiang Siming, and said nothing.

Even if Jiang Siming provocatively fired a few bullets at them, the two of them were determined to shrink their heads.

This made the audience laugh badly. Did the momentum of the two of them just now? Why did you confuse me?

Neither of them would come out, and Jiang Siming didn't panic. He came out from behind the airdrop and ran directly to the enclosure.

If you refuse to fight with me, then I will take the initiative to fight with you.

Because it is a first-view FPP model, as long as they don't show up, they will never see Jiang Siming's whereabouts.

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Siming approached the inside so boldly.

But when they came to the enclosure, the footsteps had been heard by Shroud and the little lion.

The two people know that Jiang Siming is here!

A wry smile appeared on the faces of both of them, and it turned out that they couldn't hide what they should have come. The ‘Plague God’ would definitely not let it go if he stared at them.

Rather than just sitting around and waiting for death, it is better to take the initiative!

Shroud, who was the closest, didn't dare anymore. He recognized Jiang Siming's location from the sound of Jiang Siming's footsteps and stood out from the window.

Originally wanted to hit Jiang Siming by surprise, he was very experienced and had fired in advance before he got up. Knowing that Jiang Siming had reacted abnormally, he certainly planned to shoot in advance.

Here Jiang Siming also sold a wave of flaws, deliberately pretending that he didn't react, and was shot twice in the body by Shroud, and then he reacted, raising the DBS to shoot Shroud!

"The player [Ming] uses DBS to kill the player [Shroud]"

Yes, that's right, just a shot!

There was an uproar from the audience, what kind of damage is this!

Because this gun was released very late, it only appeared in the update a few days ago, and it was an air-dropped gun, so 90% of the players never touched it.

Jiang Siming was not hitting the brain, but the chest. He was shot in the chest at close range by DBS! Although it is a second level.

But if it is another spray, at least two shots.

This power shocked Jiang Siming, dear, this gun is so fierce!

However, he also began to be afraid of others picking up this gun. If he accidentally gets a shot in close combat, then he is probably gone.

It seems that this is another alternative way to weaken him.

Originally Jiang Siming was invincible in close combat, but now with this gun, everyone can be invincible.

Emm... still have to focus, not careless.

While Jiang Siming warned himself, he quickly climbed into Shroud's room.

Shroud's corpse box lit the orange light that made Jiang Siming shout that he was in love.

Orange light!

"Pick up [Elementary Alchemy] Orange Fragment*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

【Elementary Alchemy】: It can be used to refine the primary pill, including the pill that has appeared in all the fragments. The time and energy consumption of each pill is different.

Note: Intermediate alchemy can refine pills with more powerful attributes.

For example, the soul-returning pill: As long as a person has a breath, he can return to his soul;

Or puppet pill: the person after taking it will become your most loyal puppet, and will live forever and obey any orders from you;

There is also a transformation pill: when given to animals, it can transform into an adult and give you full loyalty.

and many more.

The above also introduced a lot of intermediate-level medicinal pills. Jiang Siming was shocked to see. This intermediate-level is so leathery, and it must be high-level...

Jiang Siming wanted to see the high-level pill, but it didn't show it. It is estimated that the primary alchemy can only be seen at the intermediate level, not beyond the boundary.

But it is also very good to be able to obtain this primary alchemy, as long as he can refine the pill that has appeared in the fragments.

There are many kinds of elixirs that have appeared in the fragments:

【Shuishui Dan】【Detoxification Pill】【Leukemia Cure Pills】【Stomach Cancer Cure Pills】

【Baoxin Pill】【Low-level Bigu Pill】【Baozou Pill】【Antai Pill】【Healing Pill】【Big Huan Pill】

【Strengthening Pill】【Building Bone Pill】【Extreme Strength Pill】【Forging Body Pill】【Yi Rong Pill】【Bone Chewing Pill】

[Niang Pao Dan] [Xiandou] [Breast Enlargement Dan] [Plant Growth Acceleration Dan] [Animal Growth Acceleration Dan]

(Disclaimer: This is not the number of water words, but a count of the medicinal pills that have appeared in the novel, so that everyone can also have the number, ahem.)

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