I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 884: Copy accelerator

"Pick up [Proficiency in Lip Language] Red Fragment*1 (2/5). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

Oh, this fragment, floating from the ibiza box makes Jiang Siming a bit regretful.

It stands to reason that such a strong opponent should have dropped a good piece. I had known it a long time ago and used a universal piece to directly fill this skill.

But there are only two omnipotent fragments left. Jiang Siming is really reluctant to use it. Hey, they are all caused by ‘too poor’.

If there were more omnipotent fragments, Jiang Siming could do whatever he wanted.

Regret is only for a while, Jiang Siming wiped out the little regret in his heart and continued to find people.

However, no other people could be seen in this housing area for the time being, so Jiang Siming had to choose to leave the housing area again.

He stared at SKS and 98k in the direction of Dudong. These two opponents, one with a smile and the other with a G god, compete between the two big players.

Jiang Siming wanted to intervene in everything.

But as soon as he came out of the house, Jiang Siming was ambushed.

Jiang Siming thought he didn't see anyone else nearby.

But when I turned around, I realized that it was the little lion...

This guy stayed in the Hakka enclosure for a long time, for fear that he was still inside, so he kept lingering until the poison ring came over.

Seeing the killing message in the upper right corner again, and there was no gunshots nearby, the little lion knew that Jiang Si was leaving tomorrow morning.

So he had no choice but to follow along with the poison, and finally ran out of the poison ring all the way. Just after he was given the medicine, he saw a man wearing a tertiary head coming out of the room, in a very good position.

The little lion couldn't help but fired.

Although he knew that Jiang Siming in the Hakka enclosure was wearing a Level 3 suit, after all, many people could pick up the airdrop, not necessarily Jiang Siming.

Besides, he has only killed one passerby player so far, so now he can't kill some people to earn points.

As soon as the little lion fired his gun, Jiang Siming had actually reminded him of the [dangerous perception], so his bullet was fired several times, only one shot was hit by Jiang Siming, but the armour, which didn't hurt at all.

Jiang Siming felt strenuous even to find a shelter, so he stood still and avoided the deadly sniper bullets.

Raise your hand, instant mirror, pull the trigger, close the gun!

A set of operations is chic and free, with a coherent ending.

Under Jiang Siming's instant attack, there is no soul!

The audience feels that Shunni, who has been missed for a long time, reappears under Jiang Siming's hands.

As for accuracy, there is no need to question it.

A blood hole in the forehead of the little lion says everything.

As for the lion cub, the most complained and wronged person, I really want to cry, I have worked so hard for so long, and finally got into the circle.

I just wanted to kill two people to get points. I didn't expect to encounter this "Plague God" again. Do you think it was bad luck?

OMG fans can’t laugh or cry about this, but they want to laugh and feel distressed, lion, you can have a snack~

Fortunately, there is still a smile.

The duel between Smile and God G is also the highlight of everyone's attention. Both of them are almost second only to Jiang Siming.

He shot immediately when he came out and opened the mirror, then retracted.

And there were bullet holes in both of them, and they were obviously hit, but they were not fatal.

This kind of speed and accuracy duel has made the fight between the two more heated.

After reloading the bullets, God G just wanted to continue to do it, but accidentally saw Jiang Siming behind the haystack on the right, and he immediately fired a shot at the haystack.

This shot is actually a reminder of a smile.

Sure enough, the smile understood, looked at the haystack, raised the gun and fired two shots with SKS.

Not to mention these two shots, they both hit Jiang Siming, who was exposed.

He originally wanted to steal one of Smile or God G, and then confront the other one.

Unexpectedly, both of them found themselves, and the haystack bunker was too small.

Jiang Siming can only choose to expose his position to SKS instead of 98k. He is gone for two shots at 98k, and SKS can still eat four shots.

This is also why Jiang Siming suffered a boring loss. He often walked by the river and had no wet shoes. He would always be discovered by others.

Jiang Siming, who was shot twice by a smile, was not a loser either, he raised his hand and shot him!

It's a pity that this bullet was hit by the smile and caused the camera to shake due to injury, so the accuracy was lost and it only hit the shoulder of the smile.

After discovering this, the smile not only didn't hide, but was overjoyed, and even more fiercely pointed at Jiang Siming.

Because Jiang Siming missed the M24 with this shot, there needs to be a gap to change the bomb, how can a smile let go of this opportunity at this time.

Of course it was a beating dog.

Moreover, God G always raised his gun and aimed at the right side of the haystack. As long as Jiang Siming dared to come over, his bullets would definitely follow him.

Now, Jiang Siming's situation suddenly became precarious.

The smiling SKS bullets were shot after shot.

Jiang Siming frowned slightly, got serious, and began to twist and move wildly!

This wave of twisting, not only avoids walking to the right of the haystack and being beaten by God G, but also avoids the bullet of the smile.

It can be said that the scope of activities that can be given to Jiang Siming is very small, only so small.

But the magic is that Jiang Siming used this condition to avoid three consecutive SKS bullets with subsequent smiles.

At this time, Jiang Siming's M24 bullet had been reloaded. This time, Jiang Siming made no more mistakes!


The smile sensed something was wrong and wanted to avoid it, but it was too late.

One shot violently split the head! The result was a victory at his fingertips!

Immediately following this wave of extreme operations that may reward Jiang Siming, a brown fragment floated out and flew into Jiang Siming's body.

"Pick up [Dungeon Accelerator] brown fragments*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

[Dungeon Accelerator]: It can shorten the copy time, speed up the end of the copy, and start another copy.

Note: [Dungeon Accelerator] and [Dungeon Archiver] are more compatible~

When did the fragment introduction become so humane and advertising-like, it reminded Jiang Siming of Deng Qi's rainy chocolate ad (cover his face).

But things are indeed good things, and the dungeon is speeding up, he is feeling that Yitian dungeon has nothing to do, waiting for the end.

The Yitian Palace was looted by him, he ran out of money, and the woman was ran out of soaking, there was really nothing to do.

Jiang Siming has been waiting for the end of Yitian's copy these days, looking forward to the second copy.

Originally calculated by time, it will take at least two months, but now it can definitely be over faster.

Anyway, there is a [Copy Archiver], the copy can be stored, and you can go to Yitian anytime you want, and the time inside will be static, only after he enters.

Think about it this way, it's actually better, so that the women inside will not be boring, and it's hard to get old.

After all, I don’t spend much time with them, and they may live longer than their own...

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming decided to wait for the end of the game to go back to the hotel to sleep and use the Dungeon Accelerator!


[Author's digression]: The fourth update has been passed!

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