I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 893: Got used to it

I stayed in Song Zhixiao's house for two hours. As for what happened in two hours, you all understand.

In the rest of the time, Jiang Siming returned to Paris in less than an hour.

The small movement technique is not only powerful, but also consumes very little true energy. Jiang Siming has budgeted a bit. If he uses the small movement technique with all his strength, he can probably circle the earth completely.

Because after rising from Jin Dan stage to Yuan Ying, his Zhen Qi reserves have expanded dozens of times.

If you want to go to any country, you don't need to rely on a private jet now, and the farthest can be reached quickly.

Jiang Siming also tried his flight altitude and found that he was flying at full strength and was able to fly to an altitude of 40,000 meters.

This has long been out of the atmosphere. Of course, there are still 60,000 meters away from space. He still failed to break through the earth and run into space.

But it can run to an altitude of 40,000 meters, a height that cannot be reached by an airplane. Looking down on the earth from above, although it is not as clear from space, it can already see the outline of the miniature end of the earth.

Moreover, there is no oxygen at 40,000 meters high. Jiang Siming needs to use real qi to maintain normality. This consumption is actually relatively large.

Jiang Siming estimated that he could fly at an altitude of 40,000 meters for two hours to be the limit.

Yuan Ying can't fly out of the earth, Jiang Siming guessed that if the next stage, the transformation stage, it might be able to fly out of the earth and go to outer space.

Back at the hotel, Jenna was still not awake in the bedroom, Jiang Siming threw away the note left last night and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows looking at the sky.

I felt a little sigh in my heart, what I experienced last night was no less than a life and death parting, and almost thought I was going to die.

Jiang Siming also felt a lot about this, and when he thought his life was at the end, he realized it in the realm of life and death.

This kind of comprehension is of great help to a cultivator like him, and it can even be said that he has stabilized the realm of the Nascent Soul that night.

Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to run to the extreme high altitude to play around when his cultivation base was unstable.

"Ouba, why did you wake up..." Jenna walked out without seeing Jiang Siming when she woke up, and ran into his arms automatically like A-Nan.

This hug, well, it's over.

Jiang Siming couldn't control it at that time, and the yin and yang gong worked more frequently than before.

It can also be understood that, after all, the Golden Core Stage is already'hungry and thirsty', doesn't Yuan Ying need'cultivation' more.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming resisted it with will. Although Yuan Ying was more eager for ‘cultivation’, his willpower also improved.

Fearing that his girlfriend would be broken, Jiang Siming held back and took Jenna back to the bed to take a nap.

Until dawn, the two got up to eat breakfast.

I haven't seen it for a long time. Lin Zhenna, who was rarely blessed by Jiang Siming last night, has a radiant face, and the haggard and sadness before yesterday has disappeared.

"Wow! Oppa! Look!" Lin Zhenna found the latest news in South Korea when she was looking at her phone. LG Group was taken care of by a killer organization and all male families died!

This news has caused a sensation in the entire world, not only in Korea, but also in countries around the world.

After all, LG Group is the second consortium in South Korea, and it is not one dead, but a bunch of dead!

Everyone is guessing that the LG Group must have offended which competing family and hired a killer organization.

But there are also some doubts that in a group such as LG, there must be a lot of masters in the family, and these assassins can kill so many people unconsciously under the protection of so many masters.

This is incredible. Some people suspect that these killers may come from China, because Eastern China has always been rich in powerful people, and some people know that China has hermits.

But because there is no evidence, no matter how they doubt it, they can only be speculation.

Lin Zhenna was very happy when she saw the sudden death of male members of the LG Group, including the second son.

The death of her sister Shirley was not in vain, and it was great that the criminals finally broke the law.

As for how much influence the LG Group will have, it is no longer Jenna’s consideration. As long as Sister Shirley can rest in peace in the Spirit of Heaven, it is enough.

Jiang Siming also received a call from Li Yingzi, saying that it was one night last night that Yinghuan made 10 billion yuan by relying on LG stocks. It was just that night.

If it weren't for the time that was too short to invest more money in, Yinghuan would have earned no less than this time in US manufacturing stocks.

Of course, this kind of thing can't be too much. Once discovered, it's easy to find the source.

So Jiang Siming asked Li Yingzi to secretly buy it in an anonymous black account last night, and he didn't buy a lot, even if LG wanted to investigate it, he couldn't trace it.

If it weren't for this scruples, Lao Jiang would even wonder if he wanted to get a wealthy family to buy their stocks in advance before dealing with them.

After he is done, he will be able to make a fortune in the stock test.

It's a pity that this kind of thing is easier to expose, so forget it.

"Regardless of the news, it's okay, let's go, go out to eat early." Jiang Siming didn't plan to worry more about this news, and walked out with his arms around his little wife.

The two of them had just left the house when they happened to meet the great gods.

Ah oh~

Jiang Siming felt a little embarrassed.

Have to be slammed again.

Sure enough, when the great gods saw Lin Zhenna next to Jiang Siming, they were all shocked.

After all, Lin Zhenna's appearance and figure are impeccable, with a height of 1.77 meters, a golden ratio of leg length, perfect lines, and an angelic face.

The lethality for men is terrifying.

And Lin Zhenna belonged to her not long after her debut, so she didn't have much reputation in China, and very few people knew her.

Unlike Lin Yoona, she is already very famous. Everyone has known her. And Yoona has a very good face and a good figure, but... the chest is a little smaller.

So it was not too shocking. Of course, that was before, now, it is already quite large.

And Jenna belongs to the goddess who looks perfect at every point without relying on Jiang Siming's medicine.

Looking at the eyes of the great gods that almost burst out, you can know how good Jenna really is.

Because seeing Lin Zhenna, all of them were embarrassed to come over to say hello to Jiang Siming.

Just like many boys are afraid to talk when they see a beautiful girl.

Because girls of this level always feel that they are not worthy of others.

"Good morning, everyone." Jiang Siming didn't care, and generously pulled Jenna over.

"Lao Jiang...who is this?" Great God asked in a low voice.

"Also, can't you see it?" Jiang Siming put his arms around Jenna's fragrant shoulders.

A few people understood them all, their faces were dejected, as if they were still single, eye-catching and multi-fish, they were already crying worse than Dou E in their hearts.

Why are there many beauties around excellent men, and they have not had one until now.

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