I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 927: The alchemy furnace is here

Jiang Siming finally knew where Ah-囡 had learned how to stick him every day. It must have been taught by Zhao Xiaoxiao.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with me, cooking, I have flour on my clothes." Jiang Siming poked Zhao Xiaoxiao's head with his elbow affectionately.

Zhao Xiaoxiao didn't care and said, "Dad, unless you promise me one thing."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Siming asked amusedly.

"The school will hold a parent meeting next week. Can you accompany me instead of my mother?" Zhao Xiaoxiao replied.

"Why, did you make some mistakes at school, afraid she would find out?" Jiang Siming asked in confusion.

"No, I just have never experienced the feeling of my father going to my parent conference. My mother has always accompanied me. Many students in the class talk about whether I don't have a father."

"What! These deflated calves are talking nonsense, are you a person without a father? You are my daughter all your life. Who said that, I have to talk to their parents about family education." Jiang Siming was very angry. .

Zhao Xiaoxiao patted Jiang Siming's chest with a little hand, and said: "Dad is fine, it's all right since I was young. I've been used to it a long time ago, so I won't care about that group of kids."

After hearing this, Jiang Siming couldn't help holding Zhao Xiaoxiao in his arms, and bowed his head to kiss her face: "Okay, this time the parent meeting father will replace your mother. No, not just this time. Every time after the parent meeting, I Both go!"

"Thank you Dad~ Dad is so nice~ How do you love you!" Zhao Xiaoxiao jumped up happily, pecked Jiang Siming **** the face, and then ran away.

Zhao Xiaoxiao thought to herself: "It's great. A male classmate had just knocked out two front teeth last week. The teacher must be suing my mother. Hehe, I can finally get through..."

Jiang Siming was stunned for a second after being kissed by Zhao Xiaoxiao, then he chuckled, muttered:

"Why does this girl always like to kiss me? Don't you know that this first kiss is precious..."

The family had breakfast, those who went to work ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ read books, and those who went to school went to school.

Jiang Siming did not go to work with Zhao Xuan and Li Yingzi today, but stayed at home, waiting for a very important person.

As for who it is, yes, Wang Shoufu's assistant.

At ten in the morning, the phone rang.

"Master, Wang Shoufu's assistant has called, and the car has arrived outside the manor." Xiaoxian still reminded diligently.

Jiang Siming got up from the sofa, walked quickly to the entrance of the manor, and opened the door.

Not far from the door, a truck was parked there, and Wang Shoufu's assistant was waiting there.

"President Jiang, it's been a long time. I'm Mr. Wang's assistant Xiao Zhang." When the assistant saw Jiang Siming, he quickly walked over.

Jiang Siming nodded with a smile, and said, "Is the thing I want here?"

"Here, I transported all the way from Sanqing Mountain, including the medicinal herbs that Mr. Jiang wanted, all in a box. It happens to be that Sanqing Mountain is rich in herbs, which is very convenient."

The assistant smiled and finished, and asked the driver to open the truck.

Jiang Siming walked over and saw that there was a heavy copper furnace tripod placed inside, about the same height as Jiang Siming's.

The furnace tripod is divided into many spaces, you can refine different pill at the same time, of course, the premise is that your alchemy furnace is perfect.

In addition to this furnace, there are dozens of boxes of herbs in the carriage. Jiang Siming has seen them one by one, and he wants them all.

Since Jiang Siming was satisfied, the assistant naturally didn't talk too much nonsense, and immediately let the people unload, unloading the stove and the herbs.

"Mr. Jiang, do you need me to let them drop in for you, or you won't have to ask others for help." The assistant said kindly.

Jiang Siming shook his head and said, "No, just leave it here. Let the driver and your subordinates go first."

Seeing that Jiang Siming had said so, the assistant asked the driver and his staff to go back first.

Jiang Siming and his assistant were left outside the manor.

Jiang Siming handed a box to his assistant and said: "These'heavenly pills' are for Uncle Wang. Give them to him for me, even this time thank you."

These days, Dan still went to the Sheshan exchange meeting to kill the enemy and the Yan family and grab the rest.

Jiang Siming didn't need to worry that this assistant would hear some unbelievable secrets. Since Wang Shoufu dared to let him come, it means that this person is trusted by him and knows the profession.

The assistant opened the box and took a look. There were ten Heavenly Pills in it, which are rare in the hermit world, and it is difficult for the rich to want one.

Jiang Siming only gave ten, which is already very big.

The key is that they didn't pay anything, just gave an insignificant furnace tripod and some herbs.

"Okay, I will definitely bring it to Mr. Wang." The assistant answered very seriously and put the small box next to him.

Jiang Siming nodded and ignored him. He walked to the furnace tripod and the pile of herbs and waved his hand!

I saw the heavy furnace tripod and the herbal medicine suspended, and they lined up to fly to the manor automatically.

The assistant looked at this scene with shocking eyes, but Jiang Siming had already entered and the door closed automatically.

If Jiang Siming hadn't walked fast, the assistant would have to cry and beg his teacher.

After returning to the manor, Jiang Siming immediately moved the furnace tripod and herbs to the upper level of the treasure house.

It has been vacated by him specially, and a lot of herbs and charcoal fire have been put on, and the four walls of the house have made the best ventilation facilities.

The purpose is to turn this place into an alchemy room, and the effect is pretty good right now.

As soon as the primary alchemy was obtained, Jiang Siming contacted Wang Shoufu, and Wang Shoufu immediately sent an alchemy furnace from Sanqing Mountain.

Jiang Siming put the pill furnace in place, and was not anxious to refine the pill, but began to wonder how many pills the pill furnace could make at one time.

After reading it carefully, Jiang Siming confirmed that this alchemy furnace can make four kinds of pills at a time.

As for what kind of pill you want to make, it is naturally [Plant Growth Accelerating Pill].

For Fuxi to expand its sales, it needs a steady stream of herbs. As long as the plant acceleration pill can be adequately supplied, let alone rushing out of Asia, it is only a matter of time before it can be sold to the world.

The second is [Detoxification Pill], Jiang Siming is no longer in his hands, and there are still girls and friends who have not yet got it, and the supply exceeds demand.

The effects of Fu Xi's detoxification pills and beauty pills are worlds apart from the finished products. Jiang Siming will definitely give his girlfriend and family the best.

The third is [Xiandou], this thing is a god-level pill, must have.

It was all eaten when crossing the robbery.

The fourth Jiang Siming chose 【Extreme Strengthening Pill】, this thing is gone, he has to do a little more.

Anyway, as long as the elixir was used up, Jiang Siming planned to refine a little more in case of emergency.

After the decision was made, Jiang Siming officially opened the furnace for alchemy.

Zhengzheng began to practice alchemy, only to realize that this craft is not simple, it extremely tests experience and concentration.

Moreover, Jiang Siming still refines four elixirs at once, and the difficulty can be imagined.

[Author's digression]: Yesterday's third update is complete. There are three more updates today, but it should be released in the afternoon.

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