That night, after ‘cleaning up’ the wives one by one, Jiang Siming flew back to Paris.

After the Yuan Ying period, you can come and go freely, which is very convenient.

I don't know if I will be able to travel from Paris to Shanghai with just one teleport. I think it is really possible.

The only inconvenient thing is that the small movement technique can only be used to complete the teleport by oneself, and cannot lead people.

If you want to take a person, you can only fly with a sword. Although it is fast, it is almost something compared to teleport.

I hope I can improve it a bit in the future and get more powerful fragments, so I can take my wives to travel around the world.

Back in Paris, because of the time difference, it was four o'clock in the afternoon in Paris.

Jiang Siming returned to the presidential suite he had contracted, and seeing that there was no girlfriend, he would simply let Ram out.

The door of the void opened again, but this little red loli was reluctant to come out.

"What's the matter? Is the door broken?" Jiang Siming was suspicious.

Just after speaking, Ram's voice came from inside: "Huh, the master is too bad. After shutting Ram for so long, Ram can't come out~"

"Then how do you want to come out?" Jiang Siming asked amusedly.

"Hold up and hug each other!"

Jiang Siming has been thundered. Like the introduction, the two-dimensional maid also has personal feelings. As long as she gets angry, she must hug her and hold her high...

"All right, I promised you, then you can come out too." Jiang Siming said.

With that said, a pair of black leather shoes with long stockings on the calf stepped out and plunged into Jiang Siming's arms.

"Hey, the master is a badass, he doesn't care about Ram at all, but Ram has always missed the master~"

Jiang Siming was a little bit at a loss by this two-dimensional girl, and finally could only hold her to comfort him.

No matter how hard Ram is in the anime, no matter how cold it is, she is actually just a little girl, and there is no need to treat it like that.

Besides, after getting this piece of fragment, it means that she is completely trustworthy of her favorability.

"Okay, okay, isn’t there no place to let you out? Besides, even if you let you out, I can only make other people invisible, otherwise everyone will have to make big news when you see you, and I will always have something wrong. It’s boring to be alone in this real world."

Jiang Siming would quite find a reason to throw the pot.

Ram seemed to make sense.

"I promise you that I will find you more two-dimensional friends in the future, and I will release you all at that time, and arrange for you in a particularly beautiful castle. You can play whatever you want, okay?"

"Oh! Thank you, Master, Ram is so happy~mua!"

As he said, Ram kissed Jiang Siming's face, leaving a pink lipstick mark.

After the kiss, the little girl was very shy and covered her face, tweeting.

Oops, my mother is so cute. Sure enough, the fat house is so keen on the second element. Jiang Siming is not a fat house and almost can't hold it.

"Okay, you are allowed to stay in this room for two days, but you are not allowed to go anywhere except here. Although others can't see you, I don't want to find people all over the world." Jiang Siming said.

"Hmm! Ram got it!"

After he agreed, Ram began to mess around in the suite, look here and there.

But after curiosity, she was actually very quiet. Obediently, she found some snacks and ice cream from the refrigerator and sat on the sofa to watch TV.

Jiang Siming didn't bother her either, so he took a shower and slept in the bedroom.

It's a pity that the time for the dungeon has not arrived yet, otherwise you can stay in the dungeon for at least five days today.

Forget it, let's go to bed for a while. I haven't slept in these past two days, so I feel a little uncomfortable.

Although he is fine without sleeping for half a year, Jiang Siming is still accustomed to a normal life. Sleeping is a great joy in life, and it must not be less~

When I woke up, it was already the next morning.

Jiang Siming discovered that he didn't know when he got in a girl who didn't wear anything in his bed.

He was surprised to jump up.

Ram opened his eyes sleepily, rubbed them and said, "Master, what's the matter with you?"

Jiang Siming was sweating and said, "Why did you run into my bed?"

"There is no other bed here. Besides, Ram is the master's maid, and of course he is obligated to serve as a pillow and heater for the master." Ram said naturally.

Jiang Siming looked speechless, and as expected, the Japanese manga were drawn by dirty authors, which contaminated the little girls.

Jiang Siming hurriedly put on his clothes and said, "You won't need it next time. Just sleep on your own. There is a sofa without a bed."

"Ah, master, do you still hate Ram?"

Ram asked aggrievedly, saying that his eyes were red again, the kind that might break the bank at any time.

Jiang Siming hurriedly said: "No, it's just that you are too young. Understand, I will wash up first, and I will go out for a game in a while. You should continue to sleep. Remember to stay in the room and not go out. Oh."

After speaking, Jiang Siming plunged into the bathroom without looking back.

Ram pursed his lips after hearing this, then looked down at himself, then squeezed with his hands, and muttered: "Is Ram really small? As expected, the master is the same as the book. Men like O Nana. What about creatures..."

If Jiang Siming knew what she was talking about was small, and she understood him as this small, he would probably rush out to give her a thump...

After washing up, Jiang Siming arrived early, and after breakfast with Ram, Jiang Siming closed the door and went out.

Ram stayed in the house, don't worry that she would run out mischievously, she would still listen to this order.

Soon after I left, I ran into Awei and the others.

"Wow, never saw you again, I thought you were going to abstain in this game." Great God said.

"Cut, you can skip the food, but you can't skip the game." Jiang Siming replied proudly.

The coach gave them a thumbs up and said to them: "Did you see, this is the real professional player! This is dedication! Myojin's attitude towards professionalism is enough for you to learn for a lifetime."

After Jiang Siming heard this, he couldn't help but laugh. Did he go for his work? Stop making trouble, he is notoriously throwing his hand at the shopkeeper.

There is only one reason for being dedicated, and of course...fragments!

If there is no debris, it is estimated that Jiang Siming would have retired early.

One hour before the game, Jiang Siming and Great God came to the scene.

At the center of the competition venue, the huge screen is displaying the data of all the players and scrolling.

Jiang Siming's name is in the first row and first column.

NO.1: [Ming]

Total score: 280

KDA: 21.4

Damage per game: 3654 (ranking: 1)

Average movement per game: 8KM (ranking: 1)

The data that made people look at their backs, gorgeously displayed on the scene of the game, also put great pressure on other players.


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