I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 936: Great Frozen Technique!

"Pick up [100% equity of medium-sized mining company] golden shards*1 (1/6). The number of shards is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

[Medium-sized mining company]: The market value is about 15 billion, with complete mining equipment and technical personnel, and an annual profit of about 3 billion.

"Pick up [Enhanced Charm] Cyan Fragment* (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

[Enhancement Charm]: Consuming charm supplies at one time, you can strengthen one of your own items. The number of enhancements is 10 times. If you succeed, you will add a layer, but you will not deduct it if you fail.

Note: Strengthening spells not only include items, but also exercises, spells, etc.

"Pick up [Big Frozen Technique] Orange Fragment*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

[Big Frozen Spell]: One of the spells of the Nascent Soul Stage, which can be frozen for hundreds of miles, regardless of rivers or creatures, can be frozen to death.

Note: This skill is too lethal, use it with caution, and consume one-third of the true energy once.

Of the four people, except for the broken passer who didn't give the fragments, the three fragments were all one by one.

Jiang Siming is so happy that the fart is coming out. Today is really a good day full of European spirit~

After he was promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage, he was indeed a little worried that there were no spells suitable for the Nascent Soul Stage. He didn't expect this to come.

Previously, his strongest was only [Golden Wind Slash], which was a skill of the Golden Core Stage, and now in the Nascent Soul Stage, Jiang Siming is no longer a favorite.

Not to mention those martial arts moves.

It's actually got a [Small Rain Control Technique] before, now it is automatically upgraded to [Large Rain Control Technique] after Yuan Ying.

But this thing is only useful for precipitation...Lao Jiang hasn't used it yet.

This [Great Frozen Seal Art] can be regarded as a small pity that he became a Nascent Soul but did not have a matching spell.

Good deed, frozen Baili! This can almost freeze the small county town of a second-tier city!

And if there are enough [Shan Beans], this spell will be released almost indefinitely.

The only drawback is that it is too powerful. Jiang Siming estimates that he can only use it in the dungeon world, and it's okay to brush zombies.

But the [Great Frozen Technique] is also great, that is, you can control the range of the ice, as long as it does not exceed a hundred miles.

This made Jiang Siming very relieved.

And the [Strengthening Charm] is also strong, and I can upgrade one of my equipment or spells, and I will talk about it when I return to the hotel after the game.

As for the [medium-sized mining company], he keeps it as a spare. When his [mineral detector] detects ore, he can become a mine boss (laughs and cry).

Jiang Siming, in a good mood, cleared up his happiest emotions and ran away with poison.

My beloved motorcycle was broken, but the mountain bike of the European passerby player was still there.

Driving this mountain bike, Jiang Siming headed for the safety zone.

This is already the fourth wave, and there are 48 people on the map.

It's already very few, there are at least 60 people in the first two fourth wave circles.

It seems that the more you go to the next game, the more **** you will get.

Taking advantage of the difficulty of tampering with the game once, Jiang Siming glanced at the people on the map, and then drove to the place with the most people.

Ah Wei is also very good. Four people have been killed. Jiang Siming thinks he should be taken for a urine test.

The result of Ah Wei's urine test must be: all stimulants, not a drop of urine.

Of course it's just a joke. His teammates are so good, Jiang Siming is too happy to be too late.

Not going to his position for the time being, Jiang Siming chose the center of the drug circle this time, and there were so many people in it.

However, because many well-known professional players died at the beginning, many of the passers-by players left behind.

These people are even less stressful for Jiang Siming.

After entering the central circle, Jiang Siming turned on the killing mode. In addition to the plain area, he also summoned [Bombing Zone Control] once, killing three and killing six.

If there is blood or something at this time, Jiang Siming must be **** all over, killing people like numbness!

However, these nine heads did not give Jiang Siming other new pieces, but they collected the mining company.

He was also satisfied.

After a while, the poison circle came to the sixth wave, and the circle was already very small.

The location is in the city of [Zhongshan Mausoleum]. There are a lot of trees and buildings here, which is a good place to fight.

Only six people remained on the map.

This head fell too fast, Jiang Siming had killed 23 of them alone.

At present, there are professional players and passersby players with good luck.

In addition to Jiang Siming, Great God has also survived until now. There is also a member of the European powerful NV and TL teams, and the other two are passers-by.

The six people each found a cover and position in the circle, and they are all watching the changes, wanting to wait for others to fight first, and then fish themselves.

Jiang Siming glanced at the location of the Great God, the farthest away from him, he couldn't hit it temporarily.

Everyone else is near him.

Jiang Siming gave a smirk and suddenly took out four gas bombs from his waist, and dropped one in every direction.

This is just great! Under the gas bomb, no one can stand it inside.

Those who didn't want to move hurriedly withdrew from the poisonous gas.

Jiang Siming looked at the opportunity and locked the first passerby perspective.


AWM easily took this man's head.

No fragments.

But it was all right, Jiang Siming quickly locked the muzzle to the other side.


Still a passerby player, died on the spot.

But the accident was not the result of him. Before he opened AWM, NV's Ubah had already killed this man in advance.

Jiang Siming was not angry, but this Ubah, like Old Youzi, hid in a corner where the gas bombs could not spread, and refused to show up again.


With the sound of pulling the bolt, Jiang Siming tossed to the other side, and a second explosive thunder exploded as soon as it flew past!

Ubah was killed by Jiang Siming.

"I told you to grab the head of Mingshen, haha, Ubah is terrible." The commentator Cheng Hui said with a smile.

After this Ubah turned into a corpse box, a blue fragment flew up.

"Pick up [Mother and Child Induction Pill*3] blue fragments*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

[Zimu induction pill]: It is divided into one mother pill and ten sub pill. Whenever the user of the pill is in danger, the energy of the pill will erupt from the body to resist a crisis for the owner, and no matter where the user of the mother pill is The ground will be sensitive and able to know the exact location of the other party.

Oops, it's a mature pill, it's been a long time since I saw it

Jiang Siming still thought, this stuff has not been enough, if he doesn't come back home this time, he will have to practice this pill again.

After all, I have a lot of girlfriends now, and there are not enough in reality, let alone in the copy.

There is no danger in Yitian because time has stopped.

But there is no guarantee in the zombie world.

It's fine now, one mother-in-law induction pill can have ten pill, and 3 is 30, which is enough for the time being.

Putting away the fragments, Jiang Siming walked out directly from behind the bunker.


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