I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 939: Hand-foot-mouth disease Lin is three years old

The Zhenjiang Convention and Exhibition Center Stadium, at this time, was already crowded with people inside and outside the hall.

This is the scene of Lin's three-year-old concert tonight. Of course there are more people here.

Whether it's local or foreign, Lin's three-year-old fans will definitely join in.

The popularity of singers like this kind of heavenly king is unquestionable. Any concert in China is full.

Jiang Siming is quite envious of this. I really hope that he will have so many fans in concerts in the future.

The concert started in half an hour. Jiang Siming landed in a place where no one was nearby and turned on [Zero Presence].

Then he walked to the hall.

But he didn't have a ticket, so he could only call Lin Sansui.

But the phone is always busy.

It is estimated that many people will call Lin to care after he was three years old.

Jiang Siming put the mobile phone away, and planned to go in first.

I found a scalper and spent 6000 yuan to buy an infield ticket.

This guy is black, the market price of the infield ticket is only 1,600, and he has been fired to 6,000 by this group of scalpers.

Jiang Siming is also quite speechless, but at any rate the tickets are real, and some people spend money on high-priced tickets or fake.

If Jiang Siming encounters such a person, he does not mind letting him lie in the hospital for half a year and a year.

Take the ticket and enter the venue.

Jiang Siming thought he could go to the backstage directly, but found that he was thinking too much, and the backstage didn't let people go in at all.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming had a way. After a piece of [Invisibility Charm] was torn apart, he disappeared out of thin air.

This invisibility spell can be invisible for 10 hours, can be stopped at any time, the time will be saved, and can be used again at any time.

Jiang Siming bypassed the guards and easily entered the background.

At this time, in the dressing room, Lin Sansui was still weakly leaning on the chair, and the makeup artist would make up for him.

Both the assistant and the team looked worried, fearing that Lin would not be able to perform well when he came to the stage for a while, and would have to perform after such a serious illness.

The concert is not finished by singing one or two songs. It takes three hours of continuous singing, and there is almost no rest time in the middle.

"King of Lin Song, are there any questions, can you hold on?"

Suddenly a voice came from the door. Everyone in the room, including Lin Sansui, turned their heads to see that Jiang Siming was standing at the door.

The security guard thought it was a fan sneaking in, and immediately went over to drag Jiang Siming away.

But Lin was three years old and shouted, "Don't move, it's my friend."

After finishing speaking, Lin Sansui stood up and walked towards Jiang Siming in surprise. Although he didn't want to move, he went to greet him.

"Myojin, why are you here? Why don't you say a word, so I can pick you up."

The assistant and the team also recognized Jiang Siming, and were very surprised, who is Jiang Siming, the new generation of singers.

This is just the tip of his iceberg, the youngest super-rich, the chairman of Huayi, the hero of saving lives, the financial magnate and so on.

There are so many identities, but no one really thinks that Jiang Siming is just a small anchor who plays games.

Jiang Siming walked in and said with a smile: "I just came back from Paris. I heard that you are sick, so I came here to see you."

"Thanks, I'm fine."

Lin Sansui was touched, and at the same time very fortunate to be able to make such a good friend.

"Will I come if it's okay? Okay, don't force it. I don't want me to spend 6000 yuan on a ticket to a concert with broken sound."

After talking, Jiang Siming took out a set of acupuncture and said to Lin Sansui: "First stretch out your hand and get your pulse."

"You...you know how to heal?" Lin Sansui opened his eyes.

No matter how big his eyes were, he was not half as big as Jiang Siming.

"Come on, come on, hurry up." Jiang Siming said with a smile.

Don't explain, the sturdy life needs no explanation.

Lin Sansui naturally believed in Jiang Siming and chose to sit down and hand over to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming took the pulse a little, looked at Lin Sansui's mouth, and confirmed: "It's hand, foot and mouth disease, that's right."

"What caused this?" the assistant asked.

"Illness came from the mouth. It must be because I didn't pay attention to eating. Have you been to any street stall recently?" Jiang Siming said.

The assistant opened his mouth wide and said, "Yes, when I came to Zhenjiang for rehearsal the day before yesterday, Jiejie went outside to play and ate a lot of street food."

"That's right, it should be because the tableware outside is unhygienic. People with hand, foot and mouth disease will give it to you without disinfection after using it." Jiang Siming said.

Although he is now invincible, he can still eat the things on the street stalls, but he will never use the tableware there.

Lin Sansui said that he was a victim~

"Is there any way to treat it? We went to the hospital and the doctor said that it would take at least one week to get the solution."

Jiang Siming nodded and said, "This is normal, but for me, ten minutes is enough."


Everyone in the room thought Jiang Siming was joking. Hand-foot-mouth disease is a serious illness. Jiang Siming said ten minutes would be fine?

Jiang Siming didn't joking with them, and he didn't bother to explain, and asked Lin Sansui to lie down.

This kind of disease is too pediatric in front of his hidden genius doctor.

As for the use of pill, it is an insult to his medical skills.

After Lin Sansui knew that Jiang Siming was going to give him acupuncture, although he was a little worried, he still wanted to trust Jiang Siming.

In two minutes, the acupuncture is finished.

Jiang Siming put away the silver needle, handed it to the assistant, and said: "This silver needle is full of hand-foot-mouth disease virus. You can burn it with fire and then bury it in the ground so that others will not find it."

After the assistant took it, he said that he would follow suit.

"Okay, then I will go back to my seat and wait for the concert."

Jiang Siming left without looking back. The assistant wanted to ask about Jiejie's condition, but Jiang Siming had disappeared.

"How is this possible? How can it be done in ten minutes."

The assistant and others still didn't want to believe it.

Lin was three years old sitting on a chair and began to feel his body. Gradually, he found that the ulcer in his mouth was disappearing quickly.

This! This is real!

In less than ten minutes, all the ulcers on Lin's three-year-old body disappeared, as well as the high fever, and the whole person was in great spirits!

"I'm fine! I'm fine!"

Lin Sansui got up from the chair with a look of excitement and opened his mouth for them to watch.

Everyone in the dressing room seemed to see an extremely magical scene, and their mouths couldn't close in shock.

Outside, time passed by every minute, and finally it was time for the concert to begin.

With the brilliant lights on the stage, Lin Sansui appeared on the stage.

As soon as he appeared, all the audience enthusiastically cheered! The sound of the mountain whirring like a tsunami was like thunder.

Jiang Siming sat in an inconspicuous seat in the infield area, and when he came, he listened to the song.

Tickets of 6000 yuan can not be spent for nothing.

Jiang Siming even looked at this scene with some envy.

This is probably the ultimate dream of singers.

There are so many fans at any opening concert. As a singer, of course it is very honorable.

[Author's digression]: There is something in the store today, the update may be late, forgive me

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