I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 945: Mental Controller

Finally Jiang Siming noticed a young man standing on the roof of a small shop behind the car.

With the action control in his hand, he actually lifted the nearby waste car, lifted it high and smashed it at the zombies.

All the zombies that were smashed became meatloaf.

This made Jiang Siming quite surprised, how this person's skills are similar to his [Controlling Things].

But looking closely, it is not, it seems to be similar to mental power.

There were these four people, and soon all the zombies nearby were emptied.

Among them, the mentally powerful man jumped off the roof and quickly walked to the side of Jiang Siming's vehicle. When he saw Jiang Siming's car, a trace of undetectable greed flashed in his eyes.

It's just that this look was quickly covered, and it became friendly and sincere.

"Friend, are you from a foreign city? Driving in the city is too dangerous and will attract zombies. You hurry up with us. We have a secret safe base to ensure your safety!"

The man had a concerned and sincere tone on his face, and there was a slight mental fluctuation in his eyes.

If it were ordinary people, they would definitely choose to trust him without hesitation.

But Jiang Siming had already seen it through, but he didn't plan to stun him. He wanted to see what tricks these people had.

"Thank you, get in the car, tell me the direction, and I will drive over." Jiang Siming invited him friendly.

The four of them showed joy and all opened the door and sat in.

As soon as they entered the car, all four of them were shocked by the luxurious interiors inside. They had never seen such a good car.

The mentally powerful man quickly recovered, sitting in the co-pilot very politely to give Jiang Siming the way, and began to ask Jiang Siming something.

"Friend, where do you come from?"


"How did you come here so far?" The mentally powerful man asked in surprise.

"My family has its own security team. They escorted me all the way, but they all died." Jiang Siming made up a reason casually.

Men with mental power do not doubt that they have him, because people who can afford to drive this kind of car must be particularly wealthy families.

It is no surprise that such a wealthy family has a security team.

"Then what's your name?"

"Just call me Daming."

Jiang Siming chose a name casually, saying that his real name would arouse suspicion, after all, it is a Chinese name.

"Hello, Brother Daming, my name is Ryoichikawasuke, I am a mental controller, this is Taro Sakata, a mage of the fire system, this is Mr. Nohida, a sharpshooter, and this is Kosuke Gugawa , Is the archer of God."

"Can the evolutionary evolve the archer and the sharpshooter?" Jiang Siming felt a little interested.

"Yes, this is the rare inner core water in T1 zombies. They can improve them according to your best skills in your life. Mr. Nohida was an amateur firearms hobbyist, and Xiao Zuo was a bow and arrow enthusiast." Ryoichikawasuke Reply.

"T1 zombies also have kernels?"

"No, T1 zombies only have inner core water, but as long as ten parts of inner core water are concentrated, a normal inner core can be formed."

"Are you only four?"

"Of course not, we are a big family, there are probably more than twenty."

"All evolutionaries?"

"No, there are only six evolvers, and two of them are girls. They are staying at the base for the time being."

"What are their skills?"

"One will control plants, and the other will repair electronic equipment."

During the exchanges with Ryoichikawasuke, Jiang Siming learned a lot about the evolutionary.

Unexpectedly, in Yokohama, the number of evolutionaries has exceeded 3,000, most of them in the army, and some of them are ordinary people.

Jiang Si clearly did not expect that T1 zombies could also have a way to help people evolve. It seems that there are many knowledge points that cannot be obtained by himself as a lone ranger.

The car passed the directions of Ryoichikawasuke, and soon came to a very secret place, a river view manor on the bank of Yokohama River.

The gates and walls of the manor are covered with finger-thick vines. These vines become the strongest defense and protect the entire manor in place.

As soon as the car drove past, a few vines quickly spread over and wrapped the car.

"Yuko, it's us!" Ryoichikawasuke hurriedly shouted from the car window.

The vine suddenly stopped and retracted, then the door opened and a beautiful girl came out.

"Where did this car come from?"

The girl was cold and asked coldly.

And she doesn't seem to be very friendly to Ryoichikawa.

"Oh, Yuko, the car belongs to a survivor from Kanagawa City. He was surrounded by zombies. We rescued him."

Ryoichikawa seemed to like this girl very much. Not only did she speak softly, but she also became more gentleman in her actions.

"Daming-kun, this is Yuko, Yuko Suzuki, a plant controller, come out and say hello to her."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Siming got out of the car very cooperatively and said to the girl: "Hello, my name is Daming."

The girl saw Jiang Siming's look, her eyes were a little strange, but she quickly recovered.

"Will he join us? He is also an evolutionary?" Yuko asked.

"Brother Daming, are you also an evolutionary?" Ryoichikawasuke also forgot to ask this question.

Jiang Siming shook his head and said, "No, but I like swordsmanship very much. I am an amateur swordsman."

"Swordsmanship? Where's your sword?" Guchuan Xiaozuo wondered.

"In the car."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he returned to the car and quickly came out with a golden sword in his hand.

Desolate ancient relics are too knife.

Everyone was surprised to see this knife, mainly because it was so cool!

"Great, brother Daming, you join us, when we gather ten bottles of core water, your swordsmanship will definitely be super powerful by then!" Ryoichikawasuke began to solicit.

"Kernel water? Can I give it for free if I join?"

"Haha, of course not. The inner core water is very precious. Besides, this is your first time here, and we can't fully trust a new person."

"So?" Jiang Siming knew there were conditions.

"So if you want to join us to get the inner core water, you need to accept my spiritual planting."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Siming said.

"Don't worry, it's very simple. As long as you don't resist, close your eyes and allow me to plant a spiritual mark in your head. As long as you sincerely belong to our team, this mark will have no side effects on you."

"Are they both?" Jiang Shiming pointed to the three evolutionaries behind Ryoichikawasuke.

They all have the same mark on their arms. Jiang Siming thought it was a tattoo at first, but now he discovered that it must be related to a spiritual mark.

This kind of spiritual imprint says that it sounds better because you are afraid that the other party is bad.

But from another perspective, this is the prop to control others to become their own puppets!

As long as Ryoichikawasuke planted spiritual imprints on these people, these people could not betray him. As long as he had a thought, this person would die.

But Ryoichikawasuke made a grand-sounding excuse, saying it was for team safety.

But in fact, if Guchuan and the others had a conflict with Ryoichikawasuke, Ryoichi could kill them at any time.

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