The pharmaceutical company Jiang Siming said suddenly did not turn Qin Yiyi's mind.

"I plan to start a pharmaceutical company. Are you interested in helping me? I will let you be the president of the company."

"Pharmaceutical? What kind of medicine is made?" Qin Yiyi asked.

And said: "If it is an ordinary medicine, I don't recommend prescribing it."

When it comes to medicine, Qin Yiyi's professional ability is undoubtedly obvious.

"Because there are many kinds of common drugs, and there are various alternatives, the market for pharmaceutical companies is very saturated. It is very troublesome to build a pharmaceutical company for a common drug, and it is likely to make ends meet."

Qin Yiyi is really thinking about Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming naturally knew Qin Yiyi was kind.

"The medicine I am going to do is not an ordinary medicine."

"That is?"

Qin Yiyi naturally knew Jiang Siming's medical ability, which was like a god.

Any incurable diseases are caught in his hands.

So far, there are not tens of thousands of people who want to come to Heng Ai to seek treatment from Jiang Siming.

"It's a medicine to remove cancer cells."

"Impossible, there is no medicine in the world that can completely eliminate cancer." Qin Yiyi immediately denied.

After all, this kind of thing, any expert would not believe it.

Cancer and cancer cells are terminal diseases that current medicine cannot deal with.

Unless it is detected early, there is a possibility of cure.

But early cancer has no symptoms. Cancer cells are hidden in the body, so the human body will not feel any discomfort.

Unless the cancer has spread to the middle stage, it will cause other symptoms.

And early cure is also very troublesome.

Cure Jiang Siming said that cancer cells can be eliminated, and Qin Yiyi is unwilling to believe it.

"I said yes, I can, and when I return from Paris, I can take a patient for experimentation."

Jiang Siming's tone is very positive and confident.

Maybe it was because he subconsciously wanted to choose to believe in Jiang Siming, Qin Yiyi nodded in a ghostly manner.

"Well, if the cancer can be cured, I will do it for you for nothing." Qin Yiyi's pretty face showed an ancient side.

"Okay, then it's settled, and I will give you good news when I come back."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, after getting in the car, he left Hengai.

Qin Yiyi watched the shadow of Jiang Siming go away, a little stunned, but soon again full of expectations.

Jiang Siming wants to open a pharmaceutical company, and he will definitely come to the hospital often to deal with after that, hehe~

Thinking of this, Qin Yiyi turned around and walked lightly and cheerfully and returned to the hospital.

Jiang Siming was finally not late for this arrangement, and took his wife and family on board a first-class civil aviation plane.

The other Yinghuan employees are on the other seven planes.

As soon as he bought eight planes, Jiang Siming paid more than 20 million for just one trip.

Because they are all first-class, each ticket is more than 10,000 yuan, and it must be so much to come back.

The handwriting can be said to be inhumane.

Jiang Siming said that this was a trivial matter. The company made more than 300 billion yuan for him, and it was just a ticket.

The tour cost at least 60 million.

This time the family was out, and there were more people on the yacht than last time.

Liang Tian, ​​Qianyi, and Qi family sisters are all new members.

So on the way, the girls were chatting and chatting, and the boredom and boredom of the journey were not a problem in their eyes~

Jiang Siming could have been able to fly to Paris directly, which was much faster than flying.

But this time the wives went with him, and Jiang Siming had to spend their days on the plane with them.

After ten hours of flying, the plane finally arrived in Paris.

Everyone got off the plane.

Jiang Siming asked the department managers of the company and asked them to arrange an accompanying tour guide to take everyone to the hotel first.

As for himself, Li Chunlan was picking up the plane, and he took his wife and children into the car and slipped away.

All the way to his own Strath Castle villa, the wives saw that the villa was still near the sea.

And it's summer in Paris, and it's the beginning of winter in Shanghai.

At this time, they happily put on shorts and short sleeves and ran towards the beach.

The nearby area is full of Jiang Siming's villa area, so don't worry about other people coming to disturb their yaxing.

The beach and the sea can always arouse the mood that people want to play most.

Jiang Siming was also very interested when he first came, and even ran into the sea to swim around.

The sea here is not much industrially polluted, so the sea is blue and there are seagulls flying in the sky.

How can it be a beautiful word.

Jiang Siming has thought about it. The villa in Paris is close to the sea, but the Shanghai manor has no sea.

If you want to see the sea in the future, you can fly to Paris.

And this romantic city really makes Jiang Siming feel very good.

"You can play at home, your husband is going to the game."

Jiang Siming said to them with a smile.

There is Shengxue here, so don't worry about the safety of the wives.

Besides, when something happened, Jiang Siming's yin and yang skills can mobilize his wives at any time, possess them, and possess one-tenth of his own strength.

Any problem can be solved.

"You have to come back early~ waiting for you to take us to play in Paris."

"Some problem!"

Jiang Siming gave an ok gesture and left the villa temporarily.

This is the last game. After it is over, it means that there are really no other games this year.

After all, it will be the Chinese New Year in three months, and Christmas is coming soon abroad, so it must be in a resting state.

Jiang Siming must grasp and cherish this last game.

In the competition hall, in the center of the stage, the huge trophy was placed there, glittering with gold.

In the last game, all the players were still there, but there were 100 before.

This time it was 99.

Mxey was already cold.

After Guan Jiang Siming's computer last time, he was taken away by the police.

Although the game is not a big deal, it is illegal to put it abroad.

The Paris police will detain Mxey for two months.

Without this poor worm, Jiang Siming is still a little reluctant.

After all, every time Mxey was killed, he would give it to pieces.

Tell me, how can Jiang Siming let him go?

Oh, of course, it’s great to get him in jail~

At the competition site, the atmosphere was actually very harmonious.

Because everyone knows that the championship has been booked by Jiang Siming, there is no pressure to compete for the championship, everyone naturally relaxes a lot.

This Jiang Siming died when he landed, ranking 99, he was a champion.

"Everyone, how about we come together to kill Ming?"

This guy, Alow, comes from the joyous European and American regions, and he started to want to make trouble.

"But we don't know where he is, nor can we recognize him."

The players around are very excited, but don't know how to snipe.

"It's okay, as long as you see Jiang Siming killing someone, go to the brainless if you are near him!" Alow thought of a bad idea.

It was also approved by everyone, and everyone decided unanimously to kill Jiang Siming!

Comrade Lao Jiang naturally heard it too, but he only replied with a phrase: Ha ha.

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