There are less than 5 minutes left before the finals start.

Another singer left the stage after singing, everyone thought the opening ceremony was over.

But I didn't expect the elevator in the center of the stage to rise again!

A piano and an Oriental man appeared in front of everyone.

The European and American audiences were all taken aback when they saw this man. Who is this? A bit familiar.

And the first time all the Chinese audience saw it, they made a huge cheer!

Other European and American audiences are still inexplicable. Who is this person?

"Who is this? Jay?"

"No, this person is so familiar."

"A handsome oriental man! This is the most handsome one I have ever seen!"

"Is the finale a Chinese song?"

"God, I want a boyfriend like this. It must be super face to take out~"


There was no introduction, and no host reported.

Confused, they thought they wanted to listen to a Chinese song that they didn't understand.

As soon as the piano was played, Jiang Siming's singing sounded.


I understand your fear and pain


Let me share your worries and I will comfort you


I will be your beacon


I will keep you safe and sound


Kneeled when I spoke!

The standard London accent makes all European and American audiences unable to find any flaws.

And it's still a cappella, and the piano hasn't been played yet.

The sound of singing, like a clear spring, washes everyone's hearts.

Coupled with this stunning prelude, it instantly captured the hearts of all European and American audiences.

"What song is this?"

"I don't know, I have never heard of it."

"Wow! This man can sing a cappella too well!"

"sounds amazing!"

"Is this a new song?"


European and American audiences said that this a cappella skill can definitely kill many of their first-line singers.

The Chinese audience sneered at them, joked, and did not see who was singing on it.

Myojin’s songs are always good!

After a few comments, everyone hurriedly shut up, for fear of missing the latter part of the song.

At this time, the piano started, Jiang Siming's ten fingers flew on the keys, and the beautiful accompaniment floated.


When I see the devil hidden in your heart


I will stand up for you


Let them disappear completely


in the darkness


We were forced to separate


With the accompaniment, the singing voice is even more moving. Each sentence of lyrics is like a flower blooming in the hearts of European and American audiences.

This feeling is beyond words, but love at first sight!

Although the Chinese audience can't understand the lyrics, the rhythm of this song is fully in line with the greatest advantages of European and American songs.

Just listen to its rhythm and it makes them feel very beautiful.

Suddenly, the rhythm picked up.

The chorus part comes.

Like the prelude, but Jiang Siming's decibels and tunes have been improved by several levels.

In the loud chorus, the audience was quiet like a library.

No one was willing to make the slightest noise to break the atmosphere.

Knowing that the song was over, Jiang Siming got up from the piano chair, smiled and bowed to the elegant gentleman in the audience, and left the stage.

When Jiang Siming moved, the library instantly became a sea of ​​applause and praise.

All European and American audiences couldn't help clapping their hands, thanking this oriental man for bringing them such a beautiful English song.

Even many audience members are shouting, hoping that Jiang Siming will sing it again. They really want to hear it again.

The scene suddenly went from the scene of an e-sports competition and almost became a concert...

Originally, the opening ceremony was just a seasoning, the highlight was the competition.

In the previous program, everyone did this too. I hope that the opening ceremony will end soon and they want to watch the game.

But as soon as Jiang Siming came out and sang this song, everyone hoped that the game would start later, and hope Jiang Siming would sing another song.

Even the commentaries of various countries spare no effort to praise.

English commentary:

"Well, I admit, I was captured by this song."

"This singer is a Chinese singer, also a firefighter of RNG, and a professional player of PUBG."

"Really? Unbelievable!"

"He still has many identities. I also asked the organizer. They are sure that he wrote the song just now and it is the first time he sang it on stage."

"This song is called "Monsters". I only want YouTube to upload this song, otherwise I will have to watch the opening ceremony video over and over after the game."

China Interpretation Seat:

"Myojin is Myojin, and it always brings us great surprises."

"This song is so good to hear, Myojin must rush to the music platform, I want to hear it~"

"Rita, please pay attention. Myojin has a girlfriend."

"That wouldn't be able to resist his'attack' on my charm. Isn't it OK for me to be his fan?"

"Okay, okay, everyone stop, we are here today to explain the game."

"Yeah, how do you feel that everyone's atmosphere is off track, hahaha."


With Jiang Siming's departure, the opening ceremony is over.

But what left a deep impression on everyone is definitely Jiang Siming's new song.

After leaving the stage, Jiang Siming also came to the best stand and began to enjoy the S9 World Game with Great God and others.

In addition to the great gods and them, many people from the company came.

After all, I came to France to play. It’s not bad to watch the games. Many employees of the company like to play games.

The wives are not very interested in games, and they are still playing on the beach at home.

Of course, they didn't know that their husband was going to be famous again this time, and they also gained countless European and American fans.

After the game started, the scene finally recovered from the song just now.

The final match between G2 and FPX.

Jiang Siming thought that the process would be very tortuous, but who would have thought that the FPX of China Division, with a crushing attitude, would send away G2 3:0 and win the world championship!

The Huaxia Division also won the S championship for two consecutive sessions and became the well-deserved first division in the world.

Jiang Siming is also very happy about this. When he played League of Legends before, he often expected to win an S championship in the China Division.

Unfortunately, he didn't wait for S3 to S7.

Until the start of S8, IG won the first S championship.

S9 this year, FPX took another one.

And for two consecutive years, the South Korean Division, which has been calling itself the first division, has not made the finals.

If this is the case in LOL, let alone PUBG.

The two hottest games in South Korea have become a joke. It is estimated that South Korean players will have to cry, hehe.

After FPX won the championship, the scene was full of cheers from the Chinese audience, in this European home court (laughing and crying).

Five FPX members came to the stage and picked up the trophy.

This scene made Jiang Siming a little envious. Although he is not a professional player, he also wants a LOL S World Championship trophy.

I hope EDG can win next year. If he wins, the boss will definitely give out bonuses generously.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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