I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 986: Please continue to hate me

"My Love from the Star" has been broadcast on SBS TV in South Korea for more than a month.

This TV series became popular in Korea after it was broadcast! It quickly became the most popular TV drama of the year in Korea.

The topic of Cheon Song Yi and Do Min Joon was broadcast on TVs of thousands of households in South Korea.

The high-cold male **** Du Minjun played by Jiang Siming suddenly became an idol worshipped by thousands of Korean girls.

South Korean middle and high school campus...

"Have you watched "You From the Star"?"

"I watched, I watched! Du Minjun Oppa is so handsome~"

"Do you know, I fell in love with him the first time I saw him, wow yeah~"

"I'm already a hard-core fan of him, idol is from China!"

"It's a pity that it's only released in episode 22, and you must continue to chase after you go home today!"


On the campus of Korean University...

"I really envy Jun Ji-hyun, she can film with such a good man."

"I heard that this is Jiang Ouba's first filming, awesome!"

"I seem to be back in the days when my parents were fans of Leslie Cheung and Chow Yun-fat."

"Yeah, I thought China had no celebrities we like in Korea anymore. I didn't expect to be seen by me today!"

"Automatically become Jiang Ouba's idol +1!"

"Cut, you are only fan Jiang Oppa now. I fell in love with him long ago when he participated in "RM"~"


Among young Koreans, Jiang Siming quickly became their favorite foreign star.

Song Zhixiao and Lin Zhenna posted photos of themselves and Jiang Siming on Facebook for the first time.

And the Korean fans who deliberately greeted Jiang Siming said: I have taken a photo with your idols a long time ago.

This also caused many fans to envy the two women for a while.

Of course, this does not include boys. Most of the people who like Jiang Siming are girls.

As for young boys... it's too late to hate.

Not to mention the goddess who soaked them away, they were still in PUBG e-sports, and they broke the head of their Korean team.

To be reasonable, they hate Jiang Siming the most! none of them.

Of course, if Jiang Siming knew, he would be very happy.

Please don’t like me, I don’t need you to like me in this life, just hate me~

Of such a hot Korean drama, China’s major video sites will certainly not sit idly by.

So they all wanted to buy the broadcasting rights of "My Love from the Star" at a high price.

Penguin Video took the lead and directly bought out China’s exclusive broadcasting rights at a high price.

Yin Eun-hye almost didn't smile after selling the broadcast fee of a country.

Three hundred million! Soft sister coin!

However, most of the money comes from Jiang Siming, she is just a wage earner.

Yin Enhui told Jiang Siming the good news on the phone.

And on the phone, she hinted that she missed him very much, looking forward to his next visit to Korea, she would personally entertain him and so on.

After Penguin Video won the copyright, it immediately advertised.

Because they knew that Jiang Siming was the lead actor, they launched this drama when Jiang Siming's popularity was rising.

The effect must be admitted that Penguins can really do business.

So "My Love from the Star" was suddenly broadcast in China!

Jiang Siming, who didn't know what happened for the time being, had already appeared in the dungeon world at this time.

He hasn't entered the dungeon for almost a week, and went to bed early today while his wives were tired from swimming.

Jiang Siming didn't choose to toss them, and went to bed early with them.

Coming to the dungeon again, Jiang Siming wanted to find a place to try his [Large Cutting Technique] and [Large Control Snow Technique].

But as soon as he came in, he frowned.

He is like a golden courtyard, and has become a ruined wall.

And there was no one inside, and there was no breath of life.

Jiang Siming searched nearby for the first time, but still to no avail.

This made Jiang Siming a little anxious.

Although the dungeon world is just a dungeon, it is also a world inside, and the people who meet in it are also valued by Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming was worried that he had nowhere to find Yuko and the others, and his brain moved.

His Yin and Yang Gong is a woman who can control and perceive herself at any time.

Jiang Siming immediately used yin and yang power to sense Akihara Yuuka's position.

It really succeeded!

Yuxia Akihara and the others are at a survivor base. This base does not seem to belong to the military, but a prison temporarily remodeled.

It appears to be formed by civilian survivors.

Jiang Siming swept away with his mind and found that there were a lot of people, dozens of them.

But somehow, Jiang Siming is a little strange, because these people are all western faces.

Regardless, Jiang Siming didn't know what happened for the time being, so he had to go and see.

What made Jiang Siming a little relieved was that the six women, Yuuka Akihara, Kana Matsubara, Emi Matsuda, Atsumi Takakura, Yuko Suzuki, and Junko Mihara were all safe.

And it can be seen that all six of them have become much stronger than before.

Everyone has supernatural powers, and the power of supernatural powers is much greater than when Jiang Siming first saw them.

Not even lower than the energy of the T3 core.

He left for a week, more than two months have passed since Duplicate World.

Immediately stopping the perception, Jiang Siming disappeared in place with a small movement technique.

He has figured out where Yuuka Akihara and the others are.

Tokyo, Frontier Prison.

Jiang Siming also noticed when he rushed to Tokyo with a small shift technique.

The world seems to be messier.

T2 is already rare and strange, and there is one T2 in almost every thousand zombies.

T3 also has it, but less.

With so many powerful zombie energies, there are even stronger existences than T3.

It's just that they felt Jiang Siming's energy fluctuations, and they all hid immediately.

Jiang Siming did not intend to kill them right away, but went to Tokyo first.

In the border desert prison.

Yuxia Akihara and their six women live in the women's prison. As the six supernaturalists, they are the mainstay of strength in this base.

But inside, there are more powerful existences than them.

"When will Jiang Jun come back? If he is there, we don't have to send someone under the fence." It was Matsuda Kana, the youngest.

"Don't worry, Jiang Jun will definitely come back to us, we are his women, how can he abandon us." Qiuyuan Yuxia said soothingly.

Suzuki Yuko was a little embarrassed to hear this, after all, she was not yet.

"Are we really going to stay here? Rick and the others have annoyed the Governor. In a few days, the Governor and this group of guys will definitely kill here. They have three T** other abilities, and here Only Rick is a T3 ability person, we are all T2, we must not be able to beat it." Takakura Atsumi looked sad.

Yuxia Akihara sighed and said:

"But after all, Rick and his team have helped us, and they were very kind and polite to us. We just left when they encountered danger, and they would lose even worse."

Takakura Atsumi nodded when he heard this, and said, "There are still many women, children and children here, they are just ordinary people."


Thinking of this, the six girls showed worry and nostalgia.

In memory of Jiang Siming's days, they feel full of security and do not need to worry about danger.

Jiang Jun, Jiang Jun, where are you...


[Author's digression]: First!

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