I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 991: Poisonous Charm

The blade giant came to this T3, opened its big mouth, and swallowed the T3 zombie in one bite!

The zombie received a single blow, and all the tentacles were cut apart, and the body was also cut into thousands of pieces.

And this blade was not over yet, after passing through the T3 zombies, he rushed into the gas station, smashed the wall of the entire gas station, and rushed for a hundred meters before stopping.

Dao Girl and Carol watched this scene, their mouths slightly opened and their eyes dull.


Isn't he a mental superpower?

Isn’t it just his hobby to play knives?

Yuuka Akihara and Atsumi Takakura are not surprised, they just admire them very much, they deserve to be their men~

Jiang Siming ended the fate of this T3 with a single knife, waved the scabbard, and muttered: "The power is a little bit weaker."

This word was so harsh in the ears of Lady Sword and Carol.

Just... Is this less powerful?

The two were speechless.

Jiang Siming walked over and found a core and a cyan fragment from the debris of zombies on the floor.

"Pick up [Poisonous Charm] Cyan Fragment*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

[Poisonous Charm]: It can control different levels of toxin BUFF, the lowest 1 point can cause only minor physical side effects, the highest 100 points can modulate the world's most powerful toxin, even dinosaurs can die in one touch.

Toxin energy: 10000 points.

I didn't expect a cyan fragment to come out, and it was still related to poison.

But this also proves that the stronger the zombie, the more severe the fragments.

The inner core is a green inner core, about the same size as the earth-based inner core Jiang Siming got in the Yokohama cave.

Since it was a toxin-type kernel, Jiang Siming did not hesitate and threw it to Carol.

"This...Mr. Jiang, what are you?"

Carol didn't expect that Jiang Siming would give her a piece of T3 zombie kernel on the first day he met their team.

This is T3! The strongest Rick on their team is only T3, and there is only one.

There are only three T3 on the Governor's side.

The T3 kernel is the scarce and most precious thing in the current end times.

With a T3 core, even the worst attribute can easily exchange a truckload of food and water.

Now throughout the end of the world, whoever has the most T3 abilities will be able to dominate.

But Jiang Siming gave her such an important thing directly, how could Carol not be surprised.

"Take it, my people want this toxin core to be useless."

Jiang Siming said calmly.

Carol nodded in excitement, no longer hesitating, swallowed this core.

After ten minutes of evolution, Carol was promoted to a T3 toxin ability.

Jiang Siming also asked her to test her new abilities with great interest.

Carol immediately showed the strongest strength, strong toxins can even corrode steel.

However, Jiang Siming also saw that Carol's poison was only 20 points at most in his poisonous spell.

After reading it, Jiang Siming had no interest in it.

The Dao women and the others cleaned up all the rooms in the gas station before they all got in the car and left happily.

The knife girl used the walkie-talkie to tell Rick what they were here.

Hearing that they encountered T3, Rick was still a little worried, but the sword girl said that Jiang Siming had solved T3 with a single blow.

Both Rick and Brother Nuo couldn't believe it.

The sword girl also told them that Jiang Siming gave Carol the T3 core, and Carol became a T3 superpower.

Rick and the others were almost not excited, and they also expressed their gratitude to Jiang Siming again and again.

Even Brother Nu, who had some opinions on Jiang Siming, had nothing to say to Jiang Siming, the new leader.

Jiang Siming didn't take the bunch of thank you words from them, but just asked if they had found a high-level zombie.

Rick said with some shame that he didn't have it for the time being, but he said he would go to a place where zombies were easy to come and go.

Jiang Siming was not in a hurry, and asked them to continue searching.

And they themselves have also come closer to the city center.

But the car can no longer move here because there are traffic jams on all nearby roads.

If one or two cars are blocked, they can easily crash.

But at this time the entire road was blocked, and all the cars stopped on the road.

It is estimated that after the zombie broke out, people in the city wanted to drive away, but they didn't expect that they couldn't escape at all and could only be eaten by the zombies as a snack.

Jiang Siming wanted to use that Raptor fighter, but there was no landing spot nearby.

And the fighters can only sit on two people at most, so Jiang Siming doesn't plan to play fighters for the time being.

Can't drive, a group of people had to walk.

Just park the car on the road and lock it anyway, don't worry about being coveted by others.

No matter how powerful the unlocking master is, the door locks cannot be opened, and the windows are bulletproof, and you want to break them unless you use a rocket launcher to directly blast them.

The five people began to walk toward the city.

Sure enough, Tokyo is the place with the most zombies. There are zombies in almost every place, and some densely populated places are densely packed with zombies.

A few people tried their best to keep quiet, and the Dao Girl and Carol tried not to make any noise while walking.

Although these are just ordinary zombies, they can't stand their endlessness.

Tokyo has a population of over 10 million, and even if 70% of people become zombies, there are more than 7 million zombies.

Unless an atomic bomb is dropped, even Jiang Siming will not be able to clean up so many zombies.

Of course, if you cooperate with Immortal Beans and always have infuriating energy, it will only be a matter of time before these zombies are removed.

But Jiang Siming couldn't be so kind. He didn't want to be a free hero. Besides, this is Japan, not China.

Jiang Siming didn't want to waste his energy, these ordinary zombies neither gave kernels nor fragments.

Sword Girl and Carol walk in front, there is Sword Girl Taito, and Carol's Silent Toxin.

Some zombies in the way were easily resolved by the two of them, and they did not alarm the other zombies.

However, although he was careful, he was still unavoidably being spotted by some zombies.

A T2 speed type zombie stared at Carol. If he encountered it before, Carol would definitely be no match for this ghostly zombie.

But now she became a T3 superpower, and within half a minute, she solved the T2.

The whole body of this T2 was contaminated with toxins, corroding its whole body, including the brain, and it remained silent after struggling twice.

But Carol didn't know that this T2 actually died in Jiang Siming's hands, but she didn't pay attention at all.

After Jiang Siming secretly solved the zombie, no fragments came out.

Along the way, four more T2s were encountered before and after, none of them brought any debris to Jiang Siming.

This made Jiang Siming a little puzzled, could it be that the fragments no longer burst out of T2?

It's really possible.

This made Jiang Siming a little pity, he thought he could take advantage of so many pieces of debris in T2.

It seems that the target must be on T3.

[Author's digression]: Third update~

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