I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 994: Back to campus

"Mr. Jiang, are the materials in the subway station delivered to your room?" The Dao Girl asked respectfully.

Jiang Siming got off Rick's car, only to remember that there were still supplies in the subway station.

"No need, keep it for yourself, just to improve your strength."

When several people were overjoyed, they had never seen a more generous leader than Jiang Siming.

With the materials Jiang Siming gave them, Rick's team once again added three T3 abilities, and T2 added a dozen more.

Rick, whose strength has greatly increased, is even more convinced of Jiang Siming's new leader.

Rick and the others are good people. As long as Jiang Siming can have enough strength and his heart is not bad, they are of course willing to support.

And Jiang Siming's six beauties, of course, enjoy a better treatment for strength improvement.

Just in the past few days, the alchemy robots have made a lot of physical strength pills, and each of them was given a few pills, coupled with the strongest core, and each of them was promoted to a hermit yellow master with powerful abilities. .

Yuuka Akihara is a soil type power, Matsuda Emi is a gold type power, Matsuda Kana is a force and fire type, Takakura Atsumi is a spirit type, and Suzuki Yuko is a plant type.

Even Junko Mihara, who originally only had repair skills, also had electricity.

These abilities are very rare in themselves.

It's like a hidden profession in the game, and Jiang Siming directly cultivated a bunch.

In addition, they have become yellow-level masters, and now they don't talk about walking sideways in the dungeon world, there must be no problem with self-protection.

Two days later, the governor sent someone to attack.

But when the governor found out that Rick had two more T3 abilities than him, and there were a lot more T2 abilities than him.

As soon as the T3 ability players on both sides played against each other, the governor's side appeared to be defeated.

It didn't even need Jiang Siming to take action, the people on the Governor's side would be wiped out.

"I was wrong, let me go, Rick, for the sake of helping you and always wanting to work with you."

The Governor is a man who can bend and stretch. He immediately surrendered to save his life after losing. He knew that Rick was softhearted and played the emotional card.

"Rick, we can't be soft-hearted to him, soft-hearted to the enemy is cruel to ourselves." Brother Nu reminded.

But Rick still hesitated.

At this time, Suzuki Yuko came from the small building and said coldly: "He said, don't keep one."

he? Needless to say, I know who it is.

Brother Crossbow and Lady Dao showed their smiling faces one after another, and the new leader had exactly the same idea as them!

And if it is Rick, it is likely to let go of the Governor because of kindness.

When Rick heard this, he couldn't hesitate.

"Sorry, I am no longer a leader."



Before the governor finished speaking, he was shot headshot by Rick.

After this battle, the frontier prison was completely stabilized.

Jiang Siming handed the waste and ancient relics Taishou to Akihara Yuxia and the others, so that they could distinguish between good and evil and provide more protection.

He still continued to ask Rick and the others to search for T3T4 zombies.

Mark the location after finding it, and deal with it when he comes next time.

In this way, after nearly five days in the dungeon world, Jiang Siming retreated.

The reality is just a night away.

After a solid day at home, Jiang Siming randomly selected an Audi RS7 in the garage the next day and drove to Fudan University.

Today is the 110th anniversary of Fudan University. Jiang Siming has promised that the school will attend the meeting.

Compared with other wealthy people who go back to their alma mater to drive a variety of Wanhao cars, there are a lot of bodyguards and subordinates around them.

Jiang Siming is too low-key.

Many people may have forgotten this Audi RS7, but Jiang Siming always remembered it.

This is the first car in his life.

Later, because he rescued Zhao Xiaoxiao and crashed the front of the car, Zhao Xuan asked someone to repair it.

Although it was repaired a long time later, Jiang Siming already had an Aston Martin from Zhao Xuan.

After getting new luxury cars, the Audi RS7 has been kept in the garage.

Rarely opened today, Jiang Siming has the feeling of returning to half a year ago.

Drive all the way to Fudan University.

The gate of Fudan University was filled with flowers and balloons, and many beautiful and handsome students greeted the guests at the gate.

Jiang Siming parked his car in the parking lot outside. In fact, everyone who came to the school celebration today was either rich or expensive.

The parking lot was full of luxury cars, and Jiang Siming's RS7 looked shabby.

But Jiang Siming didn't mind at all. After he parked the car, he got out of the car and wiped the dusty rearview mirror with a paper towel.

"Cut, Tubao, I guess it's the first time I bought a car, it only cost more than 1 million broken cars, Dad, look at this person, I am so ridiculous."

A young man's voice suddenly came from behind.

Jiang Siming turned his head, it turned out to be a family of three, and the one who made the noise should be the young man with yellow hair and a lot of luxury goods.

Jiang Siming didn't say a word, he didn't care about the yellow hair, but looked at him.

When he saw Jiang Siming, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he slapped his son on the face.

"Asshole! What are you talking nonsense!"

The young man was dumbfounded, covering his face at a loss, and looking at Jiang Siming again, it seemed... as if he recognized it.

Obediently, he mocks the new richest man in Asia as a local bun?

The young man's complexion was purple, like pig liver.

"President Jiang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I didn't manage well, so I will deal with him severely when I go back!"

The middle-aged man quickly apologized.

In fact, Jiang Siming didn't know him at all, but he felt that his son dared to jump like this, so he should find Lao Tzu first.

"Then don't wait, go back and learn a lesson now." Jiang Siming said lightly.

"Yes... but I'm here for the school celebration, can you wait for me to finish the school celebration..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Siming interrupted:

"No, you can bring this kind of son to the school celebration. Fudan does not welcome you. If you don't leave, I will let the school arrange someone to send you out."

The middle-aged man has a wonderful expression. He knows that Jiang Siming is definitely not scaring him, he definitely has this ability.

What can he do, he can only smash his teeth and swallow in his stomach.

This face was completely lost, in the final analysis, it was because of his stupid son, who had nothing to mock at others.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man didn't slap him, and even slapped his son.

"Tell you to talk more! Tell you to look down on people! Tell you to sneer! I slap you to death!"

A very funny scene suddenly appeared at the entrance of Fudan University. Dad beat his son...

Jiang Siming was not interested in watching their father and son perform a bitter trick, so he turned his head and walked into the gate of Fu University.

"Are you a student?"

When he walked in, a junior girl hadn't seen Jiang Siming's face clearly, she thought he was an alumnus when he was so young.

"It used to be." Jiang Siming replied with a smile.

At this time, the students at the door looked at Jiang Siming, and suddenly screamed.

"It's Jiang Siming!"

"I'm going! It's Myojin!"

"It's Jiang Shen, my favorite Jiang Shen~"

"Senior Jiang came too suddenly, we were totally unprepared."

"Go and inform the teachers."


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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