I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 998: Sell ​​chips

"Study hard, brother waits for you to graduate and come to my company to make money for me."

This is what Jiang Siming left Fudan to Lu Yao.

But she didn't expect to be deeply remembered by Lu Yao, and it became her biggest goal in four years.

In the future, she will become a super-business empire. Jiang Siming's right-hand man is as good as Li Yingzi and Zhao Xuan.

Of course, these are just things.

Xia Ran’s assessment was scheduled for the next week. During this time, the little girl immersed herself in studying in Fuding Hotel, in order to live up to Jiang Siming’s expectations.

Originally, her level could be assessed today, but Xia Ran was afraid that if she did not perform well and was not selected, she would lose Jiang Siming's face.

That's why she said to Jiang Siming that she would study for another week before going to the assessment.

After the celebration, Jiang Siming still had something to wait.

One is that he had promised Hejiu to participate in the investigation, which was promised for a long time.

It's time to go anyway.

Besides, this time the drama bone award Mr. He is a free-for-money host, so I have to go without reason.

Another is the super mobile phone chip Jiang Siming got during the game.

This thing makes a lot of money and does not even lose to Yinghuan's Xiangmo, how can Jiang Siming be willing to keep it in his hands as an antique.

But if it is too troublesome to build a mobile phone company, it is also about factories, trademarks, and promotion.

In addition to the chip, it doesn’t work. It also needs a screen, a styling design, and has to worry about the replacement. The replacement of mobile phones is too fast.

These general managers all made Jiang Siming feel big.

He doesn't have time to do so many things, so he can make quick money.

As for how to make quick money?

It's simple, just sell the chip technology.

After deciding to sell the chip technology, Jiang Siming immediately asked his secretary and girlfriend to call several mobile phone companies.

There are OP, VIVO, ZTE, Lenovo, Xiaomi and so on.

They are all domestically produced, of course, how can this kind of mobile phone chips be sold to foreign mobile phone manufacturers.

What Jiang Siming wants is to cooperate with domestic mobile phone companies and rob foreigners of their money.

It's just like the apple rolls swept across China.

However, some domestic companies are not interested in this because they don't make chips.

Independent research and development of chips is a big project, and it is likely to be overwhelmed, so there are very few companies willing to research and develop.

Several companies are interested in Jiang Siming's super chips.

But after the final price negotiation, only Xiaomi, OP and Warwick could continue the negotiation.

However, both Xiaomi and OP are skeptical of Jiang Siming's chips. After all, they know that Jiang Siming specializes in financial and cosmetics and entertainment companies.

When did you dabble in a mobile phone company?

They are very skeptical and their negotiating attitude is not very positive.

Mainly because of Chong Jiang's fame, he sent two vice presidents to the company and it was over.

Jiang Siming didn't care, the baby was in hand, so there was no market.

If it doesn't work, then trouble yourself to start a mobile phone company.

Just the day before Jiang Siming set off to record the show in Changsha, Yinghuan came to a big man, the boss of Warwick.

The appearance of President Ren really surprised Jiang Siming. He didn't expect that President Ren would come to talk to him about this in person.

Ren is finally one of the few businessmen Jiang Siming admires. His Warwick company has a market value of three trillion soft sister coins.

And it is growing every year. In addition to mobile phones, Warwick also has communications.

Warwick is the world's largest telecommunications infrastructure provider.

The most leathery is the 5G technology independently developed by Warwick, leading the world, including Qualcomm in the United States are far behind in 5G technology.

This is the core of Warwick's soaring sky in the future. With this 5G technology, the momentum of Warwick in the future will be out of control.

It's easy to surpass Apple.

Don't feel exaggerated. Apple doesn't have 5G. If you want to develop 5G, you have to rely on Qualcomm. You can imagine how awesome the future Warwick will be.

What's the big deal about 5G?

Here, Teacher Jiang is going to give everyone a popular science.

Because many people just think that 5G is just a bit faster than 4G.

But in fact, it is too fast, too much, soon, and it can change the world!

It takes about 26 hours to download a movie on 3G network.

For 4G, wait about 10 minutes.

But with 5G, you only need 3 seconds.

What speed is this, a two-and-a-half-hour movie in 3 seconds.

Those who like to download certain island-country movies are going to have fun, and they will never have to watch too much online anymore, which is always appetizing.

This is only a small advantage.

If 5G technology is mature, it can subvert human life, and it is a technology that can change all the rules of the game.

From driverless to smart home, speed up the process of the Internet.

Allow doctors to operate on patients on the other side of the world;

Allows you to watch the video and never buffer;

Can make your phone never hang up;

If 5G technology matures, it can provide about 3 million jobs and create a GDP of more than US$50 million.

And if you master 5G, you can check the private things that anyone has done online, including mastering military secrets and commercial secrets of various countries.

It also includes monitoring and cutting off the communication data flow of all countries.

This is a terrible thing.

This is why Qualcomm and Warwick made such a fierce fight some time ago.

With the advice of that Trump, they said they wanted to control 5G technology in the United States.

This is 5G.

It is technology, but also a strategic resource.

Being able to develop and lead the world, Jiang Siming naturally admires President Ren very much.

Emm...Is it possible that Ren always picked up the debris...

Hey, just kidding.

The two met in Yinghuan, an old man in his 70s. Although his face was deeply wrinkled, he was still very energetic.

Moreover, with his own business magnate, Jiang Siming was once again compared to his business aura.

It was Ali Ma and Wang who were compared to the richest man before, and now there is another one.

"Hello, President Ren, I'm Jiang Siming."

Jiang Siming was the first to speak.

President Ren smiled kindly and shook hands with Jiang Siming cordially.

"Unexpectedly, the new richest man in Asia is younger and better than what I saw on the Internet. It's a kind of talent. No wonder my granddaughters are fascinated by you, and even the granddaughter wants to ask me to beg you."

President Ren laughed honestly.

Jiang Siming smiled with a weird expression and said, "Why didn't Mr. Ren tell me this good thing earlier."

"Hahaha, it's not too late now, right?"

"It's late, now I can only be friends."

"Then I will go back and tell them to let them die."

After the two said, they laughed at the same time.

Mr. Ren’s laughter is indeed very contagious, making people feel like they have met a kind old grandpa and chatted with you.


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